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Connor Kenway

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Status Updates posted by Connor Kenway

  1. WATCH_DOGS released 6 months ago today.

  2. Gonna be much less active here without a phone since my PC is broke too :c

  3. Gonna be much less active here without a phone since my PC is broke too :c

  4. My iPhone decided to kill itself on me so... thats fun now I'm without a phone :D

    1. Ardent Prayer
    2. BerriesBoo


      My iPhone still lives after 2 years.

  5. Azy and Austin, since you guys are the major ladies men on the forum I was wondering if I could have advice plox

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GryffinGuy007


      Don't ask me for lady advice, lmao. I've been in barely any relationships xD

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Of all the people you call ladies man its Azaxx and Austin?


      Sweet compliment

    4. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Im the Lady killer here!

  6. So, apparently I'm the new fad at a Canadian highschool my name is everywhere like the toilets the text books I'm everywhere!

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Is that good or bad?

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Aye, I be wondering that as well.

    3. Sadly Just AL
  7. Besides my lack of a pre order bonus Assassin's Creed Rogue is fantastic

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      You're goodies went rogue.

  8. Just gotta do my History exam then I can pick up Rogue coincidence?


  10. AC Rogue releases here tomorrow #Excited

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Wow... You're cool.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I know I'm pretty... chill.

    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Oh ho ho, no need to get all hot and heavy.

  11. Shay Patrick Cormac= best AC character to date he has fantastic quotes!

  12. 1st exam tomorrow Science/ Genetics and Chemistry so freakin nervous

    1. Azaxx


      I have my Electromag/Modern Physics tomorrow also.

      Good luck with yours.

    2. Helix Amell

      Helix Amell

      Goodluck, Mereel.

    3. Ranger Intel
  13. Last day of school today and then it's nothing but study and exams until the 24th

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Wing it.

      That's what I do. :)

  14. OMG I am in love with the AC Rogue main theme

    1. EliteSniper


      Sounds really good. It's like a mix of AC2, Ac3 and the ambient music from Black Flag!

  15. Apparently GM is British and not American

    1. The Director

      The Director

      You mean General Motors? Because it's a multinational corporation headquartered in Detroit.

  16. I'm gonna miss this place.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      You can't leave. I'm pregnant and you're the father.

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Axilus my exams last 3 weeks I'm not gonna skip out on studying.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Studying and having time for things like this place aren't mutually exclusive. Unless you're trying for a doctorate, or something.

  17. *sigh* November the month of big game releases and... exams

  18. I have come to realise that Caboose is that MoreConsole guy

  19. Well my friend is getting a titanium plate in his ear to replace the bone as his ear drum retracted an rubbed on the bone so much the bone basically isn't there anymore

    1. Ranger Intel
    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Sounds like it might be a very painful procedure

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Oh man, hope he's alright. :c


      Give hime my condolences. :3


  21. Who remembers watching this for the first time back in 2011?

    1. rrhuntington


      Yeah. I got about 27 different messages on Xbox live about the trailer.

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