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Everything posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Congratz to Victory Element on MoM. I can't think of a more desrving member. Your contribution to discussion in the forums as well as all the times we've lobbied up and smacked some noobs in MM is greatly appriciated.

    1. Victory Element

      Victory Element

      thanx so much man. You have been there with me the whole way. I owe a big thanx to you

  2. Such a pure message... has never been uttered on the internet until this point...
  3. This is why you got banned. How else do you think one should handle posts like this. If one person can question a mods decision and call them out on it with no repricutions [sic] then the quality of the forum would be put into a downward spiral.
  4. I don't understand. There are unbalanced features of Halo 4 but I've never considered the Plasma Pistol to be one of them. It's easy enough to just avoid them with vehicles. If you're driving past people with Plasma Grenades and Plasma Pistols and somebody disables/destroys you then that's not the fault of a messed up game mechanic... that's the fault of making a poor choice.
  5. BTB Objective just adds more variety to an otherwise stale selection of slayer. The BTB Playlist is unique for it's use of 16 players in one match and not it's gametype selection. So I don't think it detracts from the other Objective playlists. As somebody who enjoyed BTB CTF on Valhalla in Halo 3 I think that they should revamp the BTB playlist with objective gametypes If they don't work out then they would just get overlooked in the voting. But if the past has told us anything... It's that they would more than likely not get skipped up. BTB Objective variants were wildly popular in Halo 3.
  6. Shotgun Needler Railgun Beam Rifle Concussion Rifle Sticky Detonator SAW All stuff that was left out that would have made the gametype better. Not to mention the AR, Suppressor, Magnum, PP, Boltshot, Storm Rifle, BR, DMR, Light Rifle, and Carbine. My argument is that these should be in the game. The quote has nothing to do with gauging the popular opinion...
  7. Team Fiesta, in my opinion, has been destroyed. It was golden in Halo Reach but now they have changed the way it works to provide ordinance on spawn and after any kills. What happened to just spawning with a random weapon and getting over it if the weapon you're given isn't as dominate as you would have hoped for. I think I have heard this described perfectly on another forum I'm interested in the communities thoughts here. Do you like the new settings better or do you like the older settings more.
  8. Well all opinions of course but I'm going to allude to several things. ~ No BTB Objective ~ Action Sack arguably being terrible ~ Grifball getting wrecked ~ No FFA Playlist ~ Flood isn't very fun Also, starting to fix a game this far after launch is not acceptable. If they were not dealing with the Halo franchise they wouldn't have had nearly the success that they had at launch.
  9. All of those points are opinions. You can't say invalid based on a foundation of opinions. You have to support it with facts. Just a few things I noticed though in response to the OP... 1. Forge is possible to use. That's not to say it is a huge step down from Reach which as far as I'm concerned is unacceptable and needs to be fixed in Halo 5. After playing countless custom games I have arisen to the conclusion that incredible maps can be made in Halo 4. 2. Playlists are terrible in Halo 4... But they are improving little by little.
  10. So 343i recently released a playlist completely dedicated to their new gametype extraction. I have found this gametype to be pretty fun but largely tactic driven. (more so than other gametypes) There is a certain art to converting enemy Beacons, securing Beacons first, and Defending Beacons. In my constant seeking of becoming a better Halo strategist and all around player I'm looking for any strategies or tips that can help me become better at it. While we're here... other Objective gametype strategies would be appriciated as well. 1. I always use the Ghost to lock down beacons that I'm trying to defend. 2. Use the rooftops in Complex to lockdown your beacons. 3. Mobility lets you get to Beacons before enemies.
  11. I remember chilling with you 8-9 months ago... I think I was using the shoutbox to look for people with mics to play MM with. Ever since then you've been a good friend and a great contribution to these forums. I've yet to see you post anything that wasn't mature and friendly. (a quality that seems to be getting rarer and rarer on the internet. You'r definitely a part of the community that has made these forums as enjoyable as they are. You've been doing so for one year now and I imagine you'll continue to do it in the future.
  12. Shame that the playdate collapsed so quickly this morning. I know we can do better than 6 people xD Great read Drizzy.
  13. As usual you ran the best custom game around last night. Thanks for hosting Spades
  14. HaloCustoms was an ingeniously designed site. This interview really shows the technical genius of it's founder. He saw a void in the Halo Community and he created the perfect site to fill it with. Props to him for his excellent job on the site as well as to Spades N AZ and Absolute Dog for making the affiliate happen. HaloCustoms is a huge unstoppable machine much like 343i and as it looks right now the future of the Halo Community is going to be heavily impacted by their successes and failures. Lets make those successes. Good read Drizzy.
  15. Threads inbound later tonight. See you all at Custom Game Night.

  16. Many newer members come on here and post their wishlists... I'm kind of interested in what some of the more known members (staff) think Halo 5 should include --------> http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/22813-the-official-what-you-do-and-do-not-want-in-halo-5-thread/

  17. I went ahead and quoted this thread in the OP as well as adding a link near the top of my post. I like your idea quite a bit.
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