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Bobo Magroto

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Everything posted by Bobo Magroto

  1. I have returned from the void! No longer MIA Backstory: I use to come here back in the days of Halos 3, ODST, Reach and 4... soon disappeared post Halo 5 since I never gotten Xbox One and left the Halo series behind, gotten a resurgence after Halo MCC came to PC and been told the someone via Halo server on Discord the forum still exists... so here we are! My name is Bobo Magroto, gotten into Halo 10 or so years ago, first game being Halo 3 ODST... happy to be back and looking forward to hovering around like a monitor... (sadly lost my Xbox Live Gamertag due to email loss... new one is Free Agent 226 ) Anyway, Im back, so... g'day
  2. Bounty Updated. Bounty now stands at: 164,918,125

    1. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Who's the one who'll be taking the bounty at last?

  3. Tonight, we plan on eat lamb, sacrificing a virgin and dance the night away, anyone want in?

  4. Nothing personal about using Legendaries in battle. I'm just not a big fan because of the time, they HP loss the same as any other, and some are *hehehehe* 4x sufferers
  5. " and " - 226 Productions
  6. Bounty Update - Bounty now stands at 150,760,663

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      We'll get those Keebler Elves eventually.

    3. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      @Mr.Biggles - Too cool and just wanted ^^;

      @Quantum - Why ask questions? Just get the bounty

      @Self Destruct - Get them before they get me XD

    4. Quantum



  7. Awesomesauce, Good job on making Legend, EGYPTIANGHETTO
  8. Making a lot of appearing and disappearing acts lately so don't mind me :)

    1. Absolute Dog
    2. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      Perks of having the out of town job, Absolute Dog... That's also why I've missed alot of Playdates too

  9. Here's my lastest picture of self... It's a bit hairy though
  10. 133: Performing an Assassination on a Suicide Grunt (I've done that just the split second after he got the grenades out)
  11. Looks awesome, gents. Would love to check that out
  12. 93: A Grifball Tank going berserk (We've been there -fighting them-, plus I'm a berserk tank too )
  13. As long as they aren't legendaries... true on rareness, but they can still cop a hiding from anything else
  14. Been a long time since playing Pokémon, still remember the what is whats XD
  15. Will they get access to their own copy of Forward unto Dawn?
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