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Glory of a Far Dawn

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Everything posted by Glory of a Far Dawn

  1. Due to an Unexpected death in our family, I must leave the house for a time. This family member lives in france and is 15 Hours away from our home. Now i will be back within reasonable time, yet i do not know for sure. For the second issue, i must Resign from SURVIVOR, it is at the most unopportune time that this happens. I will at the least be back on the 26th. For those who wish to know, she died peacefully, without pain. It was cancer. To spare the other details, i will stop this now. Regards, Quentmnaster
  2. Good luck, and hope to see you back one day :3
  3. When my father bought it for me, i looked up the trailer and saw: ''You are humanity's last hope'' and then i was sold for life.
  4. I didnt found them really good as remake, like biggles said, but as standalone.,
  5. 10. Metal Gear Solid 2. 9. Donkey Kong 64. 8. Assassins Creed 2. 7. Skyrim 6. Zelda: Twilight Princess. 5. Final Fantasy 10. 4. Super Mario 64 3. Halo 2. 2. Zelda: Majora's Mask. 1. Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. Exactly the same.
  6. Count me in as a reserve Engineer. GT: Quentmnaster
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