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Status Updates posted by EliteSniper

    1. Adam91


      Not bad but the problem I have with Neil's music is that a lot of them are't memorable or iconic like the music from the first trilogy. His style is very mainsrteam and hollywood movie like. It's nothing I could really hum to, but it's not bad music.

    2. EliteSniper


      I agree, Marty will always be the best, but it's just that Neil's style fits with the new trilogy.

  1. Watch_Dogs.... I'm gonna get you soon :D

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      I "have it" but my parents don't wanna go pick it up ;_;

    2. EliteSniper


      Wow, that sucks soooo bad :/

  2. *Mind explodes*

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      *Everyone's Mind Explodes*

    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      *Universe Explodes*

  3. Harlem shake at my school XD

    1. AnimalDenWinter


      lol funny is the one at the start you?


    2. EliteSniper


      No, but I'm there! xD

  4. Here comes the mother-chuffing BOOM YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (C-C-Combo Breaker!)

    1. Cooliest
    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      Here comes the mother-chuffing-boom AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

  5. -What does this button do? -Caboose, don't touch anything! - But I'm great at buttons. Hey look at that explosion!

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      oh great, you broke it!

    2. EliteSniper


      The fire broke it! Oh see. Oh great, I'm on fire too now, awesome.

  6. I'm on forging spree lol!

    1. A71william


      *Deletes maps* Trolololol :)

    2. EliteSniper


      nooooooooooo! mai s3xy mapzzzz


  7. Only 3 months, 4 days, 8 hours, 50 minutes and 7 seconds separate us from Halo 4!

    1. Lᴜᴋᴇ
    2. EliteSniper


      Ok, now is 3 months,3 days, 11 hours, 16 minutes and 47 seconds. ( at least for me!)

  8. Well, I was inactive since Wensday, but I'm back now :)

  9. With the help of my dad, my Xbox is now fixed... kinda. We managed to clean the DVD driver(which was the problem), but now the disk tray can't open and I have to tap it with a screwdriver everytime I want to play xD

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Aw. :c

      At least it's workishing.

    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      I once kicked my disc drive to the side by accident. Started crying immediately (lol). Then I kicked it the other way, and to this day it's still working like that.

  10. Almost done with my exams :D

    1. Frankenzer


      I hope you get a high score or maybe perfect the exams. We'll celebrate by playing ODST :D

    2. EliteSniper
  11. Halo series with Steven Spielberg!! This is going to be awesome!

    1. GryffinGuy007


      I know! Amazing, can't wait.

    2. AnimalDenWinter


      Neither can I.


  12. "You only die once, so make sure it is worth it."

  13. Played Assassin's Creed 3 on a friend... the game is awesome! :D

    1. Jay_Magnus


      Your friend's a console? Awesome!

    2. EliteSniper


      Yes, he's a the latest model called Friend-o-matic- 163742749590065434923161645362383129593404979. The next model is 163742749590065434923161645362383129593404980 and it's going to release in early 2014. LMAO

  14. 117 likes!!! I hope no one ruins it...

    1. Church


      If you post it, they will. But I won't!

    2. EliteSniper


      That's why I posted it :P

  15. Going Easter Egg hunting with a friend in some hours... anyone want to join say so :)

    1. Fishy


      But it's not even April yet. :o

    2. EliteSniper


      April, February, it's the same thing xD

  16. Alright... Battlefield 4 or Assassin's Creed IV is going to be Game Of The Year!

    1. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      Grand Theft Auto 5 will be Game of the year.

    2. EliteSniper


      I thought it was coming out on early 2014? I guess I'm wrong...

  17. Make Love, not war. ;)

    1. SykoWolf


      Can't we do both >;3

    2. EliteSniper


      Ahh no killing today and tomorrow!

      Wait, scratch "today" >:)

  18. YAY! I'm trusted now! I didn't expect to reach 200 posts...

    1. Cry0G3n1c


      congrats :) i need 60 more and ill be up there :)

    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Congrats! Welcome to the club!

  19. Battlefield 4 Beta in October :D

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      when and how you access it ?

    2. EliteSniper


      "The Open Beta launches early October 2013 for everyone. The Battlefield 4™ Open Beta will feature Conquest mode on the Siege of Shanghai map." [As seen on the official Battlefield site]

      It will be available for download, I guess.

  20. (Oct.5) Forward Unto Dawn-(Oct.31) Assassin's Creed III-(Nov.6) HALO 4!!!-(Nov.13)Black Ops 2 a.k.a. Worst day ever

    1. SternuS


      why the worst day ever?

    2. EliteSniper


      ok maybe not the worst, but... some people here don't like cod much.

  21. Overloaded by too many Halo 4 news...

    1. Yoshi1176


      how can you hear to much halo 4 news?

    2. EliteSniper


      You know,armor specializations, new weapons, forge, modes and M4STER CHEEF!

  22. On the first day of Christmas Master Chief sent to me a noob dressed like a Christmas tree...

  23. Complex got removed from Infinity Slayer! It seems like a dream :')

    1. Frankenzer


      I actually kinda liked complex :(

    2. EliteSniper


      It is added to BTB :)

  24. The Halo 4 achievement "Midnight". What could it possibly means? hum...

    1. Jord


      No doubt the level will be set during night time, which will be pretty sweet!

    2. EliteSniper


      i don;t know. If you look at another achievement it requires you to catch "big air" during midnight in a warthog during mission 2. It might be a quick change of weather or something else.

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