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Everything posted by HappehNinja

  1. Howdy partner! Welcome to the community.
  2. It's weird that the "Helmet" option is not available. Since it's not there, then I'd say the Visor, because that's what one of the things that I find to stand out of our favorite spartan, Master Chief.
  3. Maybe because people want to try something new?
  4. Forerunner vehicles would be nice. A new weapon for each class would do great, specially if it's another primary.
  5. I really see no sense to double exp... people that use it may seem higher level, but their skill and ratings doesn't seem to be equally high. Though, I do like Mountain Dew...
  6. Yeah, I miss Hayabusa... Old helmets, huh? I guess that could work.
  7. I disagree with having the loadouts removed, however, a classic slayer game type sounds interesting.
  8. Casual. Though, if I see something I consider a challenge, then competitive.
  9. It would be great to play Minecraft with one of these! Though, wouldn't it cause quicker eye strain, compared to a television screen?
  10. That sounds good. Thanks for sharing that. However, I would like to know what could happen according to the factor that I stated:
  11. I was wondering what could happen after Cortana's final events on Halo 4. Supposing that the idea of Cortana not coming back as canon, how would Master Chief get battle assistance, intel on covenant activity, and/or the ability to be able to understand covenant (and forerunner) artifacts? Will he get help from a team, a new companion, or a new AI?
  12. Hmm... I don't think Halsey should take a mayor role, but I do agree that she must make some appear more often.
  13. I would like to give an in-depth opinion about Halo 4's campaign, but I don't have the time to do so. I'd say 343 tried to introduce us to the "Storm elites" and the Didact's Promethean force in order to get some background information on further covenant plans and to be able to unravel further story progression. I did found the Didact to be unexpected, so Halo 5 should answer some questions regarding this and other matters. I feel that Halo 4's campaign was rushed, but it's still pretty good to say the least.
  14. You might want to take cover every now and then (if available). If your enemy tries to pick you up after you do so, act accordingly. Though, it also depends on your playing style.
  15. I agree. I found Cortana's death to be an interesting twist for the game actually. Makes me wonder how Chief can move on with that, and how will Halo 5 follow.
  16. I'd say both games are great. I didn't like CoD BO2's campaign, though. However, of the two games, I'm in favor of Halo 4.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GweHZ--Io2Y
  18. I don't think so... though, it would be great to see a little extra something for the effort.
  19. Here you go guys. This was during Infinity Slayer. http://www.343industries.org/forum/gallery/image/2301-hammer-vs-sword/
  20. Racing maps. Also, medium scaled maps capable of 4x4 and 6x6 players, with small vehicle action, lots of strategically placed cover and 1-2 small buildings with 2-3 floors.
  21. The Covenant look mamali-what? No, they're reptilian.
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