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Everything posted by NastyDB8

  1. Can't we ALL just get along?

    1. Harbinger


      Nope fighting to the death is so much more exciting.

  2. I always end up with the smack talkers, now I don't mind smack talking as long as its funny, BUT I always get the sore winning smack talkers that teabag the last person they kill then they end up just leaving. Just sad. I will smack talk while I'm playing if I get smack talking thats funny and not just F you...F that....oh that's BS....you're a B****..blah blah. (which is what they majority just end up saying)
  3. Once I see that happen I just go after one of them : ) and assassinate...then TB them ... hey you wanna play dirty I TB you. : ))
  4. Today is Friday and I will do my best to keep my aim true and level the playing field : )

  5. today I shall be one with my rifle.

  6. yes thank you Vaulting Frog I wasn't sure what it was called. But I mean using it without a Watcher. Ok so for the most part sounds like a no go.
  7. I'm not sure if this has been discussed yet, but any thoughts on possibly having the promethean mini shield used as an Armor ability as oppoesed to the Hard light shield? Pros: Cons: Pros: you would be a little more mobile with ability to return fire while still having the shield up for an alotted time. Cons: broken?!
  8. well being that I only play Regicide..I know I am missing out on the other fun maps. Best or should say favorite (Haven/Abandon) Worst : ( (Solace)
  9. ...This is my bolshot,there are many like it, but this one is mine. My bolshot is my best friend..... lol (Sorry I was just watching Full metaljacket)
  10. Happy Friday!! Today after 6:00pm PST many will fall.......in Halo4 ; )

    1. EliteSniper


      You mean "fall in love" XD

    2. NastyDB8
  11. I assassinated someone in Solace by the golden lift on mid level. They were standing on the edge and after the assassination I gave them the boot to plunge to the bottom : ) ... I felt like Leonitus in 300 where he killed the messenger..."THIS IS SPARTA!!!"
  12. yea having that HUGE marker above your head kinda keeps you on your toes...lol and you are right really good AR users are far and few in between when it comes to winning Regicide with a high plus K/D ratio. I'm ok with AR need more practice but I'm having a heck of alot of fun getting there.
  13. ^ So if someone that uses AR (instead of the favored DMR/BR) and goes 15+ on Haven and wins by 70+ is NOT a good player?!
  14. Just your opinion. I work the AR fav weapon and I work assassinations too and no I don't sit and wait for an assassination to happen, I hunt everyone down that's along my path to the king lol. True story.
  15. yesterday I was an assassination Monster : )

    1. A71william


      On Regicide that's always me...

  16. I came, I saw..and I got whooped this weekend in Halo lol

  17. I never really messed with Autoturrent for me it takes too long to call out if I wanted to quickly disperse it.... I'd rather shoot my hologram out if someone uses autoturrent to keep it busy shooting it in the head instead of me : ) while I destroy the turrent or run around it. Ok here's a loadout I am starting to mess around with thanks to the minimal love shown to Vaulting Frogs use of auto turrent : ) Name: "The Bully" - Primary Weapon: Assault rifle Secondary Weapon: Plasma/Magnum (depending on map) Grenade: Pulse grenade (yes pulse nade, you'd be surprised how well they work when used right.) Armour Ability: Auto turrent Tactical Package: Grenadier Support upgrade: Sensor (because I haven't unlocked any other yet)
  18. ..says the person that plays a first person shooter while killing and assassinating her opponents. LOL!!!
  19. VTEC because I love my Honda...and when VTEC engages WATCHOUT!!
  20. Regicide is my fave of all the game types. It does get kind of annoying when 2 or more players start playing teams in FFA , but oh well I just try to take them all out if I can, LOL!!
  21. sssssshhhhhhhhh......listen.

    1. Zelda


      "Hey! Watch out!" -Navi

  22. I love see so many different playing styles from so many players...here's my personal whcih I believe suits my play style. Name: 'Fool me Once..' - Primary Weapon: Assault rifle Secondary Weapon: Handgun Grenade: Plasma Armour Ability: Hologram Tactical Package: Mobility Support upgrade: Dexterity - Description: Assault rifle my FAV weapon to use personally. Enemies bunched up together battling it out I send my hologram into the mix, confuse them, spray them down with my assault rifle followed by a helpful grenade everybody go bye bye . Use my Hologram to set up my opponent for a "Nasty" assassination. Shoot hologram in one direction enemy follows it I sneak up from behind (Mobility helps with this) and assassinate.... usually by the time they realize it's a hologram I am already behind them getting the assassination. Hologram as defense.... 1 v 1 me and opponent in a gun fight I can use my hologram as a temp shield,decoy and go around holo and light up my opponent or an elbow, So many uses for the hologram I love it. Dexterity for me helps out ALOT for the quick reload with assault rifle and the handgun I know there are better weapons to use but it gives me enough range for MY game style to get some distance shots.
  23. I'm itching to play Halo4 : )

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