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Everything posted by AnimalDenWinter

  1. W O L F. The hunter was running. Running through the trees. Th wolf was hunting the hunter. The hunter slid down a fire licked bank. The wolf leapt over. The wolfs yellow eyes flashing through the trees like traffic lights. The hunter was scared, for losing his life. Its white claws lashed and scratched. The hunter had fell like worthless ash. Please leave a like or post. I don't do poems at all so I don't know if this really is a poem. At least it should be good for you.
  2. I totally agree. It's good to see some positive stuff about Halo 4 for once........*sighs*
  3. -WOOF- Hello. Is anybody excited about Bethesda's new online elder scrolls game? I should of posted this in Gaming Industry News section but for some reason it won't let me so I just did it here. I'm really looking forward to it. It ail only be coming out as a PC game for the moment, though they have been saying "could there be a possibility of Elder Scrolls: online on XBL?" Please leave a post of what you know and like about the Elder Scrolls including what you think...... -Woof-WOOF-
  4. Yep......I got it. It's looks awesome as well. It always has.
  5. Thats so awesome! I wan't to do it now!! But I can't at the moment. *awwllll* 343 must of kept this secret. Good job to whoever found this out! -Woof-WOOF-
  6. Yes that would be good. However, it would take no skill.....Halo's needs skill to play good. But if it locked onto vehicles I would be over the moon it doesn't seem to do so in H4. Plus could it at least be a bit more powerful and do more damage on vehicles: it takes two rockets on a Hog to kill it. Not even one rocket straight in the drivers/passengers/turreters face it won't kill them. It only seems to take damage to the vehicle. -Woof-Woof-
  7. That was breath taking! I wish this was published! Keep up the epic work BATMAN! This is brill! -Woof-WOOF-
  8. I would definitely go with Exo. Looks so cool!! The concept art of Bungie's is amazing! Truly breath taking. I'm so looking forward to Destiny!
  9. Simple. In H4 they should do a update where you can prestige like in CoD. However, you still have your load-outs weapons and all the other stuff like armour and tactical packages and support upgrades. -Woof-Woof-
  10. The best vehicle of all time? For me: the Truck of Fun from Reaches campaign.
  11. AnimalDenWinter


    EXCUUUUUUSEEEEE MEEEE!! The Battle Rifle is the classic version of the DMR! How are people NOOBS if they use it. You surely don't respect the history of Halo's weapons if you hate the BR! What do you use? I use the BR myself. People being noobish: is using Active Camo with suppressors and sticking people whenever they come bye. Also for the record, CAMPING! Sorry I must calm down with a doggy pedigree biscuit.........ummmmmm......tasty..... -Woof-Woof-
  12. It is OP. But It's meant to be! It's a Gauss Hog. If they under-powered it they would ruin the history of it. Anyway I's fun going around a map unstoppable getting Killtacs.
  13. Hello. -Woof- I am going to start creating a Forge map called Forge Swamp. If anyone wants to help me! Please contact me on XBL @ SparGrunticusVI or if it doesn't work I may of changed my XBL GT and then I will edit this. -Woof-Woof-
  14. Woof-Yes this has been great help to me-Woof. I was thinking about making a scary boggy Flood map. Now I know how to make it even more scarier. Thank You-Woof -Woof-Woof-
  15. I would definitely make a clan base on Forge. I've already started one, if you wan't to have a look message me on XBL if you wan't to have a tour round it. I'd also make remakes of old H2,3,Reach maps. -Woof-Woof-
  16. If the Mongoose wasn't in Halo I would probably not play it as much as I do now: the Mongoose has got to be the legendary vehicle, well I though so when on Halo 4 I was in a mongoose with a Sniper and got a snapshot half way across the map. It is used for carrying personal supplies and other Spartan team-mates across the virtual battlefield.
  17. Please can you explain fully please. I really don't get what your talking about. Like what is and isn't balanced.
  18. I do have a good clan. However, all my clan friends don't ever play HALO ANYMORE! Only me and my best friend play Halo now! So it's only us two. Moreover, me and my clan (me and my best friend) are in talks with other clans for alliances. We have recently been talking with HFU clan lately. We'll see what we can do. I'll message you when we sorted out for it. If you put your GT in the post it would be much more helpful.
  19. You're asking for a lot here. Grunt mode would be awesome. But calling Spartans Halo's? What the hell! Thats just total weirdness. Halo's are, if you didn't already know, ring like structures created by the ancient race of Forerunners (not Prometheans.)
  20. Yes that's definitely right! I played a Team Snipers game once on Monolith.
  21. I think I know where you built it.......inside one of the islands right? Anyways. That looks absolutely amazing! I love the theme of it as well! How exactly do you download maps from other peoples file share? Please tell me. I so wan't to go on that map!
  22. I don't really agree with you. But I see the point of the no ordnance drops for the thrashing team. What's with the grammar anyway? Don't worry about it you'll get used to it! Like I did when became a member.
  23. No never! I never have anyway. Xbox is Halos's home now! Sorry.
  24. The new flood mode in Halo 5 should have the classic looking Flood combatant forms. Not weird grinning bubbly creatures. My idea for the new Floods: They look like the proper Flood, the bubbling should still be there, the laugh gives me nightmares so NO! One player who starts of as a Flood is chosen to be a Flood tank form, so he's the one everybody's trying to kill and stay away from. The new flood mode in Halo 5 should have the classic looking Flood combatant forms. Not weird grinning bubbly creatures. My idea for the new Floods: They look like the proper Flood, the bubbling should still be there, the laugh gives me nightmares so NO! One player who starts of as a Flood is chosen to be a Flood tank form, so he's the one everybody's trying to kill and stay away from.
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