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Halo6 Follower

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Status Replies posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. Back from vacation, and just in time for Ninjas vs The Forum! :D

  2. As many of you know, I was gone for a little while. Pardon my absence but while I was away, the two shows I were in were both given nominated for many awards and even won some too. So my Theatre career so far has been fantastic for any of you wondering what I was doing. Stig, especially yourself. :)

  3. As many of you know, I was gone for a little while. Pardon my absence but while I was away, the two shows I were in were both given nominated for many awards and even won some too. So my Theatre career so far has been fantastic for any of you wondering what I was doing. Stig, especially yourself. :)

  4. That moment when in the middle of a holiday, you realize you have an assignment you need to hand in. Tomorrow. In the middle of a holiday.

  5. I will cease to be as active in the next week, trips and stuff.

  6. I will cease to be as active in the next week, trips and stuff.

  7. I hope y'all have a joyful Easter with friends and family.

  8. RT @DarkSoulsKnight: It's cold outside in London, but the sun is out... Praise it! Close the curtains, time to begin some more Dark Souls II

  9. Hm, it's odd, but I think I'm better at Halo Reach's multiplayer than Halo 4. :/

  10. I love this game

  11. Just realized, on the 13th, I have been a member for 2 years now. :-)

  12. Just bought Unreal Engine 4 for our indie game. :D

  13. Oh how I am tired. O.o

  14. Here's a riddle: 1. 21 years before Reach. 2. Buildings perish. 3. Cut off the four inner legs of a spider. 4. Color me purple 5. I like it. What is it?

  15. Here's a riddle: 1. 21 years before Reach. 2. Buildings perish. 3. Cut off the four inner legs of a spider. 4. Color me purple 5. I like it. What is it?

  16. Haha! I'M BACK, BABIES!

  17. Halo5willbecool called me a nerd ;_;

  18. Doing 2v2's most of the night with P34nut, hit us up if you're interested.

  19. Halo5willbecool called me a nerd ;_;

  20. Hey i have a ? for everybody who here will 1v1 me i promise im getting better i wont do one with people ive done before

  21. 343i Plays Fallout NV, coming soon to a thread near you!

  22. Updated my about me page

  23. Things should be back to normal, miss anything ?

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