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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Play SWAT. It will make you better at stuff like strafing and aiming for an opponents head.
  2. 343i should try and get a good amount of high quality original maps instead of doing remakes. Because of the way that the gameplay mechanics are being changed so drastically, maps that were a huge hit in the past no longer play as well. Just look at the Halo 4 version of Lockout. It was widely considered to not be as good as the previous editions. I'd much rather see 9 well thought out new maps be brought forth.
  3. I feel like this has been discussed heavily for the last two Halo games but never got implemented. How cool would it be if 343i made it so that the game could detect whether or not players had a mic plugged in and used that info to group the player with people that also have mics. It's remarkable that in the days of Halo 2 it seemed like 50-75% of the population you ran into in Matchmaking was using a Mic. Nowadays you can join a BTB game and you're lucky if even 4 people have Mics. What a world of difference it would make if they could add this into the Matchmaking algorithm.
  4. Yeah that's the way that MLG did it and I thought it worked pretty well. On asylum in MLG CTF it was actually pretty amazing how powerful the jet-pack in the hands of a skilled player was. Especially when he was the only one who had one.
  5. I almost think Halo 3 had the best forge. Sure we didn't have magnets, locks, and color coded items... But you could still do some pretty amazing stuff if you really worked at it. Remember how hard we all worked to interlock everything perfectly and geomerge the boxes in order to create complex geometry that we wouldn't have been able to do otherwise. Sure Forge in Halo 4 has all of its shiny new features... but I was far more addicted to the Halo 3 Forge.
  6. This is what they are talking about if anybody doesn't know. After seeing these designs I kind of wish that 343 industries would have taken this path instead of making the Mantis for Halo 4. It appears that the Gorgon would have filled the same role (with a few modifications) while taking a good bit more skill to use.
  7. We can all assume that, in the spirit of innovation, 343i will be introducing some new AA's to War Games. However... I'm curious as to whether there are any ones that were in Halo 4 that the community feels strongly should or shouldn't be brought back. I'm going to go through all of the ones in Halo 4 and explain my reasoning for them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jet Pack - This should be brought back but should be severely altered. As opposed to being able to hover in the air for 10 seconds at a time it should be changed so that it is more similar to the jump boots in UT3. As opposed to being rather slow and lasting for 3 seconds it should be a very quick and powerful upward movement for about 1 second. This would allow the player to do much of the same stuff but would require much more skill and would have far more margin for error. Hardlight Shield - This one I think is nearly perfect as is. No changes necessary Hologram - This one is perfect as is. No changes necessary. Regeneration Field - This one should make the cut but it does require some change. Because we traditionally want to keep the flow of combat moving in level design and having somebody plop down a healing field and wait it out is contradictory to this goal, we need to control the power of the AA. The changes I would suggest are simple. One well placed BR burst into the AA would instantly cut it off. Also it would only last for about 75% as long as it does in Halo 4. Active Camo - I tend to think that this is the one AA that was in Halo 4 that should not be brought up to Halo 5. However, it might be worth testing different fixes for it to see if one works. One possible solution would be to make the camo significantly weaker. Another would be to make a support upgrade or something that outlines active camo users while scoped in. Thruster Pack - This one is perfect as is. Actually it might be worth it to give this one a little distance boost. I couldn't find too many good uses with this in Halo 4 unless I was doing trick jumps at the man cannons in Haven. Promethean Vision - I loved the balance for this AA in Halo 4 and think it should be brought up to Halo 5 as is making only changes based on what is necessary for the new games arsenal and gameplay. Autosentry - I was never a big fan and it wasn't too powerful. I'm pretty indifferent as to whether it is brought back or not.
  8. Hello guys. I figured I'd go ahead and make an intro thread since my forum hiatus was long enough that there's a whole new generation, so to speak, of 343i users. I really had to take my leave earlier because I wanted to get a good start on college and wanted to make sure there was nothing that was gonna interfere with that. Now since I have gotten off to a good start and with the first tidbits of Halo 5 news starting to be released I want to be a part of these forums again more than ever. I'm gonna work on getting Xbox live set up again so I'll probably be posting my GT if anybody wants to hit me up on live. I'll also probably upgrade to Xbox one in the near future. I look forward to catching up with all the people that I knew that are still active here as well as meeting some of the newer people and such.
  9. Dreams are not the things we see in our sleep, They are the things that keep us from sleeping...

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Shut up. Quit reminding me of the odd nightmare last night.


  10. Well it wasn't technically destroyed. The amount of pure power and energy to obliterate something as large as a planet is virtually unimaginable by any stretch of human thought. What the Covenant were able to do is "glass" the planet. That is subject it's surfaces to such a high heat that it turns to glass. (Because of the sand content I think) At the end of Halo reach we are given this image that I take to show that Reach has recovered and is producing life now again.\
  11. This is an interesting idea. I doubt it would be possible to do from a technical standpoint without having to give some form of payment or tribute in one way or another. (remember when Bungie let us render videos for render points)
  12. Halo is too big of a money making machine to die off in the predictable near future. If I had to make a prediction I'd guess that its not going to be nearly as popular as it was during its Xbox original and Xbox 360 era. I for one know I'll be going with the PS4 and I know that I have major concerns as to how capable 343i is in comparison to what Bungie was able to accomplish throughout their control of the series.
  13. No debate here. A member who truly shined during his time as a mod. Always messing with people's name in shoutbox this one was.
  14. ^ almost just spit my water out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A question I'm more than familiar with. f I remember correctly my friend had stolen it from one of his friends who had used the random GT creator (a feature I'm not sure exists anymore). So I'm just in the continuing lineage of one epic GT name. Back in Halo 2 era I was quite the Noob. Being like 13 at the time I wasn't very good and only played MM with people from my school. One of my friends had the GT SweatyBagels. He had a habit of switching from clan to clan. Eventually he was in a clan that required him to change his GT. Soooo I stole the GT and after he left the clan he had to use SweatBagels without the y. To this day I still think that it's one of the more creative and random GTs that I've had the fortune of seeing... even though I wasn't involved in the creation of it at all.
  15. If you look real closely you can see a troll in its natural habitat. Please keep all arms inside the vehicle and refrain from feeding.
  16. Looked like a multimedia device with gaming support as opposed to a gaming device with multimedia support. As much as I never thought I'd say it... There looks to be a good chance that ill be buyong the PS4 instead.
  17. Hopefully as we enter summer these forums will have a bit of a revival. 17 members in the past 60 minutes breaks my heart.

    1. Azaxx


      I have a screenshot when I was the only person online.

    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Fridays are typically the lowest traffic days of the week.

    3. Azaxx


      Makes no sense, shouldn't Friday and Sat be the highest? XD

  18. SatanicBagels


    I had to vote no simply on the basis that ragnorak was designed as a very open vehicular map and simply doesn't include the covered defensible positions necessary for a proper playing dominion map. Lets take a look at some of the other popular dominion maps. Exile has its three bases. One of the is located indoors under the cover of the guass hog building. The opposing base houses the other terminal. Once again clearly covered as to promote defensive tactics and such. Dominion has one of its bases stowed away inside of some interesting rock formations that with the implementation of the base shields leaves it well protected. Then the other two bases are located inside of the massive structure on top of the map as well as the smaller sub-base that houses one of the neutral ghosts. There is no architecture on Ragnorak to promote dominion the way it is meant to be played. Furthermore one problem I think the map may run into is that it might be too thin for dominion. To control the top hill of the map would render the controlling team invincible. This is of course due to the fact that there's not a whole lot of good options for avoiding power vehicles on the way to the opposing base. Perhaps with some forging it could be made to work. Weapons and vehicles would have to be considered to lower the amount of dominance control of the central hill of the map granted the controlling team, and some slight forging would be require in order to map the locations more baselile. (I'm assuming the bases would be middle hill the leaning rock and the caves by pelican.)
  19. I don't see what's the big deal here. It's not really bad sport seeing as the game is done in the name of fun. It's these kind of shenanigans that have made the halo culture that we know and love today. Either way, if you don't think it's fair sport then just don't do it.
  20. So does this mean that that Arabian princess that messaged me wasn't real.
  21. Well to be honest the only way that I'd want to see the regular plasma rifle return is if dual-wielding made a comeback. When dual-wielding was added in Halo 2 it really spoiled me and, truth be told, I'm not sure about how I would like using a regular plasma rifle if I can't combo it with another weapon of my choice. I think that due to the removal of dual-wielding the covenant automatic weapon needs to be a more large two handed weapon with superior accuracy and maybe pack a bit more of a punch. That's the only logically way to balance it while keeping some small identity of believability. However if dual-wielding was to make a reappearance than I think it would be justified and prefered to revert back to everyone's favorite plasma weapon.
  22. Tommorow afternoon will celebrate the completion of my first entire year as an qctive member of this site. I have made great friends along the way, I have enjoyed many good times with the community both within the forums and in various different halo games and Hingis/343i products. I don't want to go to I depth as to the hundreds of different members on this site who have helped me along in my journey on these forums. I'll just name a few who have had a very noticable impact on me in no particular order. Victory Element - Our sites MoM last month and well deserved. A member who I have enjoyed countless hours of competitive halo 4 goodness with. One of the most level-headed and friendly members of these forums. DocSpartan0O7 - I consider you a friend amongst many other things. You were always a nice presence in the shoutbox and I enjoyed playing in all of the play dates with you. Absolute Dog - Thank you for helping to make these forums the kind of place where I can spend so many hours in. For making it a breeding ground for polite and in depth discussion of all things Halo. And with that I'll conclude this anniversary post. It's been one hell of a ride so far and hopefully it will continue to be so moving forward.
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