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Halo 4 devs speak out against sexism - Lifetime Ban

Cassandra Saturn

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What a crock. Sounds like KiKi woke up on the wrong side of the bed. People hit on my wife when we play Halo 4 all the time. Do I get bent out of shape because people THINK she's a girl and wanna somehow digitally hook up? Pfft propostrous.


Pretty sure sexism doesn't get worse than teabagging. But they wanna go on a ban hammer route to take away something that's been going on since before they even were working Halo. This is absolutely stupid.


If I was permanently banned for teabagging or saying something mildly sexist after reading the **** people send my wife? I'd save up money and buy a new playstation and never look back on the hundreds of dollars they are missing out on for having some stupid mission to ban something that doesn't even hold a candle to the real problems.


Even if they don't do anything 343i as a company has lost tremendous respect from me for voicing an opinion on such a trivial matter. The things they publicly cry about... Just wow... I'm speechless.

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Guy's, sexism is a pretty serious matter and you should not bash 343i or Microsoft for wanting to do something to prevent it. Whether it is the most important problem in society right now is a different matter. I can tell you that you don't really have to worry about potentially getting banned for T-bagging because 343i (and therefore) Microsoft supported that gesture by way of adding a Mantis crouch and the Holo-bag Easter Egg.

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Guy's, sexism is a pretty serious matter and you should not bash 343i or Microsoft for wanting to do something to prevent it. Whether it is the most important problem in society right now is a different matter. I can tell you that you don't really have to worry about potentially getting banned for T-bagging because 343i (and therefore) Microsoft supported that gesture by way of adding a Mantis crouch and the Holo-bag Easter Egg.


Along with homophobia and many other things. If they are are going to speak out against sexism they should speak out against everything not just one thing. It makes it seem as if sexism is more important than other issues. And a life time ban is harsh the worse it gets is random people screaming into their mics. Anyone can file a complaint and mute.

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Along with homophobia and many other things. If they are are going to speak out against sexism they should speak out against everything not just one thing. It makes it seem as if sexism is more important than other issues. And a life time ban is harsh the worse it gets is random people screaming into their mics. Anyone can file a complaint and mute.


Yeah but think of it this way... 343i and Microsoft are trying to take a stand on a serious matter. They could NOT be taking any stand on ANYTHING which is obviously worse.


I might get some hate for saying this next thing but It's the truth. This is kind of like a very rich man donating 5 million dollars to a charity, and getting bashed because he didn't donate more which he obviously could afford. The problem with this is that that man donated more then all of the haters combined donated.


Should this be opened up to homophobic and racist remarks? Yes. But should we insult 343i for trying to fix one part of the problem (an un-fixable problem I might add)? No... And just because the problem isn't fixable doesn't necessarily mean that 343i shouldn't punish for it and thereby discourage it.

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I'd have to agree with others and say a lifetime ban is pretty extreme. sexism happens on Xbox live, just as it does in every other aspect of life. ya can't get someone arrested for making a sexist comment at a bar, you just walk away and ignore em if you don't like it.


besides, where exactly is the line drawn of how sexist is too sexist? what if I'm playin oddball and tell a teammate "you throw like a girl"? does that mean I get a lifetime ban?

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What? Halo 4 is a broken half assed piece of turd? Nahhh... it's fine we have better things to do.. Oh wait, someone made a sexists comment?!? ban them!!! Lets get on this and give it full studio and marketing/publication support!


Yeah they have nothing better to do than be interviewed and track with laser vision...the out of control sexists comments on Live? There are literally hundreds of things they could be doing instead to improve the game. And Live behavior isn't one of them.

That is the best comment I have ever seen.

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really sad on there part lifetime ban? LOL. your playing a game you know what your going to get when you deal with a online community thats why you have the option to Unplug your mic ,mute Or Block the person this is such a silly issue because there is already a way to fix it, it just takes people to be intellegent and realize if some 14 year old kid is hurting your feelings when hes across the world its best to just block him if you can't handle his immature words degrade your consale to a n64 or something.

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really sad on there part lifetime ban? LOL. your playing a game you know what your going to get when you deal with a online community thats why you have the option to Unplug your mic ,mute Or Block the person this is such a silly issue because there is already a way to fix it, it just takes people to be intellegent and realize if some 14 year old kid is hurting your feelings when hes across the world its best to just block him if you can't handle his immature words degrade your consale to a n64 or something.


We don't agree on anything ever Tornado Flame... BUT THIS NEXT PART NEEDS TO BE IN CAPS! 100% THIS THIS THIS! NAIL ON THE HEAD SIR, YOU NAILED IT.

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Yeah but think of it this way... 343i and Microsoft are trying to take a stand on a serious matter. They could NOT be taking any stand on ANYTHING which is obviously worse.


I might get some hate for saying this next thing but It's the truth. This is kind of like a very rich man donating 5 million dollars to a charity, and getting bashed because he didn't donate more which he obviously could afford. The problem with this is that that man donated more then all of the haters combined donated.


Should this be opened up to homophobic and racist remarks? Yes. But should we insult 343i for trying to fix one part of the problem (an un-fixable problem I might add)? No... And just because the problem isn't fixable doesn't necessarily mean that 343i shouldn't punish for it and thereby discourage it.


I see the picture you are painting and I agree with the donation part. But 343i has so much on their plate do you really think sexism is something they should be concerned about atm? And the thing is there are measures for people to not listen to haters. Why do people sit there and listen to someone talk trash?


They have two options

A ) Talk trash back (pointless as we all know)

B ) Mute and be done with it


People are not defenseless when it comes to being bothered online. And the fact is people will abuse this lifetime ban to get at people they dont like.

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I see the picture you are painting and I agree with the donation part. But 343i has so much on their plate do you really think sexism is something they should be concerned about atm? And the thing is there are measures for people to not listen to haters. Why do people sit there and listen to someone talk trash?


They have two options

A ) Talk trash back (pointless as we all know)

B ) Mute and be done with it


People are not defenseless when it comes to being bothered online. And the fact is people will abuse this lifetime ban to get at people they dont like.


They probably won't ban any body for this over the course of the game... but just the threat of doing it will have an impact on people.

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They probably won't ban any body for this over the course of the game... but just the threat of doing it will have an impact on people.


both parts are very true


I see the picture you are painting and I agree with the donation part. But 343i has so much on their plate do you really think sexism is something they should be concerned about atm? And the thing is there are measures for people to not listen to haters. Why do people sit there and listen to someone talk trash?


They have two options

A ) Talk trash back (pointless as we all know)

B ) Mute and be done with it


People are not defenseless when it comes to being bothered online. And the fact is people will abuse this lifetime ban to get at people they dont like.

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