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Everything posted by Banehalo

  1. *halo 4 is useless junk*.... *no your a noob and i stole your cod*

    1. A71william


      No Halo 4 IS useless junk. Spartan Ops is the only good thing and even that is a bit buggy...

      Also I dislike COD!

    2. Banehalo


      why bash on my thought man it's my thought don't insult it

  2. that could be possible or make it where flood can't die from head shots but the teleporter idea is more like pv when they move a read circle on the raidar shows up and any enemys that see it will be on them like butter
  3. i hate when you are disable from playing i can't do anything when i'm just playing but with my friends it won't do it as much and why does everyone else move when your disable it shouldn't be that way it shouldn't. overall i love the game but 343 has to start figuring the bugs and orgnizing them so they can handle them one at a time right now they are doing all they can to just make sure we the halo fans don't go ape cause the servers are down and everything is broken.
  4. i think it would but people say it would be like cheating but i think if 343 does it right it will be fair they just need to find a easy way for it to have a impact on the enemy team to notice and how to counter it.
  5. so you want don't want to defend your self you want to be complete having trust that your team will cover your butt long enough to score.
  6. it's not the range it's the charge that kills people cause the farther away you are the less damage you take.(but why nerf range why not damage atleast then they can't take you down in one shot)
  7. a lot of people hated the armor lock move i somehow failed to stay in armor lock and got push but that would be nice if that happens bringing back the drop shield.
  8. these are different convenient ones that didn't know the treaty was sign so they are enemy cause they think were there enemy still.( i think i'm right) they were there for four years so they could of been a different type of elite clan?
  9. damge boost is what makes it op but it doesn't need to be nerf i say it is erfect the way it is.
  10. the weekend came back yay if you love something and you let it go it wasn't yours but if it comes back sit on the xboxs and play halo

  11. i will talk to you about it cause i have sometimes a hard time explaining
  12. i can tell depending on the lighting and what i have on me plus i go blindly in there but i first put pv on and look around to see if the camo dude is trying to run before i find him
  13. i agree on some things with you dude but we are a new era of halo 343 for the first halo game kicked bungie sorry butt a bit and is proven that we aren't going to have the same type of style as reach but we had that there for bungie to test us and see what forgers could do and they realize they can't keep up with forgers request on making the maps improve 343 stepped in and said we will fill bungies shoes and try to make this game the kick off of are new saga. so forge may suck but the details the maps have there own background to them and they also will improve so keep and open mind think of the details you can add now better than before there's a map in space how much better can that get people can build ships or make stations. forge world may be gone but what is different about your map form the others is that you made it by yourself or with your friends and that's all that matters. happy forging:)
  14. what a crybaby if they can't see you and there mad. put a helmet on!!!!!!!(for those masters at gaming halo 4 don't be mad cause someone did a smart thing and try to attack you be a man)
  15. let me image that for a seconded.( ) wouldn't work might as well give up unless you had a Sargent Johnson with you. plus what yoshi said with the big forge map. not being mean but really would be a unfair challenge to take a pelican that's 10x your size down.
  16. i hope they find out how to make it fun in the nexts season
  17. i was thinking what if you had like a teleporter like prometheans have but it only does a short distance like your defending or trying to capture the flag if your defending and a person grabs your flag easy target but if your trying to capturer the enemy flag and they are camping tight and you just need to take long enough to move it out so they have a hard time camping it then that's a good use.(bad side like PV it does a raidus when they come out of it so the enemmy could easyly attack if they looked at there raidar) comment if you think it might work Update:or make it where it's emp and it takes some sheild but unable to move but you can shoot so that way they can't run off as much. (glad that clears it up a bit more)
  18. if you hate it then don't waste your time on it we aren't forcing you to.
  19. i will need to try that once i unlock it. (later that day) whellman is to op of a package (hour later) wheelman is remove now cause it is to op as people have said (me sad now cause of that) good job with that combo A+
  20. but it wasn't lagging i had and issue with one game where it was ctf and it was on ragnrock and nexts thing i know when we were in battle.* warm up intro* anyways let me skip that part and move to this we were at the emmy teams base and like they had a distotion feild only at there base so they could attack us but when they came to us we couldn't hit them so it must of been a lag switch some where or we would of been kicking butt so i say the host should be 343 and that way host can't be a god.
  21. one reason noobs love it they just hate when there weapons are use against them that's the truth of the mattherus that noobs loovve to camp and spawn kill and that's why we have complains up here
  22. you can like when the thing you are deffending on legendary blows up it automatically make's the mission fail
  23. i'm so sorry for you you are a true hero in my book
  24. i don't get that either on the forth one i had the same thing i acctally hit a persons foot with sticky and the sticky goes eww him no and falls off him if someone would like to explain that would be nice.
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