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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. Seriously, who cares. It's the scoreboard.
  2. We don't need to swim. Why is it that many people want pointless crap in Halo games?
  3. You don't become a zombie after being betrayed. The "betrayal" you hear when you become a zombie is some kind of glitch. The zombie that killed you instantly becomes an ally, so sometimes it glitches the voice to sound off after he killed you while you were human. It wasn't another human that killed you.
  4. Get through school, play more bass, get a real job and buy a brand new bass / bass amp.
  5. ... WYR Crap your pants in the middle of the whole school, or eat a turantula?
  6. Tacos! WYR suck in a fart or eat raw pig meat.
  7. It's cheating. The first one, they gain the upper hand normally, then glitch through a wall so they can remain uninjured. Cheating means to use any illegal or unfair method to win. It doesn't need to be hacked to be considered cheating. This isn't some "advanced technique" as others have called it. It's exploitation of a glitch to remain unharmed, thus preventing the score from changing and securing your win. An extremely cowardly way to cheat, by the way.
  8. Won't happen. Of all the the hundreds of threads that contain this request, they all have a guy named Twin Reaper explaining why it is very unlikely it will be implemented.
  9. Lol damn, you're a snob. People say that about Reach players. They got raped in H3, so now they've got armor abilities to help their ass. And you're talking about a one-shot kill gametype. I play Halo 3 from time to time because it's still fun to play.
  10. For armor, maybe. For ranks, no. Rank means nothing in Reach.
  11. Since Halo 1 came out. Halo 3 for everything except forge. Reach for Forge.
  12. I wish the precursors had a different name, because it's the samd freakin' word as "Forerunner".
  13. Forge has lost its charm... I think the only reason all those forged map were made were just to showcase Forge World. I definitely prefer maps made from scratch. Too many forged maps, lack of variety, same ass environment. Sunny, grey and rocky... Yeah.
  14. Frank O'Connor likes CoD. Do I care? No.
  15. Killstreaks are not like Armor Abilities. Killstreaks generally benefit the entire team rather than the individual, depending on your killstreak... In Halo, you don't have any napalm strikes to wipe out entire groups of people. Or a helicopter that allows you to mow down everyone. And in CoD, you die much quicker. I'm not a big fan of AAs, but saying Halo Reach is like CoD is dumb.
  16. Then zombies would never be able to infect you. I feel custom maps would be extremely unfair for zombies. Unless they were tested thoroughly.
  17. Reach doesn't play anything like CoD.
  18. 16 player campaign? NO THANKS.
  19. Forge world's budget is huge enough. With a map larger than Forge World, the budget can only get smaller. An unlimited budget is impossible unless you'd like a ton of lag. In any game that features a map creator, they all have a limit. That's to prevent that lag and to prevent large consumption of memory. Now if Halo were stored on a Holographic Versatile Disc... Forge could be twice or even three time larger, in map size, template size and budget... Microsoft needs to use that for their next Xbox...
  20. Yeah... The CEA maps suck for forging. And the only time they actually gave us a second Forge map was with Tempest. And you know what... It's the same friggin environment. The same beachy, grassy, rocky look as Forge World. Same template too.
  21. Tesseract

    Jump Height

    No, the jump isn't like that in CoD. In CoD, the jump is so small and quick, due to soldiers carrying equipment and the fact that they're on Earth. You can't jump on top of anything. In Reach, gravity is a bit lower, but still able to jump onto stuff with a crouch jump.
  22. Just having a snow and desert version of Forgeworld would make me happy.
  23. Because video games determines a person right? You take games way too seriously.
  24. Yeah, Reach is Canon. It might not have Master Chief, but it ends right where CE begins, thus it connects to the story. I think the only thing forge needs are large flat blocks (like Coliseum wall) without the weird bumps that happen when you walk on them.
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