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Matthew Brinicombe

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Everything posted by Matthew Brinicombe

  1. Thank you guys :-) and btw Peach I haven't had rockets up their in a long time but thank you for having a look. :-D
  2. I cannot find your GT, but I'd love to. would you be able to add me (Cheeky Hamster)
  3. Thank you very much :-D I'm currently making an MLG version, trying to balance out the weapons and spawns and I shall post that upon completion. Also if any of you would like to add my on Xbox Live my GT is Cheeky Hamster Update 14/1/13 Changed KOTH hills. Added a Team 3 & 4 Flag for CTF and tweaked Red and Blue flags to remove exploits. Added trick jumps to get from bottom middle to middle/top middle. Got ride of a few more spots of object clashing I noticed. The most recent version is on my fileshare but I have been very busy as of late (hence how long it took to post this) and so also have not finished the MLG version.
  4. Read the forum rules :-0 You need quite a bit more than that on your post.
  5. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/23310-dgl-season-2-sign-ups/#entry222551 Above link is for DGL, this map looks pretty cool, I'll give it a look tonight but I'd say from looking at the pictures that it is probably a bit too small for ctf. But 1V1's should be brilliant.
  6. Just had a look and mate this map is awesome :-) Can't wait to get some customs going on it.
  7. Thank you very much for the feedback Orange but after play-testing it doesn't end up like that because top mid is such a powerful position. it plays out very much like Guardian. I am planning on making a MLG version at the moment.
  8. Twas my pleasure :-) but yes game-play wise tis brilliant :-D
  9. Looks pretty awesome :-) I'll add you on XBL because I'd like to have a look at it with you :-D
  10. I like it a lot :-) tis very faithful and has the same urban feel and the only real issue with the map is the unavoidable one that when doing a remake for a map like that you just simply don't have the pallet and pieces to make it look as good as the original :-/ But it plays very well. Well done.
  11. Sounds good, I'll have a look when I get home. My GT is Cheeky Hamster and I'll have a look in around 3-4 hours. I like it a lot :-) tis very faithful and has the same urban feel and the only real issue with the map is the unavoidable one that when doing a remake for a map like that you just simply don't have the pallet and pieces to make it look as good as the original :-/ But it plays very well. Well done.
  12. I have now submitted my map there thank you mate :-) O ok never mind it has been locked :-/
  13. I am submitting Newton, because I have spent A LOT of time on it and I want to get playtime on it to see what works and what doesn't. I also want to get my map out there because I want people to be able to enjoy what I spent soo much time making, it works for Slayer, CTF and KOTH but doesn't work for oddball because the oddball in halo 4 doesn't react to gravity zones well at all. my maps based round several in the middle and I don't want people playing a game-type on my map that doesn't work very well In depth view Map: (Newton) My GamerTag: (Cheeky Hamster) I may be at work for the time you are trying them out but I would like you to use my map anyway if that's okay, if I'm not at work I would love to join. (I live in England)
  14. Ok, I'll have a look when I get home from work, GT: Cheeky Hamster in a couple of hours. I shall post a review here. Ok I have downloaded and tried your map and unfortunately tis not a good review that I can give but I can give you some pointers for the future. Your map is kinda symmetrical that's never a good idea, you either want to make it symmetric or asymmetric (which is harder) because of balance, on your map red team spawns much further away from their banshee then blue team does and it's little things like that the make things unbalanced. You have used lots of objects that people can abuse like braces (people can jump into the bottom of them and no ones ever going to find them but also in this point you have used all pre-made objects and buildings for your map that a) never really works because you have to make lots of compromises to fit them together. makes your map look cheap c) makes your map look very cluttered. You also need to think about map flow, your map flow isn't really that good because you have areas that are really hard and take a long time to get to and yet there is no incentive to get there and the middle of your map is such a weak position that everybody is going to want to stay on the outside. you need to put way more spawn points in your map and starting points for more than just red and blue team And finally whilst making maps you need to find a way to set it out from other maps, something unique and interesting to get attention and that's really hard to do whilst using premade buildings, you usually need to make your own out of walls and blocks and decorative pieces But you do have the starting of a good map design you just need to think it through before you make it and put a little more time into, i'm really sorry to give you a bad review but hopefully this will help you for the future, keep forging. p.s: you have a space at the begging of your map name.
  15. Yeah unfortunately JLA it's just as thejchip has said, it might play like the best map in the world but it's just not interesting enough, for your next map design try to base it round a cool map feature or an aesthetic to make it interesting and stand out, I wish you all the best.
  16. Thanks all :-) and yes I have switched the rocket launcher out, sorted out the grav lifts, fine tuned the weapon spawning and ironed out the remaining issues, jumps and object clashing. So this map is now complete
  17. I would like it but It'd be unfair because I know I wouldn't use it, I'd rather someone have it who would use it :-)
  18. yeah give lil dog it, merry Christmas :-P The only reason I would want it is because I don't have it
  19. I heard the cake was lovely and moist
  20. Hello and welcome Jade, how you doing? :-)
  21. You need to check the rules for this forum before you post.
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