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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. The games may take precedence over the books, but the books are canon (that's a fact) and provide back story as well as bridging the gap between games. They are just as important (if not more so) to the Halo universe and its fiction as the games are. According to the book Halo: Primordium (and from what people have said) he has a backup, so no he is not dead.
  2. I too have been a Halo fan since the beginning. The first Halo game that I played was Halo: Combat Evolved for the original Xbox and to this day it is still my favourite. I enjoyed Halo: Reach. From the campaign to the multiplayer, I have had a lot of fun with the game and what it offers. That being said I do feel it had a lot more potential that it really didn't get to live up to. Please do not try to speak for the entire "original" fans, because you most certainly don't speak for me. In my opinion Halo 2 and Halo 3 had the worst campaigns of all Halo titles. Halo 2's explained far too much, removing much of the mystery that the first game had. Halo 3 had hardly any story at all, but that's understandable in a way since it's the final game in the first trilogy. Even then it could have been made far more epic than it was. My main problem with the campaigns of Halo 2, 3, and even Halo: Reach to an extent is that they made the series into a Hollywood action movie type of game. No longer do you have these large, mysterious environments with all sorts of unknown technology. In Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo Wars, and Halo 3: ODST, much of the sci-fi element that was removed from other games was restored (pretty well I might add). I just hope that Halo 4 continues this, rather than continue the action movie vibe of Halo's 2 and 3. Bungie didn't wish to continue working under Microsoft's rule, they wanted to become an independant studio again. Now you may be saying "Well then why did they go to Activision?" Maybe they wanted to partner up with them for a bit, who knows? However any IPs that they create will still be their own, where as Microsoft bought the Halo IP around the time before Halo: Combat Evolved was originally released. I don't know about the complaints, but I personally love how the new armour is designed. Sure there are a few sets that don't look as great as I was hoping, but the majority are very nice. What I like most is that every piece of armour has a science fiction style to it. It isn't all gritty like the armour in Halo: Reach (though I did like plenty of Reach's armour). Nor is the art style dark and gritty like Halo: Reach. To me the entire look of Halo 4 so far is very sci-fi, more so than even past entries in the series. Arrogant and afraid? Certainly not. There is now fiction wrapped around the multiplayer (now known as War Games). You are a Spartan IV training aboard the UNSC Infinity in different combat simulations. These are (to my knowledge) meant to keep you battle hardened and ready for combat should the need arise. In Halo: Reach they actually had differences between Spartans and Elites. Elites regenerated health (eliminating the need for health packs), had faster charging shields, and were just generally tougher. It would be a terrible idea to allow players to use whichever they wanted in any game mode. The balance that Halo: Reach has would be ruined. I for one am not honestly that bothered by Elites not being playable in Halo 4. I can understand why those who loved to would be upset, but since I always played as a Spartan it doesn't phase me at all. What about Halo 4's campaign so far looks like a typical, bare bones FPS campaign? We have seen very little on the game's campaign mode, and already you are trying to imply it's possibly going to be like every other FPS campaign?
  3. I probably won't be playing it very much once I get Halo 4. Halo 4 looks like it's going to provide such a great experience both in single and multiplayer that I'll likely only play Halo: Reach with friends when they feel up for it. That's not to say I won't care about Halo: Reach, I'll still think it's as great as I always have, but my focus will be on Halo 4.
  4. You can pass it. I'm not sure, but I think they've already said you can. If they haven't, you can still play close attention to the person holding it at the beginning. Watch and you should see an animation of them tossing the Oddball to their teammate. I do think that being able to throw it is a pretty nice addition. Being able to quickly toss it around to your teammates to keep it out of enemy hands and how teams adapt to one another to both use and counter this is going to be interesting for sure. Now it may encourage players to strategise and work together more so than in the past.
  5. The shotgun wasn't one of the choices in this poll. This is about the DMR or the BR. OT: I'm really not sure which I'll end up preferring. I like the DMR for its single shot, but the BR just feels so good to shoot. If the weapons are done well and the DMR does indeed become more useful at longer ranges than medium and close range, I'll probably end up choosing the BR. Then again, since we have loadouts, I could always choose the BR for close range and the DMR for longer ranges.
  6. Those two features are going to be in the game. There's no turning back now at this point, they're polishing up what they're done and fixing any issues that crop up. We don't know how the join-in-progress system is going to work. For all we know it could work just like COD's which seems to just slip you into a random game. It could also take into account your rank, kd, wins and losses, and other stats to find a game to put you in. The instant respawn may sound like a problem on paper, but again we don't know how it's going to work out. We'll have to wait and see how these two things function in the final game. Just because they're in the game doesn't mean that the matches won't take skill to win, nor does it necessarily mean that they will take more or less skill. On a side note, here's an example of what I think is fair: Red Team vs Blue Team start a match with four players on each team. Two members on Red Team leave the game immediately after it starts and the remaining players continue playing. One player on Red Team can't seem to get many kills, they get frustrated, and they leave. Now it is only 1 Red Team member vs 4 Blue Team members. That's not very fair at all. With the join-in-progress feature, if it added three more people to Red Team based on the ranks and other stats of the current member of Red Team and the members of Blue Team, found players with similar stats and placed them into Red Team, I think that is a lot more fair than the system we have now.
  7. I did mine a second time, so here's the result of that. xD jkernmniofdertf Jennifer
  8. It's a Sunday night. There are a lot of people who have jobs and need to be at work tomorrow, students who have school, etc. That could be the main reason why there are so few players at the moment.
  9. That was the one. I'd recommend looking at the video I've linked below to see it in action. I don't think there are many long clips of it being used, but from what I saw it seems to be working out just fine. It doesn't look anywhere near as bad a nuisance as Armour Lock is.
  10. Armour lock won't be in Halo 4. There is something that slightly resembles it called the "Hardlight Shield" though. What this does is provide you with a shield to protect you for a short time from damage coming from the front. It doesn't protect your sides or back, and apparently grenades will work well against it. While using this armour ability you move a lot slower, cannot sprint, and cannot fire your weapons or throw grenades from the looks of it.
  11. CandiBunni


    When you use the Jet-Pack it's much harder to avoid gunfire. Maneuvering in the air is pretty difficult, not to mention that your Jet-Pack makes a lot of noise, alerting everyone to your position on the map (as does being high up in the air) . It can provide some benefits like seeing over cover and being able to get to certain areas quicker, but you have to trade much of your movement, your ability to dodge enemy fire well, and give away your location to do so.
  12. HiHi, everyone~ I'm happy to receive the title of "MOM" for the month of August, 2012~! Let me start off by thanking anyone and everyone who has ever done something for me, no matter how big or small. Thank you to those who put their trust in me and who believed me to deserve the title. Thank you to everyone who has been here for me. You all know who you are. I'll do my best not to let anyone down. In the time I've been a part of this website I've seen some pretty interesting people come and go. We've had great members stick with us, while those who have chosen to create problems and cause drama have been removed from our wonderful community. It's a bit strange seeing some members, who I remember when they first joined ( I'm not old, shut up! D: ), now becoming senior members themselves. I can say though that I'm happy with how most, if not all, of us have grown and matured in our time here. It's a very nice thing to see. Though I have become MOM, I still don't feel like I've done enough for this website. I do very much enjoy reporting anything that needs attention, helping to keep the shoutbox inline, and helping members out when I can, but I still want to help more and more. This website and community has provided me with so much news and entertainment that I want to do whatever I can to help make it a better place for all. Thank you, everyone, for accepting me as this month's MOM and for feeling I deserve it. ~ CandiBunni
  13. The Halo 4 console bundle only comes with the standard edition. It's a dirty thing to do really, because the ones who will most likely be purchasing it are already huge fans of Halo. By only including the SE 343i/Microsoft has pretty much ensured a second purchase of the game from those who want the console and also want the LE.
  14. The problem isn't the servers, it's your connection. You should check your NAT by pressing Start and going to the Network Settings. If it's not set to "Open" you're going to have some difficulties. If your connection is set to "Moderate" or "Closed" you'll have to open it back up. I rarely ever need to do this, so I'm not exactly well educated in how to go about the whole process, but that's what you're going to have to do.
  15. Sunday is better for me, I would rather play Halo 3, and an award wouldn't sway my chances of participation either way.
  16. Jorge is not a Spartan III. Every member of Noble Team is a Spartan III except for Jorge. This is obvious due to how much larger he is compared to the other members of Noble. Regardless, every member of Noble Team (apart from Jorge) is a Spartan III. I do believe even Bungie said this during interviews leading up to the games release.
  17. 1. The sniper rifle does not use auto-aim. I don't know what gave you this idea, but that is completely wrong. You have to aim at their head to score a headshot, it isn't just given to you for simply firing in their direction. Don't confuse aim assistance with auto aiming. They are two completely different things. That being said, aim assist is on every weapon, so trying to use it as a complaint for the Sniper Rifle and why it takes no skill (or very little) is silly. You have to get in close enough range to use the energy sword. If you aren't within the swords range then the weapon is useless. The shotgun has a large spread at far distances. Again you have to be in close range to use it effectively. The further away your target is, the less likely your shots are going to hit them at all. I never said precision with the Rocket Launcher. If you go back and read more carefully you will see that I said the Rocket Launcher requires you to judge where your opponent is going to be once your rocket actually reaches them. You also need to take into account the distance from your target; is the splash damage also going to hurt you or will you need to aim even further ahead so that the rocket hits just as they reach that area? 2. Read what I said again. Ordanance drops are randomised to a degree. You are not guaranteed a Sniper Rifle simply for using one that was already on the map. You could take the map Sniper and use its ammo, then when you receive an OD you might be given the option for Rockets, Overshield, or the Sticky Pistol. See what I'm saying? 3. How do you know this? How are you certain that those who call in an OD are going to be the first to try camping weapon spawns? Don't forget that power weapon spawns are viewable to all players at all times, so camping doesn't really become that much of an issue. Everyone will know where the power weapons spawn and when they do spawn everyone will be able to head for them. Staying in one area waiting for a power weapon to spawn when other players are out getting kills and calling in Ordanance Drops is a bad idea. 4. Actually I think that Halo 3 did a decent job at it, but that is besides the point. The point I'm making is that if Halo 4's matchmaking system is able to match players with similar skill levels up then ODs will not be an issue. 5. There will be a playlist for Team Slayer (No ODs) for those who do not like the idea of Ordinance Drops. If you're one of those who don't then just play the Team Slayer playlist(s), which feature no ODs, instead. Things are still being tweaked and balanced, for all we know they've already thought of these situations you're so worried about and done what they can to fix them.
  18. 1. Every weapon requires some type and amount of skill to use. The Sniper Rifle takes quick reflexes and very precise aiming to score a headshot. The rocket Launcher requires you to know where your opponent is going to be when you fire it and judge how far you need to be before letting go a rocket. The shotgun and energy sword require you to get in close enough to use them effectively. All of these require you to have good aim in general and the knowledge of how to use them against different types of weapons. So yes, power weapons do require skill to use (effectively). 2. If you haven't heard, the ODs won't give you the same options twice in a row. The ODs, depending on the map, will have certain weapons that are available. All of these are on a random rotation, so the chances of getting a sniper rifle twice in a row is smaller. Weapons in ODs are also tailored to each map. This means that only larger maps will feature things like Rocket Launchers and Sniper Rifles, with closer range maps featuring shotguns and the like. 3. Players have always camped power weapon spawns. With the OD system that tactic becomes far less effective because now everyone has a chance to get a weapon. What is to stop one team from killing the other and receiving ODs to counter the opposing team's campfest? 4. You don't seem to get what I and others have said. If Halo 4's matchmaking is able to pair up players with very similar skill levels and experience then this will not be an issue. If Halo 4 is able to do what I just said, you will have games where everyone on both sides is getting ODs throughout the match. 5. See 3. The gameplay we saw at E3 is still being tweaked. We're still not completely sure just how the OD system is going to work out, so I would suggest holding off on forming any final thoughts. If the game is released and things aren't as balanced as they could be then 343 Industries is sure to listen and patch things.
  19. Like I said above, if they are able to match players of similar skill levels in matchmaking then it shouldn't be an issue. Both players should be close enough in experience that it won't come to this. When you get your OD meter full you're given three options. 343 has already said that you're not going to, for example, get rockets three times in a row and such. Every OD will be tailored to the map being played. A smaller, more close quarters map won't feature things like Sniper Rifles and Rocket Launchers. Likewise a larger, more long range map might not feature shotguns, the scattershot, etc. in their ODs. Ordinance Drops don't stack, so you either use it or you won't receive any others. If matchmaking pairs players against one another based on their statistics and skill level situations like this should not happen. For custom games this may happen depending on who is playing together, but there isn't really much you can do about that. For those that wish to player without Ordinance Drops you will be able to do so. Play regular Team Slayer if you don't want to worry about this sort of thing.
  20. You're rewarded with an Ordinance Drop for getting five kills (That's at least what it looked like in the video. Points for other achievements during the game may also count.) You don't have to get them all in one life, so unless the other player is downright terrible they should be able to get at least one OD. Don't forget that if one player does get an OD and chooses a weapon, the other player can still kill them and get said weapon. They can steal it from the other player before they get the chance to pick it up or use it. So long as players of similar skill levels are matched up in matchmaking, this really shouldn't become an issue. I will be sticking to regular Team Slayer (No ODs), but playing Infinity Slayer every now and then is something I could see myself doing.
  21. Welcome back~ It's nice to see a veteran member returning, especially one who's helped so much with the website.
  22. The speed boost does allow you to move faster, reload faster, and switch weapons faster. It does not allow you to fire your weapon faster.
  23. That doesn't make anything I said any less valid. I don't care whether or not it had one of the biggest communities ever, I still don't think it's anything more than good game. I never said it was a terrible game, just that it's not great one. All of my complaints are completely understandable and valid. While a lot of players may enjoy the button combinations and many other glitches in the game, those things made the game feel incomplete, made it feel very rushed for me. I still enjoy playing Halo 2, but it is my least favourite in the series. If you or anyone else feels the opposite then that's okay, but please don't try telling me I'm wrong or anything like that because you don't agree with me. It's all opinion.
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