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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. Thing is, these vehicles are either way too large or way too OP for use in multiplayer. even on big maps like Warzone maps the Elephant would probably get stuck on anything it comes across. The Pelican, Hawk and Phantom would probably need to be bullet sponges to make up for their lack in movability which wouldn't be any fun.
  2. With one Xbox One and 4 controllers you should be good to go. However you'll have to keep it to custom games or online MP for the campaign is limited to 2 player splitscreen. Also keep in mind that with 4 player splitscreen in multiplayer you might encounter some framerate issues and popping textures here and there.
  3. There's a special place in hell for people like you.
  4. The trap is set. The Doctor's friends Will travel where the Doctor ends This man must fall as all men must The fate of all is always dust The man who lies will lie no more When this man lies at Trenzalore The girl who died, he tried to save She'll die again inside his grave
  5. Does stuff like wrapping it in dry towels, putting it in or on some rice or placing it on a radiator work?
  6. If you restarted the game then there is no way to get back to where you were other than doing it all over again. Your save game is overwritten the moment you start a mission from start.
  7. It might've taken some time for the Xbox Live profiles to sync properly. Also try waiting some time in game, it might just take some time for the profiles to be loaded in properly.
  8. Dis gon be gud. Can you also do improvements of sigs? If so, see what kind of improvements you can come up with for my current signature.
  9. 3 DMR's this early on seems a little too much of the good thing. Most people don't get one untill they're around level 60 or something. Are you sure it were 3 DMR's, or are you exaggarting a lil' bit?
  10. We know for sure that Grifball is coming next update. Also Infection has been confirmed to be coming, only no set date for it just yet.
  11. Just turned 20!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wam


      SD no.


      Gz P34nut.

    3. Ardent Prayer
    4. I_Make_Big_Boom


      1 second year olds are oldies because they have age.


      For P33nut it isn't your regular everyday oldies... this is ADVANCED oldies...

  12. The Pokémon games where the Pokémon weren't pieces of furniture are the best Pokémon games. Though I won't be buying any of them stuffs since I can pirate my way into playing these games on my phone
  13. Even though you did kinda throw a fit there, a warning should've done just fine... I don't get why almost every ban on Waypoint is a permanent one immediatly. Well, I hope you enjoy your time here!
  14. Are you connected with TWC by any chance? There were alot of issues with that company at launch that are still regular to this day. Try checking Google on solutions for that if you are.
  15. It was given to everyone a few weeks after launch for free.
  16. I was planning on copy pasting in more spoiler tags, be glad I am merciful.
  17. You have up to 7 pages of spam posts on your post history... Each and every one of those posts is a rule breach. I'm sorry, but your ban is deserved.
  18. Of course there will be a next season, it always takes a while for them to get it out though. I'm passing the time with RWBY.
  19. Multiplayer, it's what keeps me coming back. Even though 9/10 games are on American servers...
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