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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. I'm sorry to hear that King. Now who will I tag team haters with? Spectral? Bob?
  2. Just as proper forum edict, can you please add more paragraphs and trim down the polls a bit. I'll get around to reading this later. Oh and post number 200!
  3. Your color went away Anyway yea he might be talking about me but I shouldn't be too bad unless you type in bold orange...
  4. Adopting Bungie's 7 step plan for world domination while thinking about creating my own game company...

  5. What about the community playlist? I believe that only does community made maps...
  6. Active camo is idiotic and Armor Lock is either over powered or a deathtrap depending on who is using it. To be honest though, I will be mad if 343i gets rid of any of the others. In my mind Sprint and Evade are two of my best things in Halo right now.
  7. I never did like elites in Halo 3 so if they weren't in the game at all I wouldn't be upset.
  8. Hello and welcome to the forums, or Hello and belated welcome to the forums.
  9. Yea I'm in a bit of a mood today... also it was ment as a joke... Falafels which only serves albino...
  10. Congratulations sir, you just screwed up the entire thread... now we have to start entirely over. I hope your happy... Anyway... Pimp hand because it is...
  11. Ok cool. So sort of like a strategy game like Starcraft or Halo Wars
  12. You know since there has been a recent surge in fan made menus maybe this was just made by someone going along with the trend... ​But yea probably fake.
  13. Did you just say that the first post, the post that declares what the topic is, was off topic?
  14. Come back and ask this question in a year when we know something beyond what was in the trailer.
  15. inb4titlefix Ah they point their heads straight up when they eat?
  16. Now we know what the Halo 4 pistol is going to be like...
  17. Now I just need Twam, Spectral, or Bob to vouch for me...
  18. Stick grenade? http://www.google.com/imgres?q=stick&um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=624&tbm=isch&tbnid=u1nZvrq8U_CKqM:&imgrefurl=http://coseegreatlakes.net/weblog/2006/08/&docid=RTlSD4Psp5cyTM&imgurl=http://coseegreatlakes.net/weblog/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/Jessicas%252520memory%252520stick%252520520.jpg&w=520&h=390&ei=AOOZTtnyIMWhtwfp28XrAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=618&vpy=239&dur=48&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=149&ty=104&sig=112417051918776320194&page=3&tbnh=129&tbnw=173&start=43&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:43
  19. On Friday Microsoft acquired Skype for $8.5 billion. This decision has been in the works since May and was finalized on Friday. Microsoft has already made the decision to have Tony Bates (the CEO of Skype) report directly to Steve Ballmer the head of Microsoft's new Skype division. Skype employes will be kept at their stations throughout the world. The question is now if Microsoft is ready to take on Google whose planned $12.5 billion dollar acquisition of Motorola Mobility will soon put them even farther in the lead in the cell phone market. Microsoft's deal with Skype is supposed to bring an additional 145 million users under Microsoft's net of products. The deal will also provide microsoft with a better presence in the phone market and will also provide a tie in with Facebook. The acquisition has come with praises and complaints. We will have to wait and see how Microsoft will handle it's new presence in these new areas of the digital market. So what do you guys think of this deal?
  20. Vore is a character and not me! Anyway sure I'll watch and might try writing in the future. Also YouTube allows 20 minutes now if I remember correctly.
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