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Everything posted by Yoshi1176

  1. I would kidnap Church and demand they let me work there or ill kill church. OR ill just apply for the job first option seems less complicated. I would be the janitor for them if it ment i get to hang out with these guys.
  2. Yoshi1176

    Stealth Camo

    While I dislike the camo I think that its better then Reaches because it actually hides you and you dont have to be perfectley still for it to work.
  3. Uhh what would be there didnt it get glassed, Besides what would be there?
  4. "Adm. That star in the center is earth, the one on the outer edge is reach there trying to come in like the covies did. I guess were supposed to do something about this, whats your plan, You know I think we should talk about this in my cabin" walks out of the bay to his quarters.
  5. "Adm. follow me" he walked over to they walked over to the back of the bay he showed a map " this was found on a dead Knight there sending an invasion force."
  6. I thgink i saw the Earth day one once but im not swure. If they did this it would be really cool to have something like that in the game.
  7. Welcome! my german shepards name was fritz... Nice name see ya around
  8. You did it, Good job why do you need it written down?
  9. "Adm.Parker were docked, can you come down to the Apollos loading bay we have something... Valentine out."
  10. Hey coulld you maybe send Razgiz squad over to the apollo
  11. Welcome to the forums! I'll be around alot so come say hi every once in a while.
  12. Crawls away using his only remaining arm. " I'm taking the cure with me!" he yelled
  13. Adm.Parker, how big is your ship!? were the same size as the Infinity? The captain ran his hand over his head, and said " this must be one hell of a ship"
  14. Ahhh im still dieing help anyone? i have the cure
  15. Luke Lancaster Ahh im dieing the end ( feel free to use this however you want )
  16. "Parker, this is Valentine I'll be at your postion in 2 hours we are just about done loading up the Apollo. Valentine out." The captain said to himself, lets get this show on the road. as he left dock.
  17. Yoshi1176


    It just feels similar to me. thats just my opinion but yeah the map feels similar to me because of the way it is played. Yes people camp sometimes but they get taken out fairly fast, if they're there for a long time thats your teams fault for not taking care of it.
  18. Yoshi1176


    Thats just your opinion but i really like that map it reminds me of sword base in a way for some reason... maybe the gameplay? But ya i like it.
  19. Do what you need but even if you dont like the game the forum has a lot of great people to talk to... See you later hopefully.
  20. My cousins brought halo 3 over and i fell in love.
  21. Name: William Valentine Rank:Frigate captain Race:Human Apperance: 6 feet 2 inches Dark hair grey band of hair above his ears. age 29, clean cut. Weapon:Magnum History: served on many ships in different campaighns aroun the inner colonies was promoted to captain at Reach when he deafeated 2 covenant cruisers with only one ship. He was awarded with Being captain of the UNSC Apollo the sister ship of the Infinity Name: UNSC Apollo Class: Infinity class (is that what its called if not please tell) Crew size:17,367 Including marines citizens ODST's Spartans and Scientists Armanent:4 series 8 MAC guns, 1,100 missile types including archer rapier and howler missles History: recommisioned in 2557 along with the infinity.
  22. I think you have to time it good to hit it it sometimes follows it because the connection like said above.
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