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Status Updates posted by ΠΘVΛ

  1. And this would be the third year in a row a family member is sent to the hospitable indefinitely before Christmas. No wonder mom and I have such a sense of humor, I think we need it to keep going. lol.

  2. I'm exited to find out about the original Nova. Without him I wouldn't be respected Nova, Or anyone at all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Buns
    3. Zaguroth


      You are the original Nova.. unless he gave his account away.. or you're just trying to see how many people you can fool...

    4. ΠΘVΛ


      To please Azaxx (excited)

  3. Hey Elf! hows it going?

    1. Zelda


      Good. Yourself? :)

    2. ΠΘVΛ
    3. Zelda


      Its been a rather long time since you've been on. lol. :)

  4. Hipster friend: "I remember Arcade Fire before they got famous *sigh*" Me: " Yeah... you know, I watched 'Beez In The Trap' when it only had 5 million views" *silence*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΠΘVΛ


      ^Oppa hipsta' style

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      I subscribed to TMW when they only had 200 Subscribers... And I saw "Thrift Shop" by Maclemolre and Ryan Lewis when it only had 300 views.

    4. Zelda


      Nova! Long time no see! :D

  5. Watching old Halo 3 machinima's. They're so bad but 'classic' and I love them.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      A few of them We're really good.

  6. Roll on thou! deep and dark blue ocean roll. 11/21/16

  7. Hm, has anyone ever tried escargot? and I'm serious, how did it taste?

    1. Jam



    2. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD

      Just like the animal, the true flavor comes...slowly

    3. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Never before, a lot of people say it tastes nice though. :)

  8. It's not hard living up to me, but my brother has surpassed me by a landslide, he's going to the first private school founded in all the British common wealth. I'm very proud of him, but wow I can't help but feel somewhat jealous when he's going to 'hogwarts'. lol.

  9. My cat ran away today. Dad had left the door open. I called his name shook some treats, and nothing. I was in the basement about to cry when I see him jump up on the deck, I ran out to get him and when I carried him inside he was rolling on my legs and jumping up on me. he has dirt all over him and looks like he had a pretty tough day for a fat indoor cat. I'm so glad hes home.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      Those Microchips are worth any cost to be able to find your friend if they ever get lost.

    3. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      My dog ran away and never came back. He was all like "Hashtag YOLO Swag" and ran as fast as he could. (True story)

    4. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Hey Forum Dinosaur

      ! #YOLOSWAG is my thing! >:(

  10. I think I just joined a society... awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ΠΘVΛ


      it's actually the Cunard Steamship Society. I'm really exited!

    3. Fishy


      So you joined... Then exited? XD

    4. Azaxx
  11. Today was a good day. I got to hang out with a friend I once called my best friend for most of my young life. He and I split after he became friends with people who got him into drugs. It was nice talking to him and knowing he is coming back to his senses, today was the first day we hung out in almost two years and instantly we talked as if no time had passed. Sorry for the long status but I'm just really happy and wanted to share :)

    1. Quantum


      Good for you and your friend?

    2. Zelda
  12. Regrets, a new year, a new era. Time to do something, something great.

  13. My new profile picture is actually a picture of your's truly wearing his new Christmas present. Best present I've gotten in a while :3

  14. I'm starting to think the police are getting too large of a share of the tax money, each police officer gets their own police dodge charger...

  15. WWII was coming to a close, the tide had turned and he Nazis were running, in one confrontation to gun point a Nazi war leader pleaded that his captor do whatever to him and not unto his family, the captor replied "I'm not a Nazi".

  16. There, got my picture back on, Syko, I don't think that joke this morning was worth it, lol.

  17. Canadian's, things are getting pretty steamy over here, eh. And I'm not talking weather wise.

  18. One of my neighbors has a 1960 Cadillac De Ville... he leaves it out in the cold. This weekend I'm going to ask him if there would ever be a time he may think about selling it :3

  19. 3 more images in my gallery... maybe if I bombard new images someday I can get myself noticed. lol

    1. Azaxx


      Do what I did. Make a thread int he forums. I got noticed that way.

    2. ΠΘVΛ
  20. Almost 600 views on my gallery :D I quite love working on my gallery now, I'll get some more images up sometime today :3

    1. GermanShepherdD
    2. SykoWolf
    3. ΠΘVΛ


      Rain on my parade, lol. No but good for you :3

  21. How lovely, today at starbucks the lovely lady behind the counter asked for my name and I replied "Nick". When I obtained my drink I found she had spelt it with a 'd'...

  22. 8,049 this round... lets see if it can be beat when Halo 5 comes around.

  23. Bad news, my dad didn't pre order the game... I thought I would have to wait a week to get my hands on it. Good news apparently my EB games over stocked on Halo 4 copies, I'll be playing when my dad picks it up tomorrow :)

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