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Caboose The Ace

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Everything posted by Caboose The Ace

  1. Now I know this isnt ever gonna happen but in an ideal world Halo 5 would be wipped for canon and Halo 5 would actually be a sequel to Halo 4 and pick up where that game left off instead of scrapping it and replacing it with the whole Cortana is evil Spartan Locke storyline nobody cares about. So it would be centred around the Chief as his character is explored due to the fact Cortana isn't in this game. Blue Team can come back but they'll be a much better explanation and not just oh here Blue Team non book readers. The Didact would also be the main antagonist with the Janus key and Halsey and Jul playing key roles. I know this is brief but you get the point I want a sequel to Halo 4 not just 343 running out like a headless chicken with no clear vision reviving characters for no reason and making new ones nobody cares about because there terrible.
  2. Dont know how many of you have PS4's but if you do I really recommend Horizon Zero Dawn. Not many games have impressed me recently but daym, Horizon is amazing and worth getting over anything else I'd say right now.

  3. Okay now this is something I know well. Best Marvel Movie.... Ohhh its tough. In terms of best made I'd say Captain America the Winter Solider or Guardians of the Galaxy but in terms of my actual favourite its 100% Civil War. Because its the cultivation of most of the MCU so far in terms of characters and character development. Take Iron Man and Captain America for example. Iron Man is for more control and oversight, Cap is not. But if you asked Iron Man during his first solo film he'd say the opposite of what he's saying in civil war and so would Cap. And I just love how the stances they take now are the polar opposites of what they initially would have and is entirely influenced by the evens of the films. And then there's the other characters like Black Widow, Bucky. he return of Spider-Man and the final fight being the best fight in the whole MCU. That brings it to my favourite. As for worst. That's debatable but my personal worst is Iron Man 2. Apart from a few standout scenes the whole films bores me, even on my first viewing its bored me which is something a film should never do. Its just 2 hours of occasional awesome fight scenes and Tony Stark talking too much and basically nothing happens. Literally take Iron Man 2 out the MCU and the only thing that happens is that Rhode gets a suit. So yeah I hate this film and I've only watched it twice and never again.
  4. Well it dosent take much to copy and paste and churn the same stuff out the meat grinder does it.
  5. I completely understand you it sucks and 343 are stupid for doing it. Only thing I can say is due to poor sales numbers (and one of the factors being no split screen) I'm pretty sure Halo 6 will have it included. I mean 343 can't be that dumb can they... Can they?
  6. All really awesome stuff, especially the helmet, my god its awesome but seriously you need to dust this stuff off and I thought I was terrible with dust. But yeah and I gotta say it again that helmet is awesome!
  7. A mix of Titanfall 2 and Kotor Titanfall 2 I got for christmas. Its a good game but I have been only playing multiplayer. Its got a lack of content but tbf it more than makes up for it becuase the gameplay is just soo godamm addicting its unreal. And Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. I usually do a yearly playthrough of these games around the first few months of a new year. There the only games that don't get old for me and especially with the sequel I learn a new detail every time that adds insight to the story. As you have to do a lot of piecing together yourself and the story isn't laid out for you. And yeah I recommend both if your looking for an awesome shooter and a two awesome RPG's.
  8. Sup guys its Scarce here

    1. Maestro


      Heeeeeeeey Vsauce! Micheal here.

  9. I know and i can sympathise with you i hate being in games where there is no chance of winning and its basically a meat grinder. But the system dosent recognise you were getting rekt all it could see was that you had quit the game and as the others said you had quit others too before. My advice is, if a game is almost over just stick with it
  10. I know and i can sympathise with you i hate being in games where there is no chance of winning and its basically a meat grinder. But the system dosent recognise you were getting rekt all it could see was that you had quit the game and as the others said you had quit others too before. My advice is, if a game is almost over just stick with it
  11. Anyone here remember Blue Team?

  12. Saw the Assasins Creed Movie for a second time and I can now confirm its not godawful. Its not a great film but its not one of the worst films either like most critics will have you think

  13. Eh the third party support was a step in the right direction. Then again all of this was said when the WII U was was announced and look what happend. Third Party support died in a month. So only time will tell, hopefully this console won't flop but right now looks like its going to be another sales bomb.
  14. IKR and that's a real shame. One of the reasons Sony knocked it out the park with the PS4 was because they were short on money and had to appeal to the consumer and innovate. Lack of money tends to push those things. Nintendo doesn't have to care and will die a slow painful death instead.
  15. Only postive thing I can say is that they are embracing third party support. Everything else is just underwhelming and stupid and shows how desperate they are for relevence.
  16. I've been thinking about this issue a lot and finally after talking about it on the forum I decided to make a topic. Now don't misunderstand me, the REQ system isn't pay to win in the traditional sense and on paper can seem okay. And when your a veteran player it can seem like a decent system too because you have everything. When your a veteran player Warzone its fine, you have all the awesome weapons and vehicles but as a new player what do you really have? Nothing your base weapons and vehicles are nothing compared to anybody else. Meaning you cant do anything really. So your either forced to keep playing doing terrible on no fault of your own and grinding until you finally start to get decent equipment which could go on forever because RNG is stupid. Or pay money and possibly get nothing. So basically for new players warzone is almost unplayable and I just wanted to highlight this.
  17. I forgot this was campaign only so when I saw the combat score I was about to go into full nerd rage mode but then remembered multiplayer wasn't included. And although I think the score could be buffed up and your being too harsh I can see your points. Good review, I liked it and keep it up.
  18. I do own an Xbox One and Halo 5, well sort of. Its shared with a friend. I have played the Halo 5 campaign though and dabbled in multiplayer. So what I mean by the game looked good but looked bad is this. Graphically the game looked great. Obviously. Its the newest Halo game it has to be and anyone who disputes this doesn't know the what there on about. Its got the highest polygon count of any Halo game. But yet I've heard people argue that the Halo 3 Scorpion looks better than the Halo 5 Scorpion. But how could this be? Its because Halo 3, well not be as good graphically as Halo 5 arguably has a better art design. I personally think Halo 3 has more realistic and gritty and Halo 5 more cartoony in how the world looks. And so I think Halo 3 looks better but it doesn't actually. If that makes sense. Don't know if I've explained it but i'll wait for your response to find out I guess.
  19. Tbf I don't mind either way and the sounds supringly didnt bother me. I just accepted them as new. But if you guys are looking for something else to watch this video I found is another interesting things to watch after. Halo 4 Cutscenes with Bungie Music. https://youtu.be/X0gax6KEOtE
  20. No I've always seen myself in the first person funnily enough, what's with all these drunk truths give me something else. Another truth.
  21. Yeah now you've explained it I can actually agree with that. Good point. Advance but not in a way that changes things if that makes sense.
  22. Yeah twice, like a month ago last time. Okay another truth plz lets keep that ball rolling.
  23. 1562 likes, 5,214 posts. Really speaks for the quality of those posts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom
    3. Melody


      Mine is about even.

    4. Fishy


      We get it Melody, you're a feminist, not EVERYTHING has to be equal.

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