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Everything posted by Ipodmaster

  1. I have nothing. i just ned tha gaem NAO!
  2. The forerunner symbol is the didact's symbol.
  3. Very good information! some things i didn't even know about.
  4. they arent really changing, all thats happenin is new armour.
  5. I'd love to play this in halo 4! ^^
  6. They could do this and infact they should do this.
  8. I always liked looking at those screenshots every week. if these come back that would be awesome
  9. They should make a handheld flamethrower! that'd be pretty cool to torch people with.
  10. This sounds silly and stupid but red vs. blue is part of the halo community and i think it would be cool (and funny) to have the red's driving music play when you push a button in the warthog. I doubt this will happen but its worth a shot . the reds driving music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxeI28S-184&feature=autoplay&list=WLC305BE5C9067DBE6&playnext=4
  11. what is the assault carbine? do you mean the assault rifle? if so then ya its coming back.
  12. Ok theres a falcon in the sky and i have a spartan laser. I shoot the falcon and some random afk guy gets the triple kill. The same thing has been happening to me everygame! pls help!
  13. I have saw that the falcon and the scorpion as well as the wraith is returning but i have no good pictiures >.<
  14. Halo 4 just looks amazing! 343i knows waht they're doing and they're doing it RIGHT! this game will be epic. Nuff said
  15. I'd love to be fighting with the spartans ive been reading about in the books! good info nice thread.
  16. This is a good article! i have most of the same opinions as you.
  17. I remeber hearing this in the halo reach forge trailer where he was in the warthog and he was capturing the hill, but a gametype like this should be on war games.
  18. I like Tacos :)

    1. Machinga


      Dude, I do to, we must be brothers!

    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Jack in the box has free tacos if you bring a movie ticket!

  19. I remember i was playing invasion and half my team quit so it was 3 vs. 6 and after all that we won! it was also super jackpot weekend so my entire 3 person team got 24,000 cr. sucks to be those quitters!
  20. I enjoyed reading this too!
  21. This would be something i thought should've been in halo 3. seeing people want something like this in a game makes me happy. And yes this would be epic.
  22. I think everything but number 2 would be great for halo 4 just because then people would do the most noobiest things and get hundreds of kills but all do far this is very good stuph!
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