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Everything posted by upton889

  1. Agreed and agreed fellas. My simple answer to this is NO. I'm all for customizing the way a play looks. I think that is awesome. But armor should NOT give any advantage to the player and armor abilities are not what made Halo what it is, which is a game where someone's skill shows through most of the time because everyone started off with the same gear and abilities (except reach). Armor abilities are part of the reason the fanbase turned away from Halo when reach came out (hence the drop in players online from Halo 3 to Reach). Let the players battle it out without any help from armor and let the skills do the talking!
  2. Twinreaper, while I'm VERY new to the forum, I see that you're obviously no stranger to Halo or this forum and I definitely respect you and your opinion. Having said this I respectfully disagree with you, simply for the fact that Halo is more than a game of statistics. It's also about having savvy of the game, using teamwork, a willingness to win, among other intangibles. Certain things that can't be measured by statistics, which is why, in my opinion, Halo 2 had the best system because it was straight forward and based on wins and losses (which is what everything boils down too). Look forward to discussing this and future topics with you.
  3. Agreed. I enjoyed Halo 2's emblem system more than any because it allowed players to be creative! Not too mention I miss my old emblem from Halo 2 that I couldn't get back in 3 or Reach. There were a LOT of creative emblems in Halo 2! I thought Halo reach's was the worse of Halo 2, 3, and Reach.
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