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Halo6 Follower

Community Moderators
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Status Replies posted by Halo6 Follower

  1. So made my new bed, this new desk is a pain in the *** though ;_;

  2. I have returned ^^ (For now)

  3. I'm so freaking happy, volleyball coordinator called!!! Not a scholarship yet, but it's a start(:!

  4. How're all you awesome people doing?

  5. Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition for 28 AUD! Bargain.

  6. I'm back and better then ever!

  7. That time online.

  8. 3 Months until our HS Football Season! #GetBig #PutInWork

  9. The "May the 4th be with you" Event was great fun. :D Really good map designs. :) Thanks for hosting Cooliest. ;)

  10. Star Wars Battlefront II?

  11. May the 4th be with you.

  12. What to do today, what to do....

  13. Might go to the May the 4th event at my cinema (all 6 movies in one go)

  14. Happy birthday! Or belated birthday if it was officially yesterday... But either way I hope it went or goes great! Enjoy! Cheers! ^_^

  15. midichlorians are a myth

  16. Well guys i'm officially 5 now :D. I'd give everyone cake, but timezones make that hard :(

  17. my birthdays in 10 days :3

  18. my birthdays in 10 days :3

  19. Ninja vs Forum Spring Event coming up real soon. :D

  20. I finally started my next Kotor playthough. :)

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