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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. 10 bucks/hours of grinding for only a chance at getting them? No thank you. I'll wait for all of those skins to be added in future updates and maybe, just maybe, 343i will give those skins for an anniversary celebration or something.
  2. Don't worry, none of us have got a clue about what we're actually doing here anyway. You'll fit right in!
  3. 1. Doing better is rewarded, especially in Warzone. But getting kills is only a part of doing better, you also need to contribute to your team by playing the objective (e.g killing bosses, defending/attacking bases, assist in kills, etc.). Your buddy might've gotten less kills, but those kills might have had more to do with the onjective. He also could've gotten more assists and a better KDA. 2. The entire point of the REQ system, love it or hate it, is that it is random. Specified packs would kinda ruin the system as it is now. Try to imagine weapon crates in CS:GO where you buy a key for the crate to have a chance at a weapon skin that is worth more than that you paid for, maybe even a $100+ knife. If Gaben decided that you could buy more expensive crates but have a way higher chance at those expensive skins, the entire idea (and market) behind case openings would be done for. 3. All of my yes. Challenges with packs and/or REQ points as a reward would've been very welcome. Only this late into the game with a lot of people already having unlocked eveything there is, it has lost it's use. 4. This idea has been pitched a lot and would be awesome. I don't really know what's holding it back though.
  4. Is it me or are the Pelican engines off?? In any case it looks cool!
  5. I'm so glad I got mine from my first set of Warzone packs. In any case like Fishy said Silvers would be the fastest way since the most basic DMR is a rare. You might also consider buying a few Bronze packs to fish those common permanent REQs out of the system so your chance at a DMR for a Silver pack becomes higher.
  6. When and where does this stream start and do I need to sign up or something?
  7. Wait you get it by watching the stream? I thought it'd be like last time where you'd either put down 10 bucks or spend 80k REQ points. Now I'm confused...
  8. Let's offer them frozen spaghetti and a broken microwave. This will make them so distracted (because they cannot find a way to warm the spaghetti) that they'll be easy targets. Works everytime!
  9. Every ban that lasts untill the year 2552 might as well be called a perma-ban. You're not getting back on there buddy...
  10. The Flaming skull emblem is unlocked by completing the Spartan Spree commendation. Completing the Spartan Slayer commendation gets you the Traitor emblem. I think you've gotten them mixed up there
  11. You had to have played the MCC before a certain date last year in order to recieve the message with the code (which has probably expired by this time).
  12. Weren't there huge server issues, privacy breaches and hacker attacks not much more than a year ago?
  13. I doubt 343i is deliberately trying to sabotage you. It might just be your console, game and/or internet connection...
  14. Where are you from and what's your rank? Matchmaking might not be populated enough by enough people of equal rank at the time you're playing. Do you find social games (Warzone and/or BTB) just fine?
  15. I am now part of the forum Spartan Company :D

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Do ur best to help get that Achilles!

  16. I was thinking about hopping over, but that'd probably result in a backfire from Coldfreeze and crew.
  17. Individual performance is also accounted for. If you play all of your placement matches with him and he's ontop of the scoreboard every game he'll get a higher rank, if he comes in last place every game he'll be placed in a lower rank.
  18. The first image still appears to be broken. The rest of them look fine now!
  19. They seem to be fixed now. On this site you can either attach images while your composing a new post or you could copy and paste images (the images themselves not thr URL) from let's say imgur.com Keep in mind though when you're copying an image from an external site. If the external site tampers or removes the image it will have impact on the image here.
  20. DMR was a typo Is the Carbine really 7? I always thought it was 6...
  21. You might want to recheck your posts as all of them have broken image links...
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