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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Would you be willing to pay Microsoft Points for any of these (or other) updates? I said that Microsoft should pay us on this question...
  2. Bumped due to renewed usefulness because of the influx of new members.
  3. We've been trying to keep that a secret :3
  4. Can't feel my arms #Curls #TricepExtension #Scarecrows #Pushups #D1bound

  5. 800 Likes --- Glad to be a part of these wonderful forums :)

  6. 800 Likes --- Glad to be a part of these wonderful forums :)

  7. The featured map idea sounds like it could be a very important addition to these wrap-ups Drizzy. Loving everything about these. Keep them coming.
  8. One does not often see Higher level discussion about video games like this very often. This is some stuff you would expect to examine in a college course titled "Advanced Video Game Writing". This thread should be nominated for video game article of the decade.
  9. So I hear there is an interest in good ideas for playdates. My thinking on this subject is simple. First off one must examine what generally makes up a good playdate... In the past of this site the playdates have been driven by a series of fun custom games which foster a friendly and casual enviroment to play our favorite game in/ With the infinity slayer contest around the corner it would, perhaps, be interesting to take advantage of all the epic maps that are bound to be made and submitted. This would successfully... 1. Make the Infinity Slayer Forging event more of a community wide event instead of just a forgers event. 2. Provide forgers with extra incentive as they get the spotlight during the playdate. 3. Be very damn fun. Once all the maps have been circulated (I don't know how many map submissions the event staff are looking at here) then gametypes could be switched up or the playdate could move on to other things... Like it probably would have no matter what the design of the playdate was anyway.
  10. Wow guys this thread just hit 200 replies. Popular thread is popular... Let's keep the good ideas rolling.
  11. I remember coming on one day and seeing AD in orange. I think that's one of those events that kind of defines this forum.
  12. In the unlikely case that GSD is guilty... https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6696732672/hCD842679/
  13. Yes I'd assume that given the circumstances she is probably going to be working with Jul 'Mdama. Basically the UNSC shoved her into a situation where she has no choice but to team up with him. Why the UNSC tried to kill her? I'm going to guess typical government incompitance and idiocy.
  14. I've played this map a couple of times with friends and it's always one of the competitive maps that I throw in the rotation when doing custom games. Along with Lotus I think that this map easily has matchmaking qualities and blows the other maps from the Forge Test playlist 3 weeks ago out of the water. I really like how you built the structure down into the ocean. Adds a sense of structure and realism to the map aesthetically.
  15. I just played this a couple of times with a party of 10 and a party of 8 respectively. Very fun map. Well balanced and fair for the both the zombies and the humans. The hiding spots are powerful but not dominate. The subway feel is very eerie and fitting for an infection map. Well done Creative Gaming
  16. It pains me to say it but I think that Complex is probably one of the worst and most poorly designed maps in Halo history. Only good thing that I can really say about the overall Halo 4 map selection would have to be Haven.
  17. Welcome to the forums I agree with this idea. However, it should only work when the hunter has, let's say, 15% or less health left. Otherwise it would be too OP and everybody would try to assassinate them for the one hit kill.
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