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Yoichi Hayabusa

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Everything posted by Yoichi Hayabusa

  1. Welcome to the forums comrade.
  2. Well I personally would dig playing ME3 of BF3 but since my xbox died I'd been away for quite some time...
  3. What happened to topics for ME3 I mean it like came out yesterday I am sure someone has some sort of opinion on it...right?
  4. I mean armor affecting your game play could be a change in pace with a bit more strategy involved, I don't know its up to 343.
  5. I am sorry but I can never get over assassinations, I mean the Halo 3 was were I attained all my skills from and all, but honestly I like how at least sprint makes the game a little bit faster pace, rather than walking everywhere, get where I am going with that?
  6. I'd like for my comments to be acknowleged o.o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yoichi Hayabusa

      Yoichi Hayabusa

      Thanks as well I only said that cause I thought people thought my opinions were idiotic and inaccurate. But it seems they weren't.

    3. BraverKING514


      No, I personally value everyone's opinion. It just some people don't read everything. My post seem ignored sometimes.

    4. Yoichi Hayabusa

      Yoichi Hayabusa

      Ah I understand what you mean.

  7. I don't maybe they could of made it a little bit more visible or added a sort of uniqueness to your gun like they could of made so you could alter your rifle a lot more but I could care less for COD.
  8. Indeed in a sense it was pretty "creative" but could of gone a lot further.
  9. I do admit that COD emblem was extremely idiocy...except for the actual ones that were were actually good.
  10. I killed a couple brain cells reading those samus is "better" comments...
  11. One of the most amazing things that has me extremely excited for Halo 4 is the Uniqueness of Halo 4 is outstanding diverisity in armor and, it's keeping me on my toes, on what more customization of armor or even the actual soldier that 343i will come up with next. Keep us guessing 343i and keep doing a good job. Feel free to comment on my opinion.
  12. I could care less if there is dual wielding or not cause as long as its halo and its fun then its alright with me...
  13. I am pretty excited the in Halo 4 they are bringing in a new set of Spartans for the Multiplayer the idea of Spartan IVs makes a very unique feel to the game. Plus ya gotta admit we all miss The Chief right about now lol.
  14. I like the sniper rifle for its power and the beam rifle for its speed and its uniqueness. That's my opinion on them.
  15. Well I enjoyed the armor abilities to an extent but I mostly favored the sprint if you guys have problem with everything else then just admit that at least one ability was good. Cause the whining is getting annoying...
  16. The Prophet of Salvation-Bringer of the peace for the Covenant
  17. I Have been thinking of adding some amor ideas I have drawn...I think I'll update them later.
  18. Hello my name is Yoichi Hayabusa and I have recently joined this forum, it would be nice to get to know you all better in the future and to become an active member on this forum. Thank you for your time and have nice day.
  19. Umm I believe that they shouldn't be compared because if you think about it they have two completly different playing styles so, all in all, I would say both of them are equally good in their own way.
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