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Yoichi Hayabusa

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Everything posted by Yoichi Hayabusa

  1. We'll just have to wait and see what 343 does.
  2. Darn freakin school -__-

  3. And an even better player, or "Pro" Player, is one who is able to use any weapon at any given time effectively, wouldn't you agree?
  4. I am just curious about your opinion on if Halo 4 Should have equipment like Halo 3, if they should add more, or just keep it out of the picture?
  5. Yea this Theme is alright but really doesn't fit halo to much, maybe something else I suppose.
  6. Awesome Noire-By Egoraptor Another classic vid that I find a bit humorous at the least.
  7. But if think about it if they did that it would be like if you really wanna watch a movie you've been waiting for couple months and a friend watched it, lets say a couple weeks before it releases, and then he tells you the whole movie, you would have no incentive to watch the movie cause the suspense on what the outcome of the movie will diminish, and it would not be interesting anymore. So That's why say we should just be patient.
  8. PokeAwesome-By Egoraptor I find it hilarious every time I watch it! XD
  9. Well I am ok with your opinion but Reach wasn't the worst game that came out, I enjoy it, but i do admit that the ranking system was quite annoying and time consuming (literally), I say what i heard someone say before the should bring the halo 2 clan organization, and the halo 3 ranking system, BUT, I belive that having a credit system will be good for purchasing armors, armor effects, ect. I just say let 343i do their what they want and we'll see what they give us.
  10. I am interested in you're opinion abou me so far not to sound annoying.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i think your a good member of the site and we're lucky to have you

    3. Yoichi Hayabusa

      Yoichi Hayabusa

      Thanks man that means alot lol

    4. One


      I don't really know you, but I guess you seem okay.

  11. I agree with Noah here I seriously will find it annoying if it becomes another COD...
  12. I'll see if I come around to play it this weekend.
  13. Well...I am in a clan and I find it better to play with clan people than randoms cause they usually will be trying to kill you for your weapons an such, while in a clan people tend to be more organized (If you're in a good one that is).So lets see if the bring back the halo 2 clan system and if they improved it.
  14. Ouch. But I support your opinion Luke.
  15. I am ready for a new day.

    1. ZB-85


      Well.. i hope you have a good one

    2. Yoichi Hayabusa

      Yoichi Hayabusa

      Well so far so good at least

    3. Yoichi Hayabusa

      Yoichi Hayabusa

      Well so far so good at least

  16. I am ready for a new day.

  17. The issue of team killing will never go away as long as there is friendly fire on so we might as well get used to it...
  18. well it has its good days but COD is just a bandwagon game, nothing more.
  19. Umm...I really wouldn't mind Hayabusa armor, I could care less for any recent armors is in Halo 4 cause I like keeping things fresh.
  20. Good Night All and Sleep Well.

    1. Azaxx
    2. Aztec Asshawk

      Aztec Asshawk

      ill wake you when i need you

  21. I'd like to play with some people from the community this weekend because I'd like a challenge post comment if you'd be down for playing on 3/10/12 6:00PM-8:00PM Eastern Time. Thank You for your time.
  22. My all Time buddy in which we are sort of "feared" by a lot of players is Musei Kuriyami we make a dynamic duo in a sense lol.
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