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Everything posted by Cooliest

  1. I get my very own shout out. Thanx Spyro. I was glad to have met you back then and I had a lot of fun organizing that second election with you even though so many things went horribly wrong. You were one of the few people that made me feel included and welcomed around, which is one of the many reasons that it really was a no brainer to choose you for this spot. P.S. Great MoM post. Glad you got around to it.
  2. Titanfall's Beta has been out since Valentine's day but there is still a lot to uncover. Titanfall has had a few exciting weeks with all of the praise that the beta is getting, but there is still more to learn that lies just beneath the surface. Reddit user FallenFusion has leaked some behind the scene images of this upcoming Respawn Entertainment Title. He shows us four new aspects that the common population still has yet to see; Zipline, Generations, Pilot Hunter, and Turrets. Pilot Hunter is the game mode that was released with the beta, but we finally get a description of what that game mode is: Kill the enemy team’s Pilots to reach the score limit and win—one point is awarded for each Pilot killed. Although killing Grunts and Spectres in this mode will not earn points towards your team’s score, doing so will still give you build time reductions on your replacement Titans and Titan Core Ability. Turrets will be able to destroy anything including Titans. They are often in very urban areas such as onto of building, and will have an incredible range of motion. They can also be switched to fight for the other team when nearby consoles are compromised. Generations is something that we already know a little about thanks to another reddit user named RazorUK. But we finally got a screenshot to further our understanding. Click Here Ziplines travel both ways up and down. Just hold the reload button to latch on and ride. Source: Reddit.com Thanks to Yang Xaio Long for pointing me to this article.
  3. Titanfall's Beta has been out since Valentine's day but there is still a lot to uncover. Titanfall has had a few exciting weeks with all of the praise that the beta is getting, but there is still more to learn that lies just beneath the surface. Reddit user FallenFusion has leaked some behind the scene images of this upcoming Respawn Entertainment Title. He shows us four new aspects that the common population still has yet to see; Zipline, Generations, Pilot Hunter, and Turrets. Pilot Hunter is the game mode that was released with the beta, but we finally get a description of what that game mode is: Kill the enemy team’s Pilots to reach the score limit and win—one point is awarded for each Pilot killed. Although killing Grunts and Spectres in this mode will not earn points towards your team’s score, doing so will still give you build time reductions on your replacement Titans and Titan Core Ability. Turrets will be able to destroy anything including Titans. They are often in very urban areas such as onto of building, and will have an incredible range of motion. They can also be switched to fight for the other team when nearby consoles are compromised. Generations is something that we already know a little about thanks to another reddit user named RazorUK. But we finally got a screenshot to further our understanding. Click Here Ziplines travel both ways up and down. Just hold the reload button to latch on and ride. Source: Reddit.com Thanks to Yang Xaio Long for pointing me to this article. View full article
  4. Titanfall Keeps getting coolier! http://343i.org/1mp

  5. Cooliest


    From the album: Pictures

    Titanfall news image
  6. Cooliest

    Zipline Titanfall

    From the album: Pictures

    Titanfall News Image
  7. Cooliest

    Titanfall E3

    From the album: Pictures

    News Titanfall image
  8. Man BZ I love you so much I wrote this poem. BZ Our love can never be divided There is never a point where it could be subsided Now don't get me wrong, this love is pure MASCULINITY But I could love you times INFINITY…. Awkward? who knows lololololol. Hunters
  9. Gosh I wish I didn't have so many wort wort's on my hands…. That's weird why did I just say wort twice. Must be my speech impediment. Sticky
  10. Piano is not a Halo word…. Before I played GTA 5 they required me to put the installation disc first. Chief
  11. Dawn is such a funny name. I can't believe that she would tea-bag while holding a rifle. Covenant
  12. This is a new game here, and it's pretty simple. Basically I provide a word that is involved in the halo universe and then the person after me has to make a sentence using my word. Now the sentence created does not have to be halo related. (Also if the word is halo related but goes in a pair such as Master Chief you can use both in the pair or just one or the other.) So first word: Dawn
  13. The First Official 343iCF Caption Contest is up. Have at it folks. http://343i.org/1mm

  14. Cooliest


    From the album: Pictures

    Caption Contest
  15. Whelp… looks like we've gone back to the old. ;)

  16. Congrats Spyro. It has been a very very very long time coming. It was an easy choice for us to make. Once the name was out on the table it was a no brainer. Enjoy the pink because it sure does enjoy you.
  17. Happy Birthday IronSignia.

  18. Get in on some awesome Lobbies this upcoming weekend with our very own friends over at THFE. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/33621-thfe-throwback-weekend/

  19. Have you been looking for your chance to play some of the older halo games but can't seem to find the people to play with? Well, have no fear and look no further because our affiliates at THFE are hosting a bunch of awesome lobbies in Halo 3 and Halo: Reach. This is the Announcement Video for there first Throwback Weekend Lobbies, and it isn't just one and not two but NINE lobbies to choose from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODsAvRilXR8&list=PLjtVM5VU7cBjuyLDjJ1ipidOgFZBLZAln&feature=c4-overview-vl PA1NTS Lobby Sam The Great's Lobby Swash983's Lobby Charles Stoot's Lobby Master Debaytes Lobby Jesus In Malibu's Lobby REMkings Lobby adderson's Lobby FlyingShoe ILR's Lobby Now head over there and sign up before they all fill up.
  20. Really glad to see that Community Events Section so filled!! Upset that I somehow missed the Inaugural event. and sad that I had to work so late on Valentines day. :/ But none the less community events are always a blast so I'm just happy to see so many events being put together. Great wrap up Drizzy. P.S. Wish I had an xbox one to play that open TitanFall beta. P.S.S. @The Dumb Marine thanks for that song. I've listened to it 3 times now while reading this wrap-up it pairs nicely.
  21. These are in no particular order. BeckoningZebra1 - Easy to get along with shares a lot of interests with me and just an all round good friend. Adam91 - Probably one of the nicest forum members I know. He's always so polite and willing to help out. Even though I feel like I know him he is still a mystery. Bnus - literally one of the funniest guys I've talked to on the forums. And we have a very strange friend bond. -Sparky- - PUNZ... Gryffin - just so I could hold a live rap concert for him. lulz Drizzy_Dan - My brainstorm partner and he's ingenious might I add. Would love to sit down and just get inspired for hours. RSR - Somebody that I never expected to get close to but in a weird way I feel as if we are great friends. Well, I'm not sure if we were supposed to pick 20 people lol but if I had to go with just one….
  22. I forgot about this amazing series!!! Thanks for reminding me of it. He makes some of the cooliest stuff! Personal favorite was the adventure time sword lol.
  23. Now you see I'm going to switch thing up here and say gravity hammer. "Grifball 102" lol It takes more skill and if your good it will beat out any energy sword. plus in halo reach and halo 3 the physics when you hammer toward the ground would send you flying into the air. lololololol I cannot find any video of grab hammer launching though… :'(
  24. Project Spark just keeps looking coolier and coolier!

  25. .......................................................................................................... Huh? Also voted! Go Edward!
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