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Everything posted by AnimalDenWinter

  1. It's gotta be the scorpion: because you can go on killing sprees and maybe get closer to completing a vehicle challenge. Also, the mantis doesn't have good shields, I've found my self destroying them with my DMR.
  2. Well definitely the pelican. So you can go around BTB maps and pick up your wounded allies. Also it would be cool if you went around hammering every foe around. It should only be in BTB's, because it would be unfair on the team who don't have it: so each team should have one.
  3. Yes, I do host customs. So if you want to play join me, but first ill send you an FR on live. Also, try and get on at about... after 3pm, thats when i'm normally on. It may have to be a 1v1 if my friends cant be bothered to go on halo and stick on minecraft. I will send you a message.
  4. No, I'd rather not. Because, I'm not such a fan of Grifball, Dominion or Team Action Sack, mostly because i die quite a bit on those game types and i like to keep my service record still positive.
  5. Well maybe you may be very good. Although, when I go on heroic diffilcuty, I normally play LASO, all skulls on.
  6. I totally agree with you. But a lot of people still play Reach; however, Halo 4 is still much better. All of those reasons tell why it's better. Also, I think Reach wasn't really like the proper halo games, because for me it felt like a different tale happening some where else in the halo galaxy, what doesn't really need to be told. In addition, it didn't have the chief, cortana, Sgt.Johnson and well you know the BR!!
  7. I dont get how you like it. It doesn't help you in matchmaking, not really useful, plus you do not need it.
  8. I agree. It's useful when you're on low health and being chased by you're killer. hardly anybody uses it as a main weapo. Well I just use it occasionally.
  9. I totally agree.I did like ONI in Reach however in 4 they're extremely nasty and unthoughtful.
  10. these are well good drawings well done plus are you the one whos the best at drawing in your class or was it someone else?
  11. I liked the grenade luancher. However, it didn't really fit in with halo. It was more of a Call Of Duty weapon, but i'm good with them so i don't mind if they are in Halo 5.
  12. Wow good video. I could never do that. Well I don't think so.
  13. Well actually my favourite forge map is Valhala. (Ragnarok.) But I voted for all three, I've had a go on all of them.
  14. Mine would be Dual wield Sub Machine guns.
  15. Yes guns do disappear to fast. It's very annoying. Like say if you died with a shotgun ordnance, you would want to quickly go and get it. But then you realise it's gone. Or maybe a enemy had taken it during battle. Actually I think guns just shouldn't disappear.
  16. It depends on what type of grunt. If you were saying a grunt from Halo 3, it probably would tickle. Because in Halo 3 they were very funny. Also wouldn't it be cool, when you stick a grunt it makes a ticklish sound. Good topic though.
  17. nope i just get the no scopes on those small reach maps
  18. 1. Dual wield sub machine gun Halo 3. 2.DMR halo 4. 3. Sniper Halo 4. 4.Beam Rifle Halo 4. 5.Magnum Halo 1 CE anniversary. 6. Sniper Rifle Halo reach.
  20. there totaly should be a forge world halo 4 it really annoys me so i use ragnarok
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