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Everything posted by Banehalo

  1. [fine i will work on that thank you so much for now i will watch forget the other 2 i'm waiting for the right timing to join in ok
  2. *he wakes up looks at clock 6:31* he said to himself better get up* notice that someone else is up too* [sorry new at this lol]
  3. again pretty nice maps we should work together on a map idea that might wow the you should i'm more of the seconded hand copier
  4. it's fine just send us a news flash so we know ahead of time so where not all why is this acting crappy thing
  5. well the storm rifle is something i want to see in more halo games that was the best gun since slice bread
  6. [ok thanks man] *he Wakes up finds that my pillow is missing and see's Dj have my pillow walks over quietly but mad. takes back pillow and head back to cot to sleep again.*
  7. school almost out in a week yes that summer air and that nice warm xboxs

  8. Banehalo


    hello welcome to the forums
  9. no no no nuke anyone theres no need for ice when we have master chief with a nuke lol
  10. storm rifle make's it more human like not alien and i mean it kinda is not short like a plasma rifle is so i mean i like all of them but storm rifle is my frist and plasma repeater is second because it is like a plasma cannon
  11. i agree but i mean it is kinda is a new thing for 343 once halo 5 is out color on maps might work i mean if you have played the forge maps theres ton of color everywhere unlike forge world where it was steal and no real feelings. so i mean halo 4 has some bad sides and i mean i understand why they took duel wielding out is because the person using them is harder to kill as for you it can kill you way too fast.
  12. yes and no i like the forge maps better they are more unique than halo 4 maps which are easy to move around a forge map is like and unknow area of the world and has it's own story to it so in my opinion it does suck a bit but they're still pretty cool for the aesthetics of it
  13. ok let me take that all out he is 22 and he went to learn how to be a pilot does that work?
  14. welcome enjoy your stay watch out for that laser
  15. i relook at this wall and that might sound cool but that way too many emmys to work with plus where do the flood fit on that planet it is all forerunner tech no flood can enter unless strapped to a ship and crashes onto the planet
  16. well i can't believe that csr is useless shock face :fails: oh well so much for that i guess the only thing to do is still play halo still.
  17. everyone will say that it is copying another game or something else but my thought is it is going to be on a different level than any other mmo games out there so yea it is it is going to be like a starwars/ halo combine from the looks of it
  18. this will help me now understand head butting it isn't smart running to fight another day is easy
  19. at least carbine has a chance now.
  20. i make both t.v and movie cause it is that good.
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