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Everything posted by upton889

  1. upton889


    I haven't heard anything on BPR transferring but my guess is that, if BPR is implemented, Halo 4 will have a clean slate being that Halo 4 is its own game and will give people a chance to start over from scratch.
  2. Romney wants to increase taxes for the middle class and cut taxes for the rich. That's not a recipe for success as trickle down economics have failed. The rich are getting richer and have no desire to share their wealth. Romney is a wealthy businessman who only wants to help other wealthy businessmen. Not to mention Romney changes views on policies like no other. Obama wants to help the middle class, place more taxes on the rich, and help people achieve a college education, a recipe to shorten the national deficit and to brighten our future. The employment rate under Obama is excellent right now also. I want to see those employment rates continue to grow. Romney's ideas are very similar to President Bush's and we see how that worked out didn't we?
  3. The biggest problem in 1v1 for me is host advantages. One player possesses host when the other does not, which makes the match unequal. If 343 could take out host and power weapons I don't see a problem with 1v1 making a return. I do think if this were to happen then 343 would need to make smaller maps because, with the exclusion of Haven and maybe a few others, most of the Halo 4 maps are entirely too big for 1v1.
  4. Right here with you man. November 6th cannot get here soon enough!
  5. I suppose it's up to the player to be proficient at all the weapons, which shouldn't be a problem as the promethean, covenant, and UNSC primary weapons are similar. I almost guarantee there will be one of those primary weapons lying around somewhere.
  6. As much free Xbox Live that accumulates to with all the pre orders and expected sales, that surprises me that Halo 4 includes a 14 day free trial. I guess Microsoft likes to spread the message about Xbox Live.
  7. I'm ecstatic for Halo 4! Several years ago nobody I talked to even expected a Halo 4 and with Reach being a let down, the community is more excited than ever. Watching videos from another's perspective and getting the full experience are to completely different things, and that goes for almost anything.
  8. If you were to play right now, my best guess is that microsoft would take legal action with some possible state law charges as well (receiving stolen property). I wouldn't recommend it as you may be asking for a misdemeanor on your record with whatever microsoft would have in store as well.
  9. I hope CTF isn't solely based on how well a team utilizes vehicles and I also hope that a simple pickup of the flag carrier with a warthog doesn't heavily affect the outcome of the game. This may be caused by all the big maps tailor made for vehicle use. This may be fun for Big Team but wouldn't be nearly as fun for 4v4. Guarding the flag carrier on foot is a great challenge in itself and I would personally like to see smaller maps for that intense on-foot CTF gameplay.
  10. This will be the ultimate comic relief/WTF moments of Halo 4 lol.
  11. I don't understand why Microsoft would make the decision to produce Xbox's with that small of a storage space. 4gb is insignificant compared to what most Xbox owners need. From the way I understand it the 4gb owners have to have usb or some other storage device, otherwise you will not be able to play multiplayer.
  12. upton889


    I always loved Knuckles in the sonic series. Welcome to the forums!
  13. If you wanted to make a gamble I would go for one anywhere besides a video game store such as Gamestop, EB Games, etc. Where I'm from I don't expect a lot of people going to Walmart for Halo 4 and a friend of mine will go to Walmart on release night to get a copy. They usually have some but don't hold me to that. You may be in a completely different situation with expectations for game sales at places like Walmart, Target, etc. If you don't want to gamble and willing to wait a little while, I second Tallgeese's suggestion and pre order from Ebay.
  14. Hit me up man! My gamertag is listed below my username.
  15. And I agree. For long term success, Halo 4 needs to return to that great balance we all have gotten to know from previous games (excluding Reach).
  16. It'll be interesting for me as to how 343 will balance armor abilities. The imbalance of armor abilities was one of the major flaws in Halo Reach. Every armor ability has it's own advantages in certain situations but the magic question about them is, will they truly be balanced? With that said, I enjoyed Bravo's breakdown of things and I absolutely cannot wait to play Halo 4. I'm counting down the days and November 6th cannot get here soon enough.
  17. I like all the new weapons and the disintegration of your opponent is a nice touch. love the scattershot the most because of it's reflective abilities. It's nice to see 343 making steps towards a wide variety of weapons and making promethean weapons that can counter the others.
  18. With Halo 4 soon retaking it's place at the top of MLG, it's only fitting that an MLG section be added. Thanks for making this!
  19. I will watch nothing until I play the game. I also won't look at any unboxing of the Legendary Edition. If I don't look at anything it'll make the surprises that much better!
  20. upton889

    Halo 4 Bloom?

    All the more proof that Halo is not about realism, despite what some people may like to think.
  21. It's good to see 343 accommodating to the MLG community. Halo needs to retake it's throne as the best competitive game franchise.
  22. upton889

    Halo 4 Bloom?

    Bloom does still exist but it won't be a factor like it was in Reach. The speed at which the reticle resets is much higher so the effect on shots is negligible.
  23. Reach took a significantly less amount of skill too play. Bloom and the ranking system were half the problem along with armor abilities being unbalanced with almost no requirement of skill to use them. The number of people that came back to play the game is shown by the numbers. Sales may have been good but people didn't want to return to the game. Short term success? Yes, but definitely not in the long term. This topic has already been discussed several times. I'm ready to move on from Halo Reach and enjoy a higher quality experience in Halo 4.
  24. Hahaha cocoa that description was hilarious. I do agree with you and that combination is pretty unhealthy. It would be nice for them to incorporate those points onto other items. Since Pepsi Co. owns Aquafina maybe that would work? I guess they know that most gamers do frequently purchase chips and soda but a healthy alternative would be nice too.
  25. That argument is overused and not well thought out. It's obviously not the pixels themselves, it's what those pixels represent and the motivation those pixels give to players. Nobody plays the game purely for rank but the effects of rankings are boundless. Those players should be motivated to become better players. When they become better, their multiplayer experience will be better. There is so much fun in challenges presented by games (including challenges to become a better player), something that Halo Reach lacks, which is shown by the lack of players willing to return to matchmaking.
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