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Connor Kenway

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Everything posted by Connor Kenway

  1. I just dropped from 23 awards to 19 so guess I'm now eligible for Inheritor
  2. I'm assuming Helping Hand isn't part of the new Awards so I guess I'm eligible for Inheritor? but its nice to see the awards getting a common design theme to them so its nice, pertty and organized good job SD!
  3. Ubisoft Australia saving the day, already better than the official Support.

  4. Hey, it isn't a defect as Locke can be both Helmeted and Helmetless thats why he comes headless so don't panic everything is fine. here's proof of the Alt head which is in a compartment on the base of the statue.
  5. So Mods, when are ye going to tell us about the new award designs that have appeared?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      In due time. Things will look neater and discrepancies will be resolved, you have my word.

    3. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      If only you knew what the art dept has coming for you.

    4. Fishy


      As soon as Halo Wars is backwards compatible.

  6. This'll be my last weekend before Halo 5's launch if any of you want to hang since next weekend I'll be in the North Island seeing my Grandmother for what might be the last time.

    1. Azaxx


      You mean second last weekend. The game doesn't come out for two weeks still.

    2. Maestro


      "...since next weekend I'll be in the North Island..."

  7. Here's the REQ card image for the Vengeance Assault Rifle skin (yes I know it says Battle Rifle but MS stuffed up on the Halo 5 Experience site) Edit:
  8. Star Wars Battlefront is visually AMAZING and the audio is 10/10

    1. joshyzburton


      What about gameplay?

  9. I actually decided to beat News Team to the Article! (Sorry EK love you http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/41653-far-cry-primal-announced/?view=getnewpost

  10. Hey guys so Ubisoft has announced the latest installment in the Far-Cry Franchise, although this game will be quite different hence why its not called 'Far-Cry 5' instead of taking place in our modern times as per the norm Far-Cry Primal will be taking place during the Stone Age which is an Era that isn't very common in Games these days. Primal will be set in a Location called Oros where you play as Takkar a sole survivor of his hunting group after an ambush and he will try to reunite his tribe. "The Stone Age is the perfect settng for a Far Cry game" says Jean-Christophe Guyot, Creative Director at Ubisoft as in a way the Stone Age is the very first frontier for Man Kind when we were still climbing the food chain. Ubisoft was even so kind as to release 2 videos regarding the announcement of Far Cry Primal, both of which can be viewed below: Trailer: Behind the Scenes: Far Cry Primal will be releasing February 23rd 2016 on Xbox One and PS4 and will release on PC in March 2016. What are your thoughts on Far Cry Primal having a quicker dev cycle than previous games which usually came out every 3 years do you think its a bit soon for a new Far Cry with Far Cry 4 only being released last November? let me know below folks! Source:http://blog.ubi.com/far-cry-primal-announced/
  11. Well since everyone above me is so eager to see Axil do H5 Laso why don't we buy him an Xbox One? Congrats Axilius 'ol chum oh and by the by that very specific PM we have, it'll be starting up again next week with the new Season P.S do not like this post Axilus please same with the rest of you! I want to keep my like count the way it is
  12. wait, I'm on the Top 10? surely Yoshi didn't choose me after all our banter over the last 2 weeks oh and by the by Yosh, 49'ers still smell
  13. Halo 5 Custom Games capped at 16 players, so does this mean no Warzone in Custom Games I wonder

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Warzone is Warzone and can't happen anywhere else. 16 players is self explanatory.

    2. BaconShelf


      Warzone cannot be forged or customed. We've known this for months

    3. Azaxx


      Big Team exists for a reason. If you want to jump into Warzone with friends, you can do that with the new party update the xbox one is getting, updating to 12 people.

  14. Mayh3m if its possible can you please perma-ban Yoshi for saying Tom Brady and the Gronk suck

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yoshi1176


      San Francisco > Pats > Everyone else > Seahawks

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      49ers had a great game yesterday eh Yoshi?

    4. Yoshi1176


      We had a lapse of judgement, but hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  15. Found out about a movie coming out next month, but I can't see it because I'm under 18 ;-;

  16. I'll be away for 3 days as I'll be on Senior Leadership camp, try not to have too much fun

  17. Hey guys! EA/Dice have announced the Star Wars Battlefront beta which is going to be available in early October! The Beta will be available on Xbox One,PS4 and Origin for PC. What will be available in the Battlefront beta? Walker Assault on Hoth which will be a 20v20 game type Also a co-op mission set on Tatooine will be available, but wait there's more! The beta will be the first opportunity to play a new game type called Drop Zone they'll be talking more about Drop Zone in the coming weeks. Also as a part of the Beta there will be a Star Wars Battlefront Companion "the Star Wars Battlefront Companion experience features the strategic card game Base Command, and lets you earn in-game Credits that unlock Star Cards, weapons, and more in Star Wars Battlefront. In addition to Base Command, the Companion also lets Rebels and Imperials alike check game stats and progression, customize load-outs and appearance, connect with friends, and get notified when they’re playing Star Wars Battlefront – as well as gather intel on their stats and progression so you can see how you match up! The Star Wars Battlefront Companion will be available on web and in the Apple App Store™ and Google Play™" So what are your thoughts on Battlefront getting a beta? are you going to play it to decide whether you'll buy the game or not? comment below! Source: http://starwars.ea.com/starwars/battlefront/news/star-wars-battlefront-beta-announce
  18. Time goes to this place called Time Summer camp that is eternal and every second, minute, hour etc goes to hang out with their fellow time beings Congrats to those who made the list! also this has got to be a false list! shouldn't it be like this? Fish Follower FishyFiend Fishy Xiao Long Fisham FishFishhuntington Fishy Soul Fishbis Fishmas FISHMAN Fishpen9
  19. So uh, at work last night I saw MGS V on shelves, I think someone didn't get the memo about it releasing Sep 1st

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Awww man. Its only two more days...

  20. I'll be doing a Mad Max stream on Sep 2nd (1st for you northern hemisphere peoples)

    1. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Eewww... How would you buy that and not MGS V?

  21. Your name is Chris? D: I could have sworn it was Oliver last time I checked! (all DC references aside) Welcome to the forums bruv
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