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Everything posted by highplainsdrifter

  1. Help out with the Destiny ARG, you don't have to do a thing! Fire and forget, folks Basically you just need to download firefox and make take a look at the menu, here's some simple instructions. http://www.bungie.net/en-US/View/community/Forum/Post?id=59816294
  2. Thursday's Flood Plan: - Hit the ARG site at the top of EVERY hour within the first five minutes. (1:00-1:05, 2:00-2:05, etc.) - If you can only do it at one time the BIG PUSH is at the normal flood time: 11:00 am PST. (2:00pm EST. 7:00pm GMT.) here's some info on how to get started, in the end it's just refreshing a webpage try to get friends in the southern hemisphere to join our efforts http://misriahsolutions.com/arg/ http://www.bungie.net/en-US/View/community/Forum/Post?id=59799335
  3. help out with the ARG http://www.bungie.net/en-US/View/community/Forum/Post?id=59799335 http://misriahsolutions.com/arg/
  4. http://www.bungie.net/en-US/View/community/Forum/Post?id=59798855 We're making another push. Read the instructions, get on the page and refresh every fifth minute for an hour! VICTORY IS AT HAND! DO EHT! Do eht at 9pm-EST 6pm-PCT
  5. FIRST OFF, this is not spam this is the alternate reality game developed by Bungie Like helping the greater good? Your community calls on you to join together and solve a riddle for the benefit of humanity! If you're interested go http://www.shacknews...off-destiny-arg and click on the "ARG site" link in the article below. arrange the diamonds so they correspond to this; the Mercury Day symbol: Albus. refresh your page every five minutes starting 4pm PCT that is 7pm PCT for a full hour so we can solve the riddle http://www.bungie.ne...59810704&path=1
  6. Without MJOLNIR at that, pretty awesome if I may say so, I don't want to spoil but everyone should read the first three books published
  7. I would say something harshly militaristic in regards to being upset that you were betrayed or booted but I don't think it would be received well. Instead I'll use a riddle; I think friendly fire should be done away with because it allows people to betray me, which in turn messes up our team's score. I'm sorry but was this post sarcastic? It must have been. Just try harder and learn to forgive/avoid people who betray you. The argument has petered out, there is no other solution but to suck it up while they fix the boot system. Friendly fire adds too much tactically to remove it, I hope you weren't serious when you said that hypothetically it wouldn't bother you if you could bomb out your decoy teammate in order to blast the entire opposing team. You would not mind this vice versa? If we're talking realism let's play within the parameters (or as close to them as is possible) of reality. And let's add some real life stoicism to that training- stats aren't everything. I am sorry if this was harsh.
  8. Without reading through pages and pages of this, which I don't mind being discussed, and at the risk of sounding off topic (which I doubt could happen but I will try as hard as possible to be obtuse to the extreme). So I will be putting forth my opinion as an original Halo player/fan. it's always been in, number one (sorry if you hate that response) number two, it provides a specific tactical element, one that I don't believe should be forgone in games I'm not going to argue the semantics of play style and how friendly fire should refine a player's skills, I just don't have the time and frankly I think it would be a pointless venture. I'm sorry if that comes off as cold to you but among other reasons I'm late for work.
  9. haha i find that's the best way to highlight the main points
  10. seriously? I can't believe this. come ON guys, not cool. Should this really be encouraged? I mean how many times before have you ever heard of congratulating some on using the shoutbox waayyyyy too much I mean jeeze this is terrible. What has this place come to, first we're telling people don't talk in the shoutbox, no talk in the shoutbox, back and forth, I can't keep up. Well I for one, will not stand for this sort of moral debauchery, to do so would be to discard my honor and integrity, in effect strip my self respect. I will be damned to hell before I compromise my very namesake and yes! It is that close to my heart, this issue at hand. Our very free will and the future of our nation balances on the fulcrum of this very topic! NAY, I say our very existence and the existence of our children is at stake! I will not stand for it, I cannot stand for it, this must come to an end. For years we have struggled with the constant threat of such a scenario which is developing before our very eyes. Only we can change the future now set before us! And so you must choose, we must all choose and we must choose now! Are you the kind of individual that will support such a degradation not only our culture and way of life but the very fabric of our community as a species. This is beyond you and I, when you make this decision take into account all of the lives of helpless refugees all over the world, pushed from their homelands, besieged by crimes shouters have committed against them. In my calm judgment, the Nation faces today a more grave emergency than in 1917. Obviously, these few minutes tonight permit no opportunity to lay down the ten or a dozen closely related objectives of a plan to meet our present emergency, but I can draw a few essentials, a beginning in fact, of a planned program. Fifteen years ago my public duty called me to an active part in a great national emergency, the World War. Success then was due to a leadership whose vision carried beyond the timorous and futile gesture of sending a tiny army of 150,000 trained soldiers and the regular navy to the aid of our allies. The generalship of that moment conceived of a whole Nation mobilized for war, economic, industrial, social and military resources gathered into a vast unit capable of and actually in the process of throwing into the scales ten million men equipped with physical needs and sustained by the realization that behind them were the united efforts of 110,000,000 human beings. It was a great plan because it was built from bottom to top and not from top to bottom. How much do the shallow thinkers realize, for example, that approximately one-half of our whole population, fifty or sixty million people, earn their living by farming or in small towns whose existence immediately depends on farms. They have today lost their purchasing power. Why? They are receiving for farm products less than the cost to them of growing these farm products. The result of this loss of purchasing power is that many other millions of people engaged in industry in the cities cannot sell industrial products to the farming half of the Nation. This brings home to every city worker that his own employment is directly tied up with the farmer's dollar. No Nation can long endure half bankrupt. Main Street, Broadway, the mills, the mines will close if half the buyers are broke. These unhappy times call for the building of plans that rest upon the forgotten, the unorganized but the indispensable units of economic power, for plans like those of 1917 that build from the bottom up and not from the top down, that put their faith once more in the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic pyramid. Every man and woman who gives any thought to the subject knows that if our factories run even 80 percent of capacity, they will turn out more products than we as a Nation can possibly use ourselves. The answer is that if they run on 80 percent of capacity, we must sell some goods abroad. How can we do that if the outside Nations cannot pay us in cash? And we know by sad experience that they cannot do that. The only way they can pay us is in their own goods or raw materials, but this foolish tariff of ours makes that impossible. I cannot escape the conclusion that one of the essential parts of a national program of restoration must be to restore purchasing power to the farming half of the country. The value of goods internationally exchanged is today less than half of what it was three or four years ago. Closely associated with this first objective is the problem of keeping the home-owner and the farm-owner where he is, without being dispossessed through the foreclosure of his mortgage. The present condition of our national affairs is too serious to be viewed through partisan eyes for partisan purposes. It is said that Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo because he forgot his infantry--he staked too much upon the more spectacular but less substantial cavalry. It is high time to get back to fundamentals. It is high time to admit with courage that we are in the midst of an emergency at least equal to that of war. Let us mobilize to meet it. just kiddddding we know azaxx uses his powers for good, congratulations old friend jumping high five! do it!
  11. This topic was probably started as an intro to discussing how well informed voters are in America (I probably shouldn't have responded in that case). It's pronounced "Wehstairneree" by the way, frand
  12. (Washington Post/New York Times), CNN, MSNBC, CBS (60 Minutes mostly), NPR, Daily Show, and FOX occasionally if you know what I mean. edit: the economy and foreign policy in general are what I most pay attention to. Also I like to read the newspaper printed in my hometown to stay current with what's going on like the new knitting circle newsletter as well as who stabbed who and such.
  13. i was just kidding to make a point
  14. I totally agree, I hate Halo
  15. Maybe a Crazy King mode too? Predated players have to come out into the open to win, exposing themselves strategically, or simply kill other players attempting to gain points... What other objective type modes would this work with? (maybe I'm getting off topic?)
  16. To all able minded members/players with the DLC maps: Let's help out Kissker get some maps voted on yadda yadda. Help a bed-ridden brother out. Kissker will put together details, if you're interested in volunteering post on this thread or (dare I say PM Kissker) just post on this thread. Dates and organization will come later
  17. sorry Twin, I hope everyone in you family makes it through this as best as they can, we're with you in spirit. From experience I would say the best thing you can do is be there for her so if at any moment she needs company you will be available.
  18. AD, delete your old messages!

    1. ZB-85


      Eh, Whats Up Doc?

  19. Traveling out of state to go to my nieces confirmation prevented me from playing halo 3 on April 7th the end
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