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Everything posted by Sikslik7

  1. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!
  2. It was dead!, why'd you bring this up again?
  3. I hoped for another space mission, maybe one in a low gravity area, and then one in fighters.
  4. If people didn't show up to either of the Survivor events, they should be cut and teams redone if necessary.
  5. eh, not that excited for Madden13, never liked it after 07
  6. With the first round of Survivor going on in the next hour, I have reliezed that if we want to discuss Survivor, it is only in the shout box other than Q &A. Thus, here we can discuss our thoughts about Survivor,place bets, and gather everyone's input. Would anyone care to match my bet that AD will mot win Survivor for 5 dollars American?
  7. pioneer. Maybe we should make a q and a to find out what is the best for you
  8. A Halo 2 remake would be nice
  9. There will be enough maps in Halo 4 due to forge, but I really want more maps that you can play with any size, like Valhalla and last resort.
  10. What is your name? What is your quest? What is the air speed velocity of a migratory swallow?
  11. once I get back fro. Vacation, but after you have to test two of mine.
  12. Welcome to the forums! If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask!
  13. it would make it unbalanced. Btw, this is a community site, if you want a decent chance for 343i to see this idea, go to Halo.xbox.com
  14. nope, no plans to change, but if you wanted to make a map with the sale purpose of playing with the pistol, you could.
  15. well the campaign is, but the multiplayer is Reach's version of the pistol, sorry.
  16. well 125 would get it to 4 shots, 3 shots is * pulls out calculator* either 175 or 200, your choice
  17. you have to change the damage modifier in the game type settings, but that will change all weapons damage. There is no way to make one weapon's damage change without the others changing or moddding the game.
  18. *Twam reads this* THE ONLY GOD CHARACTER! Banned!
  19. 343 guilty spark is dead, but another Monitor might be in it.
  20. exactly! Couldn't't have said it better myself.
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