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Everything posted by ValentineF

  1. Ya know your a tad ignorant arent you? Halo Reach's engine was BETTER than HCE-H3 CEA's Engine used reach's engine and people love it. It runs smoother, no lag, and due to many new programs running with the NEW engine forge worlds (dare i say) Massive size would not have been possible without lag. If you are truely a fan of halo like me and the others you will relax and accept the fact that you have NO idea what you are talking about
  2. idk im byas to the sword, i like the it because its realistic, if i drop an AR to pick up an ES than why shouldnt i move faster? and too those that just run in circles fighting i agree it's annoying. i hate it, but i adapt and live with the fact they beat me. its a game. Im just in it to enjoy. I mean yea realism is cool but this is Halo. This is a SciFi game, and it unique and realistic in its own ways. Im not disagreeing with you but im not agreeing with you. Understand?
  3. Glad to see our idea is still making it out there my friend. You see this idea, just like many spurs of the top of our head, and I thank ADOG for keeping this alive. I would love to see this in multiplayer. Heck i need a challenge im so tired of whooping BLAM while on legendary that this would surfice even in firefight. I ask too much i know i know, but think my friends, how awesome would it be to live with that fear for a little bit, Or to be that hunter again, and chase that spartan/elite/ Whatever! down and just BLAM them up. Think of that
  4. I like your idea buddy, i do. But its ALOT of work, your talking a WHOLE other disk, like the H3 Complete multiplayer, and frankly idt 343 has the time. I like this i really do but. Its just not something that could be achieved. I think the best you could do i maybe write a message to 343 id, and see what they can do with the Idea's, but i dont think its gunna happen :/ sorry.
  5. See for me, im an elite fan, to me they are the underdogs of the series. I love that i could customize my elite, i LOVED it, Look at it like this, if they give us the Forerunners, the Flood, Give us members of the UNSC (Preset ODST and MARINE armor {Male or female differs off course) With helmets and face masks cool!) Spartans, Covies etc etc, That would be great,But i wouldnt expect ALL of that till H6 somewhere in 2016? 2015? I love the elites, dont get me wrong, but to even continue to play as them would be nice, Hell id settle to play as Marine, I'd like to see a marine take a down 4 spartans in a row in a game of SWAT.That'd be the funniest *BLAM* ever. To me i love to customize, I LOVE it. It makes ME and MY spartan the same person. Thats what made reach unique, Not the AA's, not the spartan team (though it was nearly orBLAMSmic) It was the fact that YOU were NOBLE 6. YOU were that spartan. Costumization does rock, but sometimes its just hard to put it all together
  6. to be honest this is a good idea, but to have a cruiser in we need to look more to what they did for Forge world. Or even a mix of Forgeworld (reach) Sandbox (H3) Multi level. As for the cruiser's it would be nice to have them be forgeable, but you only be able to access certain area's. Like lets take invasion for instance. Human: We start in the cruiser, maybe a frigate, Below us the elites are trying to get to (IDK) Maybe a generator. We drop down and in. We fight, we die we drop. Simple, But weapons on ground? Scarce. Weapons are in the armory, it takes time to get there. So wait! Wont the elites be messing me up down there? Yes, But isnt that what invasion is about? Doing with what you have? So as for the drop pods my friend it would be good for covie and human alike invasion, but in regular multiplayer? It may be iffy. Doesnt mean i wouldnt like to see it in regular MP but im just trying to look at it from a designers point of view. yes they have a year to design it all, but they are also working on a H2 Remake so i wouldnt hold my breath.
  7. wow im a goody goody i didnt know any of that XD
  8. i prefer 1 :l but i think a custom wouldnt be to bad
  9. well see reach and halo cea are running by the same game, so i dont think there will be a differance. but then again i just hope to have so more choices....i unlocked all but the Haunted. stupid inheritor -.- and im already bored of the armor possibilities
  10. i think it would be rather cool for cortana to obtain some kinda body :l dont know just throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks
  11. you all are so absent minded. this is the start of a new trilogy. they could make it equal by taking away your ability to view your ammo, sensor and shield. does that make you all happy. give up hud for vision.
  12. i think it would allow a better scope for the game. i mean it could be as simple as pressing down on the d-pad and up to return. they couldalso allow you to put down our gun by pressing down on the pad and up to return when you want use your weapon. like having you weapon down could allow for beaing stealthier
  13. Frankly i feel that it would be kinda easy to swap in and out from vehicle view. like the same they could do with putting guns down from use. Like just being able to press down on the d-pad and up to return
  14. Id be extremely happy if 343 went ahead and just dished out all armors from past games, and whatever the BLAM they come up with. frankly i just want to REALLY be able to customize my elite.
  15. i've always wondered what 1st person driving the warthog would look like. id imagine it'd be fun!
  16. i did like hunting down certain armors and you make a clear point about using the credits to buy attachments. i like that idea. it would work smoothly. it took me and my brother forever to unlock all halo3 armor. and i did appreciate it more. i even have the katana piece. but maybe i new form of rank up? idk
  17. i like the thought of the "Dress class spartan"...but it would be taking away from the super space soldier feel. dont get me wrong! Great idea, but as far as the elites go.. they are the underdogs of the series and shouldnt be treated as so. i say the elites deserve just as much armor selction or availibility as the spartan. i know the options are limited but thats okay
  18. true but i dont see why anyone cant just zoom in like we usually do
  19. i like the idea of knowing if your team mates need health but that would throw us into medic classes and soldier and etc. If you could equip a one time Truama kit to your character that resets every time you spawn and its for you alone that would be something cool
  20. agreed. and what i hate on infection is campers. camping spots are a major NO its infection, you WILL be infected. there is no escape XD
  21. having even a UNSC ship set up like the ishimura from deadspace would rock!
  22. i mean it would be pretty awesome to have a level set up specifically for it. like in the mission of H3 where you rescue cortana. that would rock!
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