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Everything posted by SuperIntendant

  1. You know so is mine. Now just to turn it on... huh why is there a red dot in the middle of the power button...crap...
  2. This please! I am going to relate to Starcraft 2 again by saying it could work like the Space Battle mod, or maybe like Battle Stations Midway if anyone here has ever played that.
  3. Ok thanks all of you for the fantastic welcome!
  4. Yea that would be a pretty large problem Since I don't mean for the entire multiplayer system to be structured like this that might not happen as much because most of the casual gamers would just go off and play some team slayer. The problem would still exist but it wouldn't happen as often. The main point of this type of system would be to rank the more hardcore and competitive gamers against each other in a more obvious and fair way. It would also hopefully eliminate games where teams are very mismatched in terms of skill level. For example, I normally try to play on the MLG playlist and I get matched against players who have a rank of Nobel or Hero while I am just a Warrant Officer Grade 3, and I get beaten badly. In theory under this ranking system they would be in lets say the Platinum league while I would be in Bronze or Silver. I don't use waypoint that much so I am not familier with that system. I will be sure to check it out though as it sounds pretty good.
  5. But somehow he did get a jetpack...
  6. Ensamble's main money maker was the Age of Empires series and that was knocked out of the market by the Total War sereis and others.
  7. Yea I don't like Arena either. I think what really works about SC2s multiplayer is how simple it is. But that is in part due to the game being on the computer so you can access more information and stats easier. I suppose on a console it would have to work by after every game you play you have an info screen pop up that is designed a bit like this: ---------------------- Your Bronze League standings: Your rank: 117 Your rank has changed: +3 Days reamaning in season: 5 ---------------------- Then you would have additional details online.
  8. I had an idea yesterday and I would love some constructive criticism. How about a ranked playlist that is structured similar to the multiplayer in Starcraft 2. For those of you who have never played Starcraft the online multiplayer is divided into several leagues (Bronze, Silver, Gold, ect.) and there are placement matches to determine which league you are placed into. Of corse there are rankings inside of the leagues as well. I sugest this multiplayer system because it works extremely well in SC2 and I feel that it would be a great edition to the Halo sereis. So what do you guys think?
  9. Hello it's headhunter here! Just wanted to properly introduce myself. I bit about myself I have played since Halo 3 and that game got me hooked on the series and plan on buying every Halo game in the future. That's about it so thanks for welcoming me!
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