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  1. Hello people, my name is Gabrieloup, i am a video game PC modder since 4 years, but i am a Halo fan since 2003 with the Halo PC/Mac release, currently i hold Halo 4 but i am interested on doing custom lobbies on Halo Reach, that includes Campaign, Firefight, Custom Games and rarely Matchmaking, its not a clan, but a group of people who does Campaign on Legendary 4 people coop with all "Accessible" datapads and switches with no deaths, Firefights with no deaths Legendary with 343i/Bungie settings, and MLG/Anniversary custom matches on selected forge community maps. The rules are simple, have a good connection, a good skillset, no teamkilling, no dead bodies tea bagging, and allways follow and stay close to the party leader and allso watch what he does. Ex: if you see hes trying to do stealth, you do it has well that is do not shoot unless shot back or if the leader shoots. (wish in this case, its me) We need ATLEAST 4 people on it, but i will accept larger parties, my Gamertag is Gabrieloup, you are required to have Halo Reach, no map packs required, no microphone required, just follow the rules above and you will be fine. If something goes wrong, you will have a warning, if you ignore it you will be muted and kicked, each time you come back the mute simbol will allways stay there even if you change Gamertags or anything. Gamertags and friendlists will be allways checked every once and then and if we find someone with the mute on in one of the friendlists the person who is friend of the muted will allso be kicked for conspiration. Feedback is allways acceptable make sure you dont spam. Any questions allso acceptable.
  2. These two maps are in a small collection of maps i decided to make, and they are places i believe the UNSC Could have built on Requiem. The first map is called Infiltration and there are two of them in my fileshare one is Free For All only and the other has no spawns for those who wish to make the map for other game modes, It makes use of the halo 4 Trait Zones and has a gravity displacer that reduced gravity with in it's range. The second Map is called Signal and is my own personal spin off of halo 2's Ascention. And there you have it... my two maps.
  3. I wonder, does anyone on here remember "Halo Custom Edition" by any chance? The PC port of the famous "Halo" game? Well, did you also know that it came with a modding kit called "Halo Editing Kit"? If not, this should interest you. If you did know, then stay tuned, you'll be impressed. On behalf of the halomaps.org forums, I am here to present Foundry for PC. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it right. Halo 3 Foundry has been ported to PC onto the Halo Custom Edition game engine. Please note that this is roughly 12 years old now. Here is Foundry. Trailer recorded, edited and uploaded by MatthewDratt of the same community. Quote from http://forum.halomaps.org/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=42993 ]the release thread.[/url] Now, onto the main reason why I'm here. 343i, we would like to ask you to give all of the surviving Halo CE community one last update on the game's original exe, fixing the netcoding problems, while also giving complete documentation on the built-in game scripting. It willl really push what the community can do to whole new levels. Here's an example of some of the things we are able to do right now with a self taught understanding of the scripting. As well as working-ish buggers in CE. Thank you all for listening, I hope you all enjoy. -Hiralis
  4. Is anyone else experiencing a glitch where you try to load Forge Island on Forge but get sent back to the main menu every time? It works perfectly fine on Custom Games. Extremely angry with 343 right now.
  5. I'm just looking for a friendly group of people to play matchmaking, customs and Spartan Ops with. I'm not Uber Hardcore or anything but I like to win and have fun. My other friends pretty much play CoD exclusively and I'm tired of playing solo. I play pretty much every game mode but my favorites are: Slayer(any), Dominion, Flood, Team Swat and CTF. I do go to school during the week and work part time but I play after 4pm on weekdays and anytime on weekends.
  6. lol ive found that swearing is highly untolerated ... oops got my self a warning already so i like to say im an experienced gamer considering i hire out games clock them on higest difficulty (legendary, veteran, insane, imposible) but not LASO or god mode for vanquish sheesh the difficulty is so high its over the top because it changes gamplay to the extreme i also have a positive K/D in multiplayer due to smgs any way i know my stuff have my opinions, dont care for grammar the problem for me is having a good team im not looking to join a clan well maybe but im just sick of getting having a noob team geting ownd by spawn traping inheritors :wallbash: if you know what im talking about you probably know how i feel about them yea like that so any one up for reaching i mean not now but add, M me or sumthing cant wait for halo 4 im preordering the limited edition from mighty ape it looks to me the best deal i realy hope theres smg REEAAALLLLYY apart from that H4 so far so good if you see this and you play custom games please ADD me or mesage me thats as long as you dont play jenga.. eeew likes:dubsep, trance, screamo, post hardcore dislkes:i would tell you if i was sure it wouldnt come under hate speech
  7. T O lR T A

    Camo Campers

    Hey guys, you notice how their is this weird blob in your first person screen but ignore it because your radar says no one is their. Oh boy, aren't those people such a joy to the halo community. Isn't it such an amazement when you play some big team and their is that one sniper "hanging out" in the back and sniping. Oh no, you can't see him. You are close to him but can't find him. Oh gosh darn it, he must've ran away......BOOOM! He backsmacks you as if he knew you were always there, you checked your radar, you double checked and he pops out as if he were Houdini's son. The topic here is camo glitchers/camper. They really give me a hard time in dominion for sure. I'm all confident in capping a base when I'm sure nobody is their. I have rockets and I feel like a walking tank. I check all the corners for those corner campers and it seems clear. I begin to initiate capture, and I'm sure you can guess what happens next. I lose the base, I lose the game, I yell and why, because this one guy.... camping in the corner with his active camo plus his glitch. If he was using camo like it was meant to be used, it would have been no problem to deal with him considering I will know that he is their by looking at my radar. Tell me how you feel and if you have ever been in this situation give a like to this post. And don't forget to vote on the poll.
  8. i am a major machinima maker and forger and i use the lower weapon feature a lot but since halo 4 came out that feature seems to have been majorly nerfed and is harder to work with. here are some examples: --lowering weapons only works well if your standing if you move around your gun comes right back up (making you look like an idiot ater its done) --343 never added in the energy swords lower weapon option so machnima makers cant make it look as if they are just walking around hands by there sides --the button layout to do this is also annoying to use its fine for easy activating it but if you plan on bring your gun up and down a lot you act like an idiot jumping and crouching. those are some of the main problems i find in the current feature and if i where to suggest things to add to it besides changing the problems above would be: -- the major one make it usable over xbox live only in like forge and custom games and add an option so the host can allow them to do it or not . --add in a lower weapon option for objects like the turrets(if not already there) the ball,flags,and grav ham. -- if you have the feuture active when entering a passenger seat u sit instead of aiming your weapon that is what i personally think 343 should improve on and add to halo 4.
  9. Alright, so by now everyone pretty much knows that 343 completely screwed up the flood mode in Halo 4. Flood, as it stands, is pretty much dead. The only hope is that 343 will fix their mistakes in an update. And since there isn't any reason to think that they can actually spot their own mistakes, the community will have to do it for them. This thread is for the issues with Flood that need to be fixed in an update. I'll list all the issues I've noticed, but PLEASE point out anything that I've missed. 1) Forced Human Color The putrid green armor color that every human is forced to wear may not break Flood games, but they are hard as hell to look at. Leaving aside the issue of why anyone would choose that particular color, why force our skins in the first place? Did 343 never see a game of infection in the past Halos? Infection was one of the few gametypes to actually let players use their chosen armor colors. What has 343 gained by taking that away? There should be the option to allow players to use their chosen colors and the option to CHOOSE a color to be forced on the players 2) Cannot Place Weapons on Map I honestly can't fathom how this happened. Why in God's name can't we place weapons on the map? My only guess is that 343 was just to lazy to actually add the option to turn off weapon spawns to the custom game interface and just left it set to "off" behind the scenes. Sure, we can use ordinance to get around this. But that clutters the HUD with white markers, and in some games, it might be important for the humans to not know which weapons are where. 3) Flood Cannot use Anything but the Energy Sword Once again, how did this happen? Its as if no one at 343 had ever played a custom game before. Limiting the Flood to the sword prevents most, if not all, of the minigames that were made in the past Halo games, as well as preventing any new minigames that might have been made with the new weapons and armor abilities. Not to mention that since the sword has a ridiculous lunge range, it might have been useful in many situations to equip the flood with gravity hammers instead. This absolutely crushes the versatility of Halo custom games. 4) Alpha Zombie Traits Disappear upon Death Now I know 343 never played a custom game. Or at least not Fat Kid. Because that's how I figured this one out - as soon as the humans killed the Fat Kid, he spawned as a regular, weak zombie, unable to do anything. The gametype was completely broken. And don't think this is a problem for just one specific scenario. There are plenty of times when giving certain traits exclusively to the one or two Alpha Zombies is the difference between overwhelming humans or making the infected team too weak to do anything. Now, I'd actually suggest that instead of completely changing the Alpha Zombie traits back to the way they were, 343 should make this a changeable option in the menu. Alpha Zombie traits could disappear "Never," "Upon Death," "Upon Converting X Zombies," or "After X Minutes." But my God, at least allow us the first option. 5) Flood Loadouts Cannot be Customized How can 343 be so arrogant as to think that their arbitrary choice of Flood loadouts will perfectly suit every single Flood game variant? Could they not think of a situation in which a player might want the Flood to have access to Promethean Vision but not the Boost Pack? What if someone wanted to give the Flood jetpacks? I don't think any more needs to be said. 343 really shot custom games in the foot with this one.That's all I've been able to find so far. Once again, please add anything that I've missed. And even if you don't have anything constructive to say, please post to say that you think that the above problems need to be corrected. 343 won't acknowledge these issues unless enough people are speaking out about them. Added From Thread 6) Sprinting Cannot be Changed Obviously, speed is a crucial factor in Infection. The inability to tweak, enable, or disable sprinting for both humans and Flood will be a thorn in the side of many Forgers. 7) Game does not End when the Flood or the Humans Run out of Lives 8 Cannot Remove the Waypoint for the Last Man Standing There are a lot of Infection gametypes that rely on the humans' ability to hide. Now, the Last Man in those gametypes has basically no chance.
  10. HALO 4 SUNDAY CUSTOM MAPS GAME NIGHT 8pm PST / 11pm EST "FFA SLAYER ONLY" 16 PPL ADD GT: PURIENCE HALO 4 SUNDAY CUSTOM MAPS GAME NIGHT 8PM PST / 11PM EST "Only FFA SLAYER" 16 Players "Come early to get in" Add GT: Purience "Will Send a reminder message on XBOX LIVE a few hours before gametime "Online Matchmaking is terrible" "Now this is a playlist" SMALL PLAYER MAPS Breach Lagoon King's Throne Talisman Skyward Crucifix Cavern Puncture Static Electrify Shadow Propulsion Beaver Creek "Halo Remake" MEDIUM PLAYER MAPS Hangtime Guardian (Erosion) Guardian (Impact) Blitzkrieg Flying Waterworld Deathmatch Battle Arena Symmetria ALG Epitaph Cloudhall Buckle Odyssee Select LARGE PLAYER MAPS Warlock Space Rock Deathmatch Channel Sputnik Office Transverse G.I. Joe Deathmatch BumperCars Artisan Dr Doom Deathmatch Behemoth Assassination "Only" 0 Gravity Arena Duck Hunt Cobra Deathmatch Burlap Crystalise Hollow Wood Contingency Haunted Mansion Basketball Castle Wars Underground Cave Deathmatch Tunnels Crash-Up Derby Graveyard Deathmatch Hulk Lockout (Impact) Lockout (Erosion) Griffbowl The Prison "Halo Remake" Dicium Nether Den Sinister Deathmatch Leviathon Ascension Downlo Hang Em High (Erosion) Agoraphobia The Pit "Halo Remake" Eviction Train Station Burghal Turf "Halo Remake" Goldfinger Deathmatch Sub-station
  11. Map: ODST Gametype: ODST Creator/ Gamertag: thehiggsparticl Available On: thehiggsparticl's fileshare Prepare to drop. The Covenant has mobilized a Spirit to drop troops in a cave to study the Flood. The UNSC knows how that goes, so it's deployed a squad of ODST's to stop them The red team (ODST's) drops in from almost the maximum height on one side of erosion with their EVA packs. The blue team (covenant) drops in on the other side of erosion. There are four classes of covenant: grunt, jackal, elite, and hunter. They get their own loadouts to mirror their weapons and armor abilities from campaign. The ODST's don't have the gravity well technology of the covenant, so they must use EVA packs to enter the area from such high altitude. The ODST side of the map is laden with buildings, barricades, and 2 warthogs. The covenant side of the map is covered in energy shields and a tactical post ideal for sniping. While the covenant have superior weapons, the ODST's are the only ones with long-range weapons. So, do you have the guts to jump into hell? Test your true skill against not just the covenant, but the covenant controlled by another human. So, download it now! P.S. While the covenant can choose the ODST loadout, it's best to use the covenant loadouts to continue the ellusion. Picture: Coming Soon
  12. I am almost finished making a new flood map (Just need to make some minor changes but the map is currently playable with very few issues). The map is called Isolation, I will have details below. If you are interested in playing on it go to my file share (its not on my file share yet) or send me a message and ill invite you when I'm playing (GT: WoodChuck5562). Its a dynamic map and there are three parts to it. The map was built on Impact. There is also a game mode that goes with it. Here is information about each peice of the map: 1st- The survivors start in a circular room with flood spawning in an elevator shaft on the side of the room. There are warthogs and mongooses in this room but they will be useless until later. A small hallway leads off from the room and there is a "launcher" at the end of the hallway. When the portal opens after 3 minutes you will be able to launch yourself to the next section of the map. 2nd- There is a small outpost on a large meteor which you are able to move around with low gravity. Once inside the outpost you will be able to grab some shotgun ammo and have the option to take a teleporter to the next section. (you will be able to teleport back this time) 3rd- You will be teleported to a small room in a medium sized satellite. There are two hallways which lead off into different rooms. One hallway is short and leads to a large room and the other ends in a small room with a powerweapon you can pick up. This hallway is long and in the middle of it there is a window you get onto the outside of the satellite on. Ive tested this map several times and if you have enough people it can be fun. Its challenging surviving the first 3 minutes. You will need to work together to be able to do it, but once the portal opens it will be easier to survive but not too easy. It will take some practice to get good at the map. Please leave a comment if you are interested in the map. I also have a gamemode that goes with it: Isolation Flood. Just send me a message on xbox live and I will invite you when im playing on the map. Hope you enjoy it!
  13. the latest map by panem gaming! its the bridge! gametype: dominion, team slayer, and infection all work with this map. other gametypes are NOT recommended. description: a long, symetric bridge with 2 bases on opposite ends of the map and one in the middle. controlling the center base may be the difference between life and death. recommended players: 10-16 vehicles on map: mantis x2, banshee x2, warthog x4, mongoose x8 NOTE: vehicles and weapons only appear in dominion, as this map was meant for it. find this map on my file share! will be released VERY SOON!
  14. Hello Everyone! If you're like me, you're probably bored of the official matchmaking already, which leaves you with a special new option - Custom Games. We all know that Custom Games still give you Experience points for playing, so why not play Custom instead? As a universal thread for all players who wish to seek out a fun time with 10+ players in a custom game with top rated forge maps, I invite you to do three things. Post your GamerTag and your country below! ( Other players have the ability to add you if they need players, especially if they need players that are guaranteed to be on-line ) Add all the players! Feel free to add all the Gamers that are in this thread so you can get started in Custom Games as soon as you can! Discuss! Advertise your Custom Game 'Clan', and have fun! Comment below and get started, I cannot wait to get started with you all! My GamerTag - JEX3N (Australia) Enjoy!
  15. HALO 4 SUNDAY CUSTOM MAPS GAME-DAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "FFA SLAYER ONLY" 16 PPL ADD GT: PURIENCE HALO 4 CUSTOM GAME-DAY SUNDAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "Only FFA SLAYER" 16 Players "Come early to get in" Add GT: Purience "Will Send a reminder message on XBOX LIVE a few hours before gametime "Online Matchmaking is terrible" "Now this is a playlist" 3x3 and 4x4 MAPS Breach (FFA) Lagoon (FFA) King's Throne (BTB) Talisman (BTB) Skyward (BTB) Crucifix (FFA) Cavern (KING) Puncture (BTB) Static (MLG) Electrify (FFA) Shadow (BTB) Propulsion (BTB) 5x5 and 6x6 MAPS Hangtime (BTB) Guardian (CTF) Blitzkrieg (FFA) Flying Waterworld Deathmatch (FFA) Battle Arena (BTB) Symmetria (FFA) ALG Epitaph (BTB) 7x7 and 8x8 MAPS Space Rock Deathmatch (FFA) Channel (CTF) Office (Flood) Transverse (BTB) G.I. Joe Deathmatch (BTB) BumperCars (FFA) Artisan (BTB) Dr Doom Deathmatch (FFA) Behemoth (CTF) Assassination "Only" 0 Gravity Arena (FFA) Duck Hunt (Flood) Cobra Deathmatch (BTB) Haunted Mansion(Flood) Basketball (Oddball) Castle Wars (CTF) Underground Cave Deathmatch (FFA) Tunnels (Flood) Crash-Up Derby (FFA) Graveyard Deathmatch (FFA) Hulk (Flood) Lockout (FFA) Lockout (FFA) "Fists" Griffbowl (Griff) The Prison (FFA) Nether Den (Flood) Sinister Deathmatch (FFA) Presented by HALOHAPPYHOUR.COM (Usually Following Game Day) Hosted by Purience & Monkiman300 Breaking News / Live Interviews / Forge Discussion / and more Listen @ http://www.blogtalkr...halo-happy-hour
  16. HALO 4 SUNDAY CUSTOM MAPS GAME-DAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "FFA SLAYER ONLY" 16 PPL ADD GT: PURIENCE HALO 4 CUSTOM GAME-DAY SUNDAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "Only FFA SLAYER" 16 Players "Come early to get in" Add GT: Purience "Will Send a reminder message on XBOX LIVE a few hours before gametime "Online Matchmaking is terrible" "Now this is a playlist" 3x3 and 4x4 MAPS Breach (FFA) Lagoon (FFA) King's Throne (BTB) Talisman (BTB) Skyward (BTB) Crucifix (FFA) Cavern (KING) Puncture (BTB) Static (MLG) Electrify (FFA) Shadow (BTB) Propulsion (BTB) 5x5 and 6x6 MAPS Hangtime (BTB) Guardian (CTF) Blitzkrieg (FFA) Flying Waterworld Deathmatch (FFA) Battle Arena (BTB) Symmetria (FFA) ALG Epitaph (BTB) 7x7 and 8x8 MAPS Space Rock Deathmatch (FFA) Channel (CTF) Office (Flood) Transverse (BTB) G.I. Joe Deathmatch (BTB) BumperCars (FFA) Artisan (BTB) Dr Doom Deathmatch (FFA) Behemoth (CTF) Assassination "Only" 0 Gravity Arena (FFA) Duck Hunt (Flood) Cobra Deathmatch (BTB) Haunted Mansion(Flood) Basketball (Oddball) Castle Wars (CTF) Underground Cave Deathmatch (FFA) Tunnels (Flood) Crash-Up Derby (FFA) Graveyard Deathmatch (FFA) Hulk (Flood) Lockout (FFA) Lockout (FFA) "Fists" Griffbowl (Griff) The Prison (FFA) Nether Den (Flood) Sinister Deathmatch (FFA) Presented by HALOHAPPYHOUR.COM (Usually Following Game Day) Hosted by Purience & Monkiman300 Breaking News / Live Interviews / Forge Discussion / and more Listen @ http://www.blogtalkr...halo-happy-hour
  17. SINISTER DEATHMATCH GT: PURIENCE Map Name: SINISTER DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (16 Player Free For All) Map: RAVINE Equipment: Any Description: Blanketing the calm blue sea, a menacing giant "foam-green" colored Sinister greets all who dare dwell atop of his "madness inspired", slanted & downward built, straight into the HALO's oceanic Abyss, palace of chaos. Twisted Mongoose tunnels & cracks to adventure into, four distant teleporters relocating when needed, balanced with torque-infused gravity lifts, sometimes leading to death..if not directed in-flight correctly. The castle wall standing hundreds of feet tall is draped in violet with silver glistening walls douced in glory and an "open invitation" effect (juicy), to explore. Spiraling staircases lead to powerful weapons within the great tower wall, and a "camouflage-zone" hides all who enter if stood still and watchful...black widow creating her web of entanglement indeed. SINISTER "Tis ever-mindful of monstrous events...gathered together by ominous tones." "Thanks to Jaybu,TheCentaur,Vendusa, and the other testers in these screenshots"
  18. Fileshare (user SkreeMalicious), listed as "Harvest CQB" REQUIRES: Crimson DLC Map Pack Ideal for 4v4, but should support Doubles, even 8v8 if you want a ridiculous bloodbath Blocked off most of "Harvest" map, retaining the core area only. NO VEHICLES. Good amount of cover added. VERY SMALL, Symmetrical. Great variety of natural rock ramps, cover, rolling hills and structures. Built to be fast and furious. Blockers setup to prevent people from getting out of the central area. Softkill and Kill volumes also behind that stuff, prevent exploiters. Supports: Team Slayer Team SWAT CTF KOTH Oddball Initial Weapon spawns: Shotguns X2 (one on each side near the airlifts) SAW x2 (one on each side at the neck of the "Y" corridors) Rockets (center, top) Sorry for the quality, here are some screenshots. The soft-ceiling on Harvest prevents me from getting a good aerial view, so I made the topdown map instead, sorry!
  19. HALO 4 CUSTOM GAME-DAY SATURDAY NOON PST / 3PM EST "Only FFA SLAYER" 16 Players "Come early to get in" Add GT: Purience "Will Send a reminder message on XBOX LIVE a few hours before gametime "Online Matchmaking is terrible" "Now this is a playlist" 3x3 and 4x4 MAPS Breach (FFA) Lagoon (FFA) King's Throne (BTB) Talisman (BTB) Skyward (BTB) Crucifix (FFA) Cavern (KING) Static (MLG) Electrify (FFA) 5x5 and 6x6 MAPS Hangtime (BTB) Guardian (CTF) Blitzkrieg (FFA) Flying Waterworld Deathmatch (FFA) Battle Arena (BTB) Symmetria (FFA) 7x7 and 8x8 MAPS Space Rock Deathmatch (FFA) Channel (CTF) Office (Flood) Transverse (BTB) G.I. Joe Deathmatch (BTB) BumperCars (FFA) Artisan (BTB) Dr Doom Deathmatch (FFA) Behemoth (CTF) Assassination "Only" 0 Gravity Arena (FFA) Duck Hunt (Flood) Cobra Deathmatch (BTB) Haunted Mansion(Flood) Basketball (Oddball) Castle Wars (CTF) Underground Cave Deathmatch (FFA) Tunnels (Flood) Crash-Up Derby (FFA) Graveyard Deathmatch (FFA) Hulk (Flood) Sinister Deathmatch (FFA) and much much more... (Immediately Following Game Day) Hosted by Purience & Monkiman300 Breaking News / Live Interviews / Forge Discussion / and more Listen @ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/halohappyhour/2013/01/31/halo-happy-hour
  20. Yo, I Have these new maps that we've been having a blast on. So it's only right to share them to y'all. below are the newest two available from myself. you wont be let down! Maps: Both are team slayer maps 2v2 up to 4v4. 1. Fusion 2. Whiptail I also have some more interesting 4v4 gametypes if interested i made a few months ago on there. there something you've probly never played so i hope you like these Maps: 1. Banshee Battle / Banshee gametype 2. Mantis Battle / Mantis battle gametype both have a gametype to go along with it. Let me know what ya think. Again we have been having a blast with these so i hope you enjoy as much as we have.
  21. I have made a map on forge. It is my first one so far, so its the only one on the list. Please leave helpful replies after you try it out. Please recommend to friends and get thier feedback. If you want you can message me in game. SludgingSnipe. All comments are welcome and appreciated. Thank You
  22. GT: PURIENCE Name: G.I. JOE DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (4-16) Free For All Map: RAVINE (Big Map) Equipment: Jetpack, Saw, DMR, Plasma Grenades, Mobility, Super Sensors Description: The G.I. Joe headquarters nicknamed the "Silver Fox" base dominates this battlefield. Cobra has infiltrated however planting it's "Lava" base to the far west. All vehicles and weapons (Banshee & Tank) are present, and a floating airbase hovers above the cliffs. Grassland warfare with rich colored scenery & giant red wall barriers will bring endless amounts of vivid carnage.
  23. GT: PURIENCE Map Name: DR DOOM DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (16 Player Free For All) Map: EROSION (Big) Equipment: Jetpack(huge map), Saw, DMR, Plasma Grenades, Mobility(for rough hills), Super Sensors(plenty of coverage from terrain) Description: Dwelling in a green plasma cavern hundreds of feet below the ground, is the lair of Dr. Doom. His throne overlooking the pipes and 0-gravity hallways lit up by the constant flow of mystical forces that feed the evil villain with pure power.
  24. GT: PURIENCE Name: SPACE ROCK DEATHMATCH Gametype: SLAYER (4-16) Free For All Map: IMPACT Equipment: Jetpack, Saw, DMR, Plasma Grenades, Mobility, Sensors Description: Once a highly profitable mining rock now an abandoned colony wiped out by an alien abduction. All vehicles and weapons are found throughout and numerous gravity lifts thrust you to every crater.
  25. TONIGHT 1/22/2013 TUESDAY 9PM EST "Only big maps" "Mostly Free For All & BTB 8x8" PLZ ADD GT: Purience Some Screenshots of Maps playing Tonight
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