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Everything posted by TheEnd

  1. I abhor comments like this. did YOU make the halo universe? no i didnt think so. the universe has always been evolving. 343 has more right than anyone to make whatever reveals or changes to it that they want. the Campaign was amazing, emotions were high during all of it. get a grip and dont take things so seriously that you cant have fun with a great game designed to make you have fun. people like you need to know where to draw the line between reality and videogames.
  2. shut up and play the darn game. its a freakin game dude, its not the freakin UFC or NFL. dont take it so seriously. try and try again
  3. i made a thread like this. i hope the enemies still have personality
  4. my theory is that chief is a spartan and he runs around shootin stuff and saving the galaxy *pew pew pew*
  5. As long as chiefs helmet is available im happy
  6. No killcams. thank God. and i noticed they took the game ending music thing from battlefield. no dislikes from me so from from what i have seen
  7. At first i heard it was because it would not fit the loadout scheme they worked on. but after pondering it, how would it not? that could just be an ability in your loadout to be able to dual weild. I feel like that would be a great option since you can do double the damage in half the time if you use dual weild, but you would only be able to use it at the cost of not being able to pick other options. what do you people think? should 343i consider implementing dual wield? I know alot of people, such as myself, really enjoyed that feature in halo 2 and 3. I think if this thread gets enough feedback I might just make a poll
  8. plus, spartan ops are updated every week. if you arent connected to XBL how are you gonna get the updates?
  9. no, id rather keep the halo community on the xbox. putting it on pc would deplete the population in MP
  10. and all these people getting upset about the threads about halo turning into call of duty can shut their mouths and listen to the real halo fans that know what is important for the series
  11. noble six survived free fall too
  12. Something i absolutely love about pretty much every halo installment is that the enemies (elites, brutes, grunts, ect.) All have incredible personality to them. their dialogue is entertaining, and you actually feel like you are fighting an enemy that has a cause of its own. Do you think that Halo 4 will live up to this? i mean so far, from what we have seen in the gameplay trailer, Chief seems to just be fighting some mindless drones set up by an ancient race. Do you think there will be more enemies with deeper personalities? just an example
  13. TheEnd

    Omega Spartans!

    Everyone knows Chief is a virgin
  14. Halo Reach Birth of a spartan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOwyc60ekJQ&feature=relmfu Deliver Hope
  15. HAlo ODST http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IklqPx3unjs
  16. i actually think this is a possibility. and its not a bad one either. In coop we would play as our spartans, and in single campaign we would play as chief
  17. LOL @ Best Man. did anyone else see when he shot a rocket, would have gotten a double kill, but it went through the wall instead?
  18. TheEnd

    A Dream.

    im gonna make my alarm to just say "CHIEF" over and over again
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