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Everything posted by Banehalo

  1. both of them are good but forge world had that making of a video where forgeisland made a green screen so literally you can take any map and use it but forge world is big and can make your own areas look different from the map so forge world is the best.
  2. wow and that is all true i will never look a AD different again.
  3. Banehalo


    i will make it but i will cost you one by payment you got to test out one of my maps i made
  4. they might keep the controlor the same but we have no control over that.
  5. i would like that but halo 4 is a beta halo 5 is what people focus on halo 4 is finish so no really major updates besides gameplay and match set ups so i mean i would like to see that but don't hold your breath.
  6. i somewhat agree but again there are weakness meant to be there like the 3rd to 1st should be cause then you have to recover from using it and if you use it wisely hand to hand equals out but the thruster can back hand them and confuse the enmmys line of fire. now for pros out there (which there are they can still mange to do 50/50 kill on you 50 you win 50 you lose. so there are some bugs but 343 made it for a reason so none is to op with armor abilltys they have to learn the armor abilty before there op.
  7. Banehalo


    i agree some what but wheres the other base going to be at i mean there really no cover for it
  8. first off 343 might of copy of of like mw and call of duty but marios games they didn't and halo reach did it so i guess that game wasn't it's own game. i have and idea halo 5 lets take all the cool toys throw them out and give them back the unfair weapons that can't be stop by a pro. i know halo 4 took a lot but keep your mind open they gave us a choice unlike other games that stay the same. and the storyline sucks 343 made the game be it's own game halo reach was it's own game and that what halo is it's own game they may take from others game's but it is at least trying to pull the new in and still keep the old somewhat. so just cause halo 4 might look like a copy from other games doesn't mean we can't change our own thoughts about keep your minds open. so lets make halo 5 have nothing it's just a title screen oh wait that be copying too since other games have it so lets just drop halo 5 and never see it again
  9. aww ok theres a lot of thing in there we want but in the end if 343 decides to say no and listen to the nonhalo fans than they will be having riots utside there door step. we should talk sometime on xbl i really want to see your map i saw someone review it and i want to try it out
  10. love the idea but we're asking for a lot let keep the focus on custom maps not spartan ops or firefight maybe they can add a choice whether to add ai that help you. beside spartan ops or add skulls to spartan ops but we are far away from having the forge of are dreams. and i doubt most of 343 will do if more people hate it who knows maybe forge will be gone. but i love a dreamer who thinks that forge can be much more and that is what i look for when i need help on maps is a master at showing this is where you need to do. keep this thread alive people lets post this to 343 maybe they listen to the halo fans and not the black ops fan that never once touched a halo game till now.
  11. if you want another person to play with you i'm in i do good i got the concept just need to work harder. but i know what to do when it comes to making and army lol.
  12. me too impact was like forge world a lot to work with and when i look at some maps compare to my i see that even though 343 gave us little to work with we still can pull out a map that is better than a 343 map. i just updated the poll i hope people start changing their state of mind 343 as i heard made like the red vs blue where guns can be dropped or whatever impossible they made it up though with a green screen i never could believe that can happen till i saw it on forge island.
  13. 343 doesn't do good for matchmaking but the story line and leaving us hanging is a good idea to grab the people and say who knows what will happen find out. and that is what i admire f 343 mostly is that they make spartinops flow with campaign so it isn't different so well played 343.
  14. i hate fevers they get me so down at times

  15. i acttaclly had my pelican have a seger when played with a friend i had to nuke it to release the thing from jail lol
  16. wow that's a forum hero you don't hand them away you give them to the hero's who made the forums better reached out to a person in need and i say he deserves what you said he did for sure.
  17. i love warthogs enough that i would spam those first and then have my troops counter attack by dropping troops off at the LZ away from the base.
  18. why does 343 let people hack them some time's i feel bad the other time's i don't but i hope they fixs the hacks i'm not setting into one more war game with out the main hacks being gone

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Banehalo


      i wish someone could make and anti hack so that people can unhack the noobs and reported them sadly f someone did the hackers would hack that and make it so that they can't be un hacked

    3. RedStarRocket91


      There is something like that: it's called 'banning'. The hackers can either have their accounts suspended or, if they keep making new ones, even have their entire console banned from accessing XBL.

    4. Banehalo


      well that doesn't solve much i mean the console banning might but if people hack there console should be watched without them knowing and when they hack disconnects them from xbox live

  19. here what you do see a hacker just leave cause the chances of your butt winning is like a nerd who got made fun of back in school gets married. (and yes i just said that but i'm just saying most geeks never marry at all)
  20. cool profile picture man.

  21. that would be cool to do Valhala but that's a copy locked place so you really can't add extra parts to it. but it would be cool to have it as a forge map
  22. i somewhat agree but it helps in case all your teammates leave and it's you and your dead body i had a swat match(in reach) like that and i lost i want to know i love to join those but i hate it when you get in the team scored the last point maybe have it lock and none can join when it's at like the last 10 kills so none gets to join and then get less XP.
  23. here's a good quote from my favorite movie "Good night Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sgt. DUKE

      Sgt. DUKE

      Good movie. Princess Buttercup


    3. Banehalo


      i'm glad people enjoy some comedy now and then.

    4. Banehalo


      here's another good part of the movie.

      Fezzik: We face each other as God intended... sportsmanlike. No tricks, no weapons, skill against skill alone.

      Man In Black: You mean, you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

      Fezzik: Raising rock. I could kill you now.

      Man In Black: Frankly, I think the odds are slightly in your favor at hand fighting. He sets down his sword.


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