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Connor Kenway

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Status Updates posted by Connor Kenway

  1. So um, Halo Wars 1 has a 4.85gb patch why? I mean I know theres bugs etc but why that large?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Halo 5 is the same though a few REQs and maps and the size is gigantic like what do they include Frank O'Connors original hair or something? xD


    3. Fishy


      Halo Wars 1 got it's online patch. So I believe matchmaking is working, as well as a few bugs. (Like crashing) Also, X1 games are bigger than on 360. For example, 360 Aegis wing is 60MB. Xbox One is 800MB.

    4. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Yeah I know they're larger but when Ubi patches major issues in something like Rainbow Six they're nowhere near that large

  2. So, apparently I have fictophelia

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I don't know what that is, but I know I'll be "Putin" over on the commode for a bit.

    2. rrhuntington


      He may want to Cri Mea river.

  3. So, apparently I'm the new fad at a Canadian highschool my name is everywhere like the toilets the text books I'm everywhere!

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Is that good or bad?

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Aye, I be wondering that as well.

    3. Sadly Just AL
  4. So, it turns out Mothman and I are brothers the more you know

    1. Mothy


      I would like to add were not actually related, my ancestors would never mate with the filthy mud-slinging creatures you call your family.

  5. so.... apparently there is a user named Galen Marek so I can't change my name.... searched it up and there is no such member.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      @Zelda I will ask the mighty Azaxx

      @Ranger447 its taken

    3. Azaxx


      PM GSD or Redstar to change your name.

    4. Connor Kenway
  6. Some dude in my class asked the teacher why the snake on a poster in our class has legs ....my teacher laughed and said you might want to go back to year 9 cause it was a lizard

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Your teacher is right.

  7. Sorry Church, turns out Azaxx is my father

  8. Spirit of Fire is confirmed to return Halo Escalation #6 The saga of Halo Wars enters the modern age as Infinity struggles to liberate the long-lost Spirit of Fire from the deadly Vata 'Gajat. Meanwhile, Petra's search for the identity of Infinity's spy could result in her death. The Halo universe is on the brink of a new galactic war!

    1. rrhuntington


      Haha! Cutter's making a comeback!

    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Ship from 30 years in the past, still has equal level tech.

    3. Drizzy_Dan
  9. Star Wars Battlefront is visually AMAZING and the audio is 10/10

    1. joshyzburton


      What about gameplay?

  10. Steam Summer sale: AC 2,3 and Revelations :D

  11. Steam Summer sale... Far Cry franchise maybe?

    1. Sikslik7


      Far Cry 3 is today


    2. Coldfreeze


      which is the superior on to 2 but the lesser to one

    3. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      I know it's on sale don't know if I should get it though

  12. Still no Warface beta key :'(

    1. Mr Biggles

      Mr Biggles

      You aren't missing out on much :P

    2. GryffinGuy007
  13. Stop calling Yang 'chestnut' guys seriously

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Akali


      To clarify yes I did tell Scorch to post it since I wasn't going to because I felt uncomfortable posting it so don;t give Scorch hassle about it please

    3. Twinreaper


      Just curious here, when did he start gwtting called chestnut and why? I havent seem him called this?

    4. Akali


      It's a few members around but now it's spreading

  14. Such Summer Sale Much Deals wow!

  15. Surgery was um fun I guess?

  16. That Flash Season 1 Mid Season finale though

  17. That moment where you can run a game on high but you can't run the CGI Cutscenes ;-;

  18. that moment you message your ex after ghosting them and not talking to them for 18 months :c

    1. Pbrabbit


      I know those feels

    2. Azaxx


      That moment when you've never had an ex.

  19. The city is in chaos. We must turn the tide we may be different, with different skills. But when the world is darkest we fight for the same cause. For we are stronger as a brotherhood. Together.

    1. EliteSniper


      Freedom! Equality! Brotherhood!

    2. Composite Armour
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