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The Stig

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Everything posted by The Stig

  1. .00110010 redrO .lla rof yrotciv neerG .rorrim eht ni desrever si enihcam der ehT .24 erauqs no dekrap si VUS eulb ehT

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Stig
    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      The blue SUV is parked on square 42.

      The red machine is reversed in the mirror. Green victory for all. Order 01001100.

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      So... You cracked the case. Well Vitamin, can you figure out its meaning? *Maniacal laugh of EVIL* MUHAHAHAHAH!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VeoOCegLn8

  2. I signed it! Thanks for making this petition! Everybody on Steam needs to be able to Enjoy Halo 2 Vista, especially now that Spartan Assault is becoming available on it. I can't wait to see what the Mod community could do if they manage to get their hands on the game!
  3. The Stig


    Hello! Thats great your joining and even better that you are already friends with one of the members! (Make that two cause now I'm your friend too) And fella's Whats with all giving Boss such a hard time? I mean come on guys.... You know you love him!
  4. Canada...Please take Justin back....#DeportJustinBieber (Oh and can you take Miley Cyrus too? That would be great!)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      But wait! Theres more! Act now and you will also get Satan as a bonus! :D

    3. Axilus Prime
    4. Maestro
  5. Welcome, welcome! I see you like pi. Apple or Cherry? 3.1415926 and thats about all I can remember off the top of my head... Haha, pathetic I know, but I was never good with math... Anyways... Great to have you with us! See ya later!...
  6. I....I just saw a Chupacabra....

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      That's a foundation for a Cryptid hunting reality TV show!

    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Well says Ledgend, we got us a chupacabra with an automatic weapon.

  7. They got the results back from the lab... they came back normal! And the news from the vet was good!!! :D

    1. Caboose The Ace
    2. TDM


      Yeah! Good news for the win! :D

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      Thank you my friends! :)


      Honey's liver enzymes were a little high but thats normal because she is on prednisone (steroids) for her allergies. I am so relieved! Thank you guys! ^_^

  8. Taking my dog to the vet always worries me... she is old now and I'm afraid I will receive bad news one day... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      I've had three other dogs before. One was a Westhighland terrier named "Frosty". We gave him to my dads friend after he bite my brother, he just recently passed away. My dad, brother and I were their by his side as he went. It was really dramatic for us. We had a second dog, named "Rusty Bell" or just Rusty. He was a Yorkshire Terrier. He was crazy (literally) and spastic (but in a good way). He lived for almost 17 years.

    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      And lastly we got a rare mix puppy from somewhere I was to young to remember, and he died less than two weeks of being part of our family. He got run over (or should I say CRUSHED) by a Semi Truck, after the cable repair man forgot to close the gate in the back... My brother and I were at our nana's house when our parents came in crying telling us what happened... :(

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      I've seen a lot of death of family pets growing up... It never gets any easier... And now Honey (that's my dogs name) is getting near the end of the road... And I don't think I can handle losing another best friend, and family member again... Its too much for me to take. :'(

  9. Sounds like a plan. Try to keep us informed, let us know if that resolved your issue. If not, we can help you the best we can! If it happened to not work, then after telling us, try PM'ing a Mod, or 343i Employee on Halowaypoint Forums. A few of the Moderators/Employees are, BS Angel, B is for Bravo, DavidJCobb, Snickerdoodle, to name a few. Try telling them of your issue, or consult Microsoft/Xbox Live support. That's if your issue does not resolve itself, which in rare cases has been known to happen. Good luck and Best of luck to you!
  10. Awesome list! Each and every person on that list is amazing! And I know most of them! But even the ones I may not know so well, are still, truly deserving of being chosen! So big applause everyone! Good job my friends, and congrats!
  11. But then that would most likely mean that Halo 2 Anniversary would be designed for the Xbox 360... So it won't get to make use of the Xbox Ones technology and software....
  12. I want a Game Shpere... Its Spherical! SPHERICAL!!!

  13. There is no expert on History. For every second, of every minute, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year, of every decade, of every century, new history is being made...History is always growing... and I find it Fascinating!

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      I am an expert on history. My own history, but still I am an expert on it. Up to the nanosecond and beyond in fact.

    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      But even if one were to know all there was to know about Earth History, we would still have to not only keep up with all the new history being made, but also the history of other worlds, species, and even the origins of Life, and our universe (or multiverse). A past so long it would take too long in one lifetime to learn...


      That is why I love History... Its because its so mysterious, and yet it can teach us so much! :D

  14. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag alle! Und ausgezeichnete Arbeit Personal für das halten so um! Es war wahrscheinlich nicht leicht, aber es war sicher eine große Entscheidung! Vielen Dank!
  15. Salmon or Tilapia? Neither. Squid, Octopus, and Red Snapper.

  16. Heading out to walk the dog... Its nice and cold just the way we like it! :)

  17. Need for Speed with Aaron Paul was really good. The 3D made it even better! ;)

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I wanna go see that. Looks cool :)

  18. Nice work there my friend! This makes finding it all so much easier!
  19. Both. Will Ash ever become a Pokemon Master someday?
  20. Metro 2033 is so much fun! I can't stop playing it! :D

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Get Metro Last Light! It's great!

    2. The Stig

      The Stig

      Thanks for the suggestion! I was planning to get in anyway after I beat 2033, but with your recommendation I will totally get it now! :)

  21. The wind was so strong this morning that I saw a bird flying backwards. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      That, I need to see someday.

    3. Composite Armour
    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      Lol, Bethesda and their backwards flying dragons.... :D

  22. I'd love a Ultra High-definition TV or even computer monitor, but there is currently not enough content to even justify owning one. Japan already has 8K resolution and are working on even higher res models far beyond that, but most tv channels, movies, and games are still only 1080p. Some are still 720p or below. Until shows are filmed, produced, broadcast, and aired in 4K or more, then I'd rather pass. But I still really want one! Lol
  23. Everyone sounds like a great guy! Love to meet em! (lol) Joking aside, welcome Doom! Its great to have you as part of the community!
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