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I truly think that halo would benefit a lot in money wise and other aspects if they would just consider putting the game on different systems. So, I bought a ps3. It's a good system. I don't know why halo can't be on it. Is Microsoft really that greedy that they can't put one of their own games on different systems so they could make more people happy and get more money. So, tell me what your opinion is. CHAT IT UP WE NEED AS MUCH ATTENTION AS WE CAN GET!!!

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Literally will never happen and there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of it happening unless Sony was to buy Microsoft.


The Halo franchise is owned by Microsoft. Why would Microsoft give their powerhouse shooter franchise to their rivals to benefit financially from. It simply wouldn't be good business sense.


Not saying that it wouldn't be cool, because it would.




EDIT: And Microsoft is that greedy, but in an American Dream kind of way. However, I'd like to remind you guys that all the Microsoft executives could easily retire and leave us with poorer leadership as they spend the rest of their days in massive mansions on their own private islands. So it's not really right to give them crap for being greedy.

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For the own sake, no just no, there was not 1 halo game that was on the ps3, why dosen't xbox get uncharted eh? sony and microsoft are both big gaming companies that share there own exclusive games, sony actually has more exclusive games than microsoft. Plus xbox already gets enough hate from the ps3 players.

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It would be a cool idea, however it will never happen. Halo made the XBox as popular as it was and has defined the 360. Halo will always remain a Micro$oft product, especially now that it is developed by 343i, Micro$oft itself.

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The whole point of it being exclusive to the Xbox is that it makes more money for them. If you ported it to PS3 sure, you'd get a few more sales there. But that means you get a fairly big bonus once every three years or so, whereas you lose customers to the PS3 who would otherwise all be playing their games on the Xbox. If you want to play Halo, you have to come to Microsoft, meaning you have to have an Xbox, meaning you'll probably buy your other games for the Xbox, meaning they make profit on all the games you buy, instead of just one.

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