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Online Denied

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    Halo/Forza 3/CoD.

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    Online Denied
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Elite (7/19)



  1. In most gameplay vids I see of BO2 MP it looks awesome and its only been out for a week so atleast give 3arc(Treyarch) a chance to crack down on the gltiches and release a patch.But for the cracks in zombies that is because Earth got hit by 3 or 4 rockets.
  2. Yes but it would be good so people who can't access IGN or GS on schools cpus can use this site.
  3. I also agree people need to stop it has not even been out for a week yet and probably 90% of the forums post in Halo 4 section a people getting butthurt give it a chance.
  4. Go here it says the Didact does die because he fall in a beam or something http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Didact
  5. I think it has to be Co-op because all the people I find with it have only got the co-op achievement.
  6. Yeah but Im just curious about when.
  7. Does anyone know when the DLC containing all the pre-order bonues getting released.
  8. I keep losing my classes ingame then I get them back later in the game.
  9. Multiplayer to try n get high rank so when noobs get it I am high rank.
  10. Sorry to burst your bubble but this is not a official 343i site. So no 343i employees are here.
  11. There is a vid of a hologram tbagging so they obv do other stuff instead of running in a straight line.
  12. I thought they were releasing the bonuses on a dlc at launch day.
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