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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. Anybody up to playing in the l.ast chance qualifier with me? Just for fun

  2. I am looking for three people to play in the Halo 5 last chance qualifier with next Sunday. It is just for fun and isn't meant to be taken seriously. Really just for teh lulz. But hey, then you can say you played in an MLG tournament. And who knows? We could be the next EG and win it, go to regionals, and win the 2 million dollar tournament. I hope this was the right spot to post this. Must have a mic and positive K/D. If interested message me on here or Xbox. Gamertag is Maximum Clutch.
  3. Kinda like battlefield where you have your team and then the people in your squad were a different color then the rest of your teammates. That would be nice.
  4. You only get kicked after 3 betrayals and you only get banned after multiple kicks. And if it really were 5 hours it would be because you are a serious repeat offender. There has got to be something you are not saying here.
  5. Redundant post is redundant. 343 already said it is not possible to patch split screen into Halo 5 and they are trying their hardest to get it into Halo 6. There is no point in complaining about it any more.
  6. It's your Spartan Rank (SR). You rank that up from doing anything in multiplayer, arena or warzone by gaining xp and is completely separate from your CSR (bronze, silver, gold, etc). This doesn't reward you with anything except for req packs with every rank up. This number is like your rank from Halo 4, how you can rank up just simply by playing even if you loose. Hope this helps.
  7. I started a Spartan Community called The Alpha Squad in the hopes to get a group of Halo fans together and have a good time when Halo 5 launches. Everybody is encouraged to join. This is mainly to meet new Halo fans who would like to run matchmaking games and co-op campaign together. The link is https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/spartan-companies/the%20alpha%20squad I hope to see you there!
  8. Most of what you said is true, but if you're complaining about the game mechanics, you've obviously never played the original Halo 2. H2A is supposed to play just like H2C.
  9. Maybe we like the grab bag type playlist? Maybe we don't want to play any objective and Halo 2/3 playlist have a lot of objective gametypes in them. Don't try and tell people what to play.
  10. The MCC doesn't go off any previous purchase that you may have made.I highly doubt they'll add more armor. It has all of Halo 4's other armor sets to choose from.
  11. They reset all ranks back to 1 because of the matchmaking issues,to give everyone a fair start since most people couldn't get in a game. they said that in one of their updates recently. it was an intentional reset, not a bug.
  12. Just throwing this out there, but if he isn't even in junior high yet, he really shouldn't be playing a rated M game. He's probably around the age of 10-12? Halo is meant for ages 17 and up. There is swearing in the game, and finding a group of players for him that do not swear is going to be very difficult. Good luck though.
  13. They already confirmed Destiny is going to be a trilogy with Major expansions coming out in between games. The whole series is going to last 10 years.
  14. I have an Xbox One an I love it. If you've got the money now, I say go for it.
  15. Going to the midnight release for Watch dogs tonight!

    1. Delpen9


      Don't forget to use your armor lock when the crowd starts trampling.

  16. Just sent you a friend request. So far all I have is the free games and Infamous Second Son
  17. After being exclusive to Xbox for the last 13 years, I decided to get a PS4. I don't have any PSN friends since all of my friends have always also been exclusive to Xbox. So if anyone wants to plat on PSN sometime add me, it's Maximum__Clutch (2 underscores). I look forward to playing with some of you!
  18. I'll be getting it on my Xbox One. I plan on getting a PS4 this summer so I will probably play the beta on that since it is coming to Sony consoles first.
  19. I love my Xbox One. It's a great console and severely underrated. Sure, most games right now aren't 1080p. but you really can't tell the difference anyway. Somebody from Xbox said from here on out most games will be 1080p. And what is the most important part about a console? The games. the Xbox One has a very impressive lineup of exclusive games this year. Halo 5/2A, Fable LEgends, SUnset Overdrive, Quantum Break, D4, and many more. The Ps4 also has some really good games coming out later this year. And as far as online services go, nothing will ever beat XBL.
  20. I'd like to see blood gulch and guardian remade. The rest of the maps should be new.
  21. If you're a fan of the BioShock series you should go like The Plasmid Effect on Facebook! It's a great page and we post lots of BioShock related content. https://www.facebook.com/PlasmidEffect
  22. I hope some day the files to install games are smaller, or else we better get external hdd support soon. I only have 4 games for xbox one and my hdd only has like 240 gigs free.
  23. I still have my original white 360 that I got back in 2008. I have never had a single problem with it and it still works like a charm. You obviously just don't know how to take care of your stuff.
  24. Congratulations Dog, you won! And unfortunately, Tucker, Bnus technically won, but I didn't give him the code because he already had one. I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you because you commented first, but you didn't ask for it.
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