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Everything posted by VivaLebowski

  1. As much as I hate popularity contests, dont be a communist
  2. How in the name of gods green earth did you get elected? With the introduction of an executive office, the forum is on a no holds barred death spiral into authoritarian dictatorship. Calling it right now, we are one step away from totalitarianism people!
  3. I'd say yes, simply beacuse the Universe would be more fun, more colorfull and make for better stories that way. I'm not talking scientifically here...allot of this depends on how inanimate matter made the jump to life...very mysterious when you think about it. BUT I'm a theist, and I think God is an artist, and he pursues effects in the Universe beacuse, among other reasons, they make for a better piece of art. I'm not God but I think ,Considering how big the universe is, and how interesting life is, the big man up stairs would not leave it all empty of life except for our tiny infentismal speck, simply beacuse the Universe would make for a better work of art full of life then almost completely empty of it.
  4. As a relatively new member, I appreciate your post for the insight it gives to how the forums evolved. Interesting to see how communities grow and change. I havent been here too too long, nor am I a high intensity poster or participant, but congratz on the last year and heres to the future!
  5. Wha'd yall who have seen the New Ridley Scott Flick think of it? I'd give it a solid 3 and a half out of 5 stars for awesome effects, scary sequences and some pretty entertaining characters. Have to take points off beacuse I thought the back story and science fiction elements of it did not hold up too much or stay consistent even if it was a very intriguing premise. I'd say it asked the big questions but failed to deliver any sort of response. Not that it needed to neccasarily but the profound questions were lost in the standard, Alien-esque horrible gooey things are happening, people are touching things for no apparent reason, sticking their faces close to unknown substances and or creatures, that kind of thing. I thought it was one of the best looking movies I've seen in several years though, an absolutely dynamite visual sense.
  6. Well said, Doctor, well said. The eloquence of that statement brought a tear of admiration to my eyes. It touched the very fathoms of my jaded soul. Verily, I say sir, an earthskaing revelation. But with regards to the OP, I like the avatar. I can see no Sig, howevor.
  7. I'm about to start crying. Someone hold me. Whats that? He's not leaving permanently? Hurray!
  8. If you seek to give us a SHOT we'll riddle you. I'll give you a hint: Its a Helicopter. Welcome to the forums.
  9. Is there any crime too low for these Penguins?

    1. Darathem


      Is this a trick question??

  10. I'm betting fiddy dollas (aka, 1 fat Benjamin, if you know what I'm saying) that Cortana ends up sacrificing herself at the end of the series after spending some time as a villain after rampancy is reached... Though I like your idea...kinda seemes like an appropriate end to her arc...evolving into something new via ancient tech. Intriguing.
  11. How in the name of Gods Green earth am I number 17? Does trolling and being sarcastic as hell earn me brownie points towards that? I mean...if this was the Most Obnoxious Members, first or second place would not surprise me. But thanks for the ranking!
  12. They just need to balance it a bit more...I personally think the only thing which needs fixing is the turret rotation, vertically and horizontally. The Reach Scorp can track almost any vehicle in the game with its rotation rate, including Banshess.
  13. Now are we supposed to think a Spartan can survive his armor hitting the ground at Free Fall, considering his/her weight...when he/she can be killed with a single clip from an assualt rifle? The Kinetic energy here does not add up...then again...better not second guess the science too much. Its not as if Halo is good beacuse it makes sense.
  14. We haven't played the MP yet. If it has stupid balance issues resembling the ones you get in COD and BF, we might have problems already...
  15. That thing looks like a manta ray mated with a jellyfish. Glad to see weird and wacky ambient life is going to be on Requim.
  16. Haha B, I've seen allot of people post their "introductions" well into the 300 and 400 post. So don't sweat that. And welcome to the forums, good sir.
  17. Wait....what does MAM mean? I'm #17 of something I don't even know about!
  18. I'd like to see more ODST style Engineers...though they would clash with the Promethean watchers...
  19. Could someone hand me my shotgun?
  20. Maybe the others were right when they said we should simply ban people from making posts until they get up to 15...ANOTHER ONE OF THESE ******** THREADS ASKING THE SAME GOD **** THINGS?!
  21. Well we might not hear to much idle chit chat from the Prometheans, seeing as how they aint organic, but the Knights at least seem to have plenty of personality, in their own way. Can't expect everyone to behave like the Covies...its not as if the Flood or the Sentinels from the original trilogy do.
  22. Next person who ask's this question gets a brick through their window.
  23. Oh the lovely lovely blood...I don't care what it looks like as long as its warm and wet... wait, what? It doesn't really bother me too much either way.
  24. After a short hiatus, in other words, I simply forgot to post for a few days and things got out of control (like a couple weeks out of control), I'm back. Kinda curious as to who is new around here and if anything big has happened. What have been peoples reaction to the E3 news?
  25. You scare me Fal. Consider us Frenemies. Welcome to the forum (except not since you've already been hya).
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