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Everything posted by PureNomad

  1. Really glad about that, I really wanted the forest skin but as far as I could tell no UK retailer offered it.
  2. Is that confirmed ? I'll be honest I'm mighty pissed off the LE package is much slimmer than what I had originally thought, the least they could have done is give us FUD, its behind the scenes feature and that making of Halo 4 on DVD. There's zero point streaming it for me, like already mentioned if I wanted it streamed I could have just watched the waypoint youtube clips seperate. I would have probably downgraded and bought the SE and UNSC controller for around the same price as the LE, and picked up the retail map pass to get those extra helmets and emblem at a later date when the 1st pack is released. But I've regrettably already paid for it.
  3. I went with BOTH, spartan ops seems like a great idea episodic content for lone or co-op teams. But seems such a shame we had to lose FF for it, as it was great fun clearing waves of covenant. Plus we don't yet know if SO will last after s1 or if its actually worth playing.
  4. Yeah I sort of wish it was a case of we could have had both spartan ops and firefight, shame FF was dropped. I'm curious on the spartan ops d/l sizes as I've not got a great deal of HD space. Looks great though love the idea it includes 5 missions per episode and features new cutscenes. P.S. The guys who are unhappy at not having xbl for spartan ops, are going to be really peeved at the fact the campaigns terminals are only accessible via waypoint and not played from the game disc.
  5. I'm just annoyed I've already paid for LE, I would have been wiser to buy standard and spend the extra on one of the new unsc blue led xbox pads. Then get the war maps DLC pass when the maps come out, and get the exclusive skins that come with that. Least then I'd have had something to show for my money, unlike now when nothing is really LIMITED in the LIMITED edition.
  6. Limited Edition Contents War Games Map Packs: The Limited Edition includes access to nine maps - three future competitive multiplayer map packs, each including three locations, available for download post-launch on Xbox LIVE. Specializations: Receive launch day access to six Specializations, available on Xbox LIVE, and use them, one at a time, to achieve higher ranks in your Spartan career. In addition to gaining access to new ranks, Specializations unlock new customization options.1 The Special Edition of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, a 90-minute extended version of the live-action digital series which will take fans back to the terrifying beginning of the Human/Covenant war, when the Master Chief inspired a young cadet who would become a leader aboard the UNSC’s greatest vessel ever: the UNSC Infinity. Digital Content also included: Bonus in-fiction bonus content expanding the characters and stories of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Special Featurette: Bringing Gaming into Reality Making of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Digital Content through Xbox LIVE Unique In-Game Emblem//Prime UNSC Assault Rifle Skin//Prime In-game Spartan-IV Armor and Skin//Recruit Armor with Prime Skin Avatar Prop//Cryotube2 1 1Avatar Costume//Recruit Armor3 1 ______________________________________________________________________ Well about the FUD issue, its clearly shown in the original marketing before it comes to the DIGITAL DOWNLOADS segment, so its DECEPTIVE MARKETING. Only the WAR GAMES MAPS are still included in that 1st segment now. Way to falsely advertise things and shaft the people who are spending the most on the game.
  7. I just recently replayed the campaign, purely for fun. And got playing mp a little again. I'm still only Noble so doubt I'll ever reach Inheritor (maybe if I'd not taken 6-7 months out). Possible I'll go back if people can see my Reach stats and status within 4. I hate my lousy 0.9 kill ratio (due to so many objective games I die loads). It'd look cool to have reached one of the top tier ranks too. But like I said if none of this shows within 4 then I'll probably never play Reach again.
  8. Yeah UK so can't get it either, anyone hear of EU promo skin sales or code offers please shout about them. I was gutted my we didn't have the forest camo skin pre-order bonus here in the UK, least I didn't notice a chain doing it. I ended up with with that gold spider skin from amazon which looks kinda crappy. but could be better in game than paper
  9. I've got a feeling LE will be more than back in stock when fans hear about how much of the original content isn't actually going to be included i.e. the 90 minute FUD is only a stream not a DVD and the early specializations are now being offered to SE users who play before 30th on November, so those have been taken away as well. For what you get I'd stick with the SE and buy the retail wargames maps pass when dlc starts to surface it works out 15$/£10 cheaper. With the LE you're basically getting pointless exclusive stuff now like an armour & ar skin, avatar junk, a pamphlet, 2 mock schematic prints and that sexy steelbook case.
  10. I've just found out the included extended FUD is just a stream, not a physical hard copy, such a cheap marketing ploy. Its bad enough marketing the game having specializations that by the time we come to use them, so will SE players (not that game changing perks should ever be given to one set of players and not the others but they shouldn't have been marketed as being for LE early access) The LE was deceptive marketed to hard core fans, it offers almost nothing physically extra for your money, than buying the SE +retail war games pass (even retail dlc pass gets skins we don't). I'm in a few gaming communities and they're all up in arms over how dire the LE is (shame I've already paid for mine or I'd have downgraded) I'm sure LE copies will be filling store sales bins over the Xmas period faster than HD-DVD movies did. You'd think in a week 343i have had bad luck with the game leaking online, least they could have done is support their fans who are paying for their costly not so special now edition, instead of taking away the things we thought were getting. I mean whats the point in owning a streaming link to FUD we might as well just watch the waypoint & youtube posts of it.
  11. Same here I only need Endure & Deja Vu then I've got the game to 1000g's, add me 'PureNomad' if your making a group.
  12. Sure its real, all the halo 4 panels at halo fest or various other games cons wouldn't be fake. I'm just a touch curious why more game details haven't leaked or even the odd pre alpha screenshot. My slight worry is if for any reason they get a delay for their planned fall 2012 release, Microsoft wouldn't hold it back even further and use it as a launch title for the 720 (which is rumored to be 2 years away), I mean it would in truth be such a nice cherry to have as a launch title, but us fans want it as soon as possible, so fingers crossed that November'ish time next year we'll all be falling over ourselves at how many units Halo 4 sold and how its become the new benchmark in fps games.
  13. I was expecting the thread to be a little broader like what things make you love the game, like the sublime player physics or truly epic Marty O'donnell soundtracks. From the choices I went with match making and team slayer, but since they've included headlong I've been loving btb including any ctf objectives they have for it. I would still put Invasion as my fave mode, trouble is it gets dull running same maps all the time, shame headlong never had a its own invasion mode.
  14. haha why can't all my targets look like that when I get a sniper. Thats actually the first armor I want to unlock when I get 4, all you can really say is godbless cosplay freaks, they make picture hosting sites worth browsing.
  15. Remember it helping me out on the torturously hard flood level Cortana, during my legendary run. Brute Shot I'd like to see return or some weapon that works both ranged or melee.
  16. "Aww, did I kill your little buddy? Even though they was pretty much ammo waste I'd miss grunts most as well, just that burst effect when they die is one of the games most rewarding moments. I'd like to think if 343 do include new enemy, we'll at least see firefight modes with covenant & flood or make the game a multi act campaign and give them an act each.
  17. One change I'd really like to see included with 4 is a more scaled co-op mode, maybe even include the odd extra ai enemy that requires teamwork to beat. I guess it'd be like an hunter but much tougher so one player would need to attract its attention while the other attacks from behind. I'm thinking of something along the lines of the Crawmarax encounter in Borderlands which was next to impossible to beat on 2nd playthrough solo depending on the class you picked. Maybe even create an whole level exclusive to co-op where one member would have to clear respawning enemy while the other player runs through to activate spawn stopping terminals. Or a Maw like level that would be impossible without a team mate on the hog, wraith or scorpion.
  18. I agree to a certain extent but come on how much fun would Forza 4 have been with the warthog if it had been drivable in the game. I'd love to demolish hordes of zombies with a gravity hammer who knows with Certain Affinity's link to both Left 4 Dead and Halo maybe they could be granted one item as a tribute weapon to Halo.
  19. You get a lot of game for your money, and I'd recommend it. But its far too easy, even when playing on master setting, you never really feel your being tested, Take Halo CEA cheevo wise you had to work for some, like the library in under 30 min one. That gave you a sense of achievement, Skyrim just felt like they're given without a challenge the only hard one was the thieves guild purely because its scripted so bad you never got the random quests to cities you needed. P.S. I think Bethesda need to get their act together when it comes to testing as well, shipping a game with problems like textures not showing when installed to xbox hd's or crashing when played for a duration on the ps3 is pretty shoddy, especially for a game they've spent 4 years making and thats supposedly sold 10 million copies. moaning aside its still probably best game of the year, the environments & dragons look as good as anything I've ever seen in any game.
  20. Agree even though I'm a fan its so outdated, as for paying I play on a private server purely because its a game I drop in and out of and wouldn't warrant paying for an whole month if I only play 1 or 2 nights. Diablo III is what will rocket me back to paying Blizard their month fee.
  21. I never got defiant or noble packs and recently since having ce:a I've unlocked 3 cheevos from them
  22. Its odd because you never see yourself unless your in an open vehicle or being assassinated. That said I've used pestilence for ages now, just because its the highest one I've unlocked.
  23. They haven't totally forgotten swat in CE:A, I played a game in headlong last night that was great fun, the map really suits it. Agree of the 15 or so BTB games I did play that was the only time I noticed it as an option, and surprisingly a good 6 players chose it. I'd guess timberland would be a great swat map as well given all the tree cover and two bases. In fairness to 343 I don't blame them not adding a self contained swat playlist, as I don't think it'd have the userbase from 2 maybe 3 maps to warrant it existing, at least its a chance to roll in BTB.
  24. Got my pre-order grunt skull and chief armor but oddly the avatar setup doesn't seem to want to save my current outfit with my final ever 7-7 bungie day charity t-shirt. When I try save it, it makes a strange whoop sound, and I can't see the actual t-shirt in my to pick options, even though my avatar is wearing it. If I wear my chief armor will I lose my bungie shirt ? Looked in my avatar item downloads and my t-shirt isn't listed, but I'm wearing it. Has microsoft removed it or something ? People online can still see me wearing it. I guess another question is, If it is removed from further use, is it worth wearing my shiny new MJOLNIR MK IV armor or stick with an item I'll never be able to get again, that I can never change or will lose ? P.S. really nice job on the game 343, not actually played it yet just sat at the titles loving the music and clicking the awesome back button feature. Thats such a great concept.
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