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Status Updates posted by SatanicBagels

  1. Food

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. lilsilmarillion
    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      does anyone here notice when some 1 writess food they get so much comments

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      does anyone here notice when some 1 writess food they get so much comments

  2. Got my weekly dose of playdate and my weekly dose of Clue. I am good to go. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zaguroth


      AD called me a butt toucher during it ._.

    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      Well you were eyeballing his booty

    4. Minuette
  3. What's your favorite food?

    1. Vaulting♥Frog


      I cant think of anythign better than a bacon infused, maple smoked pork tenderloin

    2.  Twam
    3. Grif.
  4. Hopefully as we enter summer these forums will have a bit of a revival. 17 members in the past 60 minutes breaks my heart.

    1. Azaxx


      I have a screenshot when I was the only person online.

    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Fridays are typically the lowest traffic days of the week.

    3. Azaxx


      Makes no sense, shouldn't Friday and Sat be the highest? XD

  5. Will be taking a bit of a break from the site. Have some real world stuff to take care of. Plus my internet is acting pretty faulty right now. Don't expect that I'll be back for a good while.

    1. Azaxx


      Hope things go well in your personal life :)

    2. PrometheanSigma


      See ya later, man

      Come back good and well :D

    3. DocSpartanO07


      Keep in touch, I'll miss you bro. Dont stay gone too long. If you need anything, let me know...

  6. "Once upon a time, some weak pathetic [bad word] coined the phrase winning isn't everything."

    1. Sikslik7


      "... it's the only thing"

    2. Sarge


      *cough* captain keyes *cough*

  7. Just hit 500 likes...

    1. SykoWolf


      Congrats my friend :)

    2. ZB-85


      Congratulations SweatyBagels.

  8. Spent the whole weekend playing through all the half-life games... Only game I know of with an (arguably) better storyline than Halo's.

    1. DerpWithAGun


      agreed. I love the half life games. Lets hope HL3 will be announced at E3 Don't get me wrong though, Halo still has one of the most awesome story lines in FPS history.

    2. SatanicBagels


      Unfortunatly Gabe Newell stated that HL3 will not be announced at E3. He would want to keep it a secret, but I doubt he would lie to do so



  9. 1000 post thread posted in offbeat!

    1. Cooliest


      You made it. I just got to 100 today xD we both win now!

  10. Dreams are not the things we see in our sleep, They are the things that keep us from sleeping...

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Shut up. Quit reminding me of the odd nightmare last night.


  11. I'm so tired of this whole H4 is turning into CoD argument... because both sides of it are partially correct and they refuse to acknowledge that!!!

    1. Undead


      Yeah like I've been saying 343industries is taking stuff from the Call of Duty franchise and there is nothing wrong with that. Every game company does it and to be honest if Halo wouldn't have evolved from Halo 3. because a lot of people wanted it to stay like Halo 3, it would've got so repetitive like a sports game it wouldn't even be funny. And the funny thing is they're complaining about the most stupidest things its not even cool. Like custom classes and weapon skins....

  12. Congratz to Victory Element on MoM. I can't think of a more desrving member. Your contribution to discussion in the forums as well as all the times we've lobbied up and smacked some noobs in MM is greatly appriciated.

    1. Victory Element

      Victory Element

      thanx so much man. You have been there with me the whole way. I owe a big thanx to you

  13. 800 Likes --- Glad to be a part of these wonderful forums :)

  14. 800 Likes --- Glad to be a part of these wonderful forums :)

  15. Can't feel my arms #Curls #TricepExtension #Scarecrows #Pushups #D1bound

  16. Still got some more stuff to do first but I am looking forward to hopping on the Halo 4 playdate later today :)

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