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HaloGamer 7

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Everything posted by HaloGamer 7

  1. if I could I would pick all but I just picked the 3rd option I thought it would be cool
  2. Anniversary FFA Has a few gametypes with armor abilities and so do some big team battle. Good luck
  3. Im going to be there. I HAVE TO
  4. There's already a thread for this
  5. Yeah my GT : byMafia
  6. I need help with cortana and halo..thats it Message me on Xbox GT: byMafia
  7. Sounds cool hope this makes an appearance and the maps should be tested first.
  8. And then assist spree ? Yeah that would be cool so you get something for having your kill stolen or helping a teammate.
  9. Weather of maps?like rain,snow,lightning.ect...
  10. Im going to have to say elites They add a bit of challenge and with IWHBYD they will sometimes say funny stuff.
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