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Everything posted by HappehNinja

  1. The sticky grenade is fine as it is. That "magnetic" effect is probably due to connection issues, be it yours or the host's. Besides that, they still require good timing.
  2. Yeah, it would have been a great gametype, but Elites weren't brought to the game, so I really doubt they can make an appearance on H4.
  3. Howdy partner! Welcome to the community.
  4. I'm still not convinced that he could survive a pulse grenade to the chest... but I guess that's up to 343i to explain later on H5.
  5. Sounds good, but how would the spartan team protect the civilians from in-coming fire, since the primary objective would probably be killing them.
  6. Why not just go and play CoD instead? I'm just saying, there's no need to create an account just for the sole purpose of expressing your opinions about how you don't find Halo 4 to appeal as much as the other tittles. I strongly disagree with you saying that this is basically CoD. There might be a few similarities on some mechanics for the game, but both games are certainly not the same. I found the game to be just as entertaining as the other tittles, and thought that the way how the story continued was fascinating.
  7. Wouldn't be nice if they made a hardlight axe? I mean, there's a sword, and a hammer, so I guess that an axe would be a plausible idea.
  8. I guess you could say that they "die" supposing that their binary codes (or data) are being spread all over the place upon destruction.
  9. The game's still playable? Then yeah, that's cool, I guess.
  10. Perhaps your disk's data is damaged.
  11. Indeed. An alpha flood playlist would be nice.
  12. It SHOULD come out for the next system... I mean, this ain't CoD. It takes time to write an epic sci-fi story in contrast to your average generic world war story.
  13. So I guess that having a grenade blow up on your chest is nothing...
  14. Yeah, I was reading about the console and so far it was looking good... until this showed up. I hope it's not canon.
  15. Thanks for sharing the video. I really want to acquire this game so badly...
  16. Howdy partner! Welcome to the community. You're in the wrong section... by the way, Aye!
  17. Nice post, as expected from Syko. I can't wait to see the how this bad boy is going to turn out (probably good).
  18. I didn't find any difference actually... It's fun either way.
  19. Howdy partner! Welcome to the community.
  20. A sentry gun that goes mounted on your spartan's shoulder and shoots ballistic rounds would be awesome.
  21. I heard somewhere that they are humans turned into data, or AI if you will, by the Didact. So basically those are constructed soldiers with former humans.
  22. Or they are just a different species...?
  23. That would require for special small maps that could host such a small fight.
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