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Does anyone actually talk in game?


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I have been playing online for a while now and one thing that I have noticed to be quite common is that most players don't seem to have or care to use Mics. When I play online I ALWAYS have a Mic, though because I have children and my mic seems to pickup butterfly farts from China, I have it Muted most of the time. I listen for in game chatter, and when I have something to say or am being spoken to I will unmute, but most of the time my earpiece is silent. I'm just curious as to ho many people actually have mics and use them? I know that most of the people who have and use their mics do so via Party Chat, but it sucks being the only member of a team not privvy to an invite. How does one discuss stratagies or call out warnings to players without speaking? I kind of wish that 343 had followed Bungie's idea in Halo: Reach of selecting Matchmaking preferences so that a player could filter for other chatty players.

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I always end up with the smack talkers, now I don't mind smack talking as long as its funny, BUT I always get the sore winning smack talkers that teabag the last person they kill then they end up just leaving. Just sad. I will smack talk while I'm playing if I get smack talking thats funny and not just F you...F that....oh that's BS....you're a B****..blah blah. (which is what they majority just end up saying)

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For me, it depends on whether anyone else is using one, and whether I seem like I'd get on with that person. If there's two people on my team talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the game, I won't plug in my mic: same thing if there's somebody who's being abusive or unduly aggressive. If there's people in the game who're chatting about stuff that's actually relevant though (who has what weapons, where enemies are, etc) then I'll more often than not plug in and start communicating. But otherwise, I'm generally pretty quiet.


That said, in custom games or on our community playdates, I not only have a microphone switched on but am physically incapable of shutting up. It's also the same when I'm in matchmaking with other people whom I know, though in those situations I'm normally partied up, so other teammates won't be able to hear me.

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Maybe the other people so called as "randoms" do not care about communication or winning but just playing the game. Halo 3 did have alot more communication going on I'm not sure why, but I'm assuming those were the people that loved halo and died out because they stayed on Halo 3 and/or Halo Reach. If you play alone you will usually be on a team with no mics, but when I'm by myself I invite other that did well on the carnage report to start a team and it would turn out that they had a mic this whole time but did not want to communicate during game. It is weird, it could be possible shyness or something.

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Game needs CASUALS to get things like that going. Online is filled with too many tryhards & overstressed players.


Also the game doesn't encourage talking, since overall game plays too chaotic (spawntimes, sprint, Br/Dmr in every players hands at all times = people have no TIME!) and since callouts for weapons is useless because of drops. Thank awesome designers for that! People came onto the boards day one and nailed all these things 343i didn't discover in like 12 months testing. The irony.

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